Chapter 364 Terrorist Creature Attacks Dragon Palace 3 (Second!)

“Why did this group of king squid race come here?”

Wang Xian frowned slightly, and looked at the king squid at twenty or thirty kilometers away with a look of surprise on his face.

The central location is a twelfth-level king squid, with five eleventh-levels on both sides, and the rest are all tenth-level.

“It just so happened that after the aurora jellyfish died just now, the dragon qi disappeared without even getting a bit of dragon qi. Now these dozens of king squids can bring a lot of dragon qi to themselves.”

Wang Xian showed an eager look on his face.

This is the Dragon Palace, which is the territory of the Dragon King. Fighting within a radius of 20 kilometers from the Dragon Palace, all Dragon Palace members will have a 50% increase.

Moreover, in addition to this, fighting around the Dragon Palace has another advantage, restoring speed.

Whether it is energy recovery or injury recovery, it will be much faster than other places.

An increase of 50% is already very much for Wang Xian.

“Go out and hunt them all!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and as soon as he moved his figure, he was about to leave the position of Simon.


However, at the moment when Wang Xian’s figure moved, a series of roars suddenly came in front of the north gate.

The dense roar, shaking a radius of tens of kilometers.

A strong stream of water rushed in the direction of Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, frowned, and immediately looked in the direction of the north gate.

Sharks, a group of huge and terrifying sharks.

“It’s the Megalodon race!”

Wang Xian’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank, the megalodon race.

A few days ago, when Wang Xian and Prime Minister Turtle selected the site for the construction of the Dragon Palace, they also encountered this terrifying megalodon race.

The entire megalodon race, with two twelfth-level existences, and a group of eleventh-level megalodons, is a relatively powerful race.

“Oh oh oh!”

Another voice came with an aura of horror.

Wang Xian’s face changed, and he quickly looked towards the location of the northeast, a group of at least forty or fifty terrifying creatures.

The whole body is pitch black, and he is still wearing a armor on the boat, especially the head armor in his mouth is superfluous, which looks terrifying.

“This… Deng’s fish, all of them are innate and even stronger Deng’s fish!”

Wang Xian’s face slowly became embarrassed.

However, all of this is not over yet, there are hundreds of two-meter-sized strange shrimps.

More than twenty terrifying sea pythons.

And the swordfish that exudes metallic luster.

There are even thousands of class eight and nine wing-leg horseshoe crabs, and thousands of strange fish schools of class eight and nine.

Slowly, within ten minutes, four or five thousand terrifying creatures gathered around.

Each of them exudes an aura of terror.


A group of terrifying sharks shook their huge figure, looking in the direction of Dragon Palace.

The eyes of the megalodon and one-eyed sharks headed by sharks glowed with fiery luster.

They can feel that here is more energy than their territory, making them feel very comfortable, and they want to take this place as their own.

The megalodon and the one-eyed shark roared, leading a group of sharks directly towards the Dragon Palace.


When they rushed to the top of the Dragon Palace, they were suddenly blocked by a powerful defense.

The megalodon and the one-eyed shark shook their huge heads and stared at the location in front of them, with a puzzled look in their eyes.


The two sharks roared again, and this time, all the sharks behind them slammed away with them.


However, the defense of the dragon formation once again caused them to be dizzy, opening their mouths and eyes with a sorrowful look.

Not only the Megalodon race, but the Deng’s fish, which is like a war machine, also hit with a strong body at the same time.

Dozens of Deng’s fish swooped towards the Dragon Palace and slammed into the dragon formation with a loud noise.

“Papa Papa!”

The huge king squid stretched out their long tentacles and slapped towards the dragon formation, making a clear sound.

However, under the attack of powerful races, the dragon formation only caused ripples.

“How come so many powerful submarine races come to Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian looked at the thousands of terrifying races around, among them, there were seven or eight creatures of level twelve.

In addition, there are more creatures at level 11, thirty or forty.

There are hundreds of innate-level creatures.

One body exuded a terrifying power, and one after another wanted to enter the Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian’s face was very embarrassed, and his mind kept flickering.

“It should have been too loud when the Dragon Palace was built, and the two horrible energy vortices attracted them!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart and took a deep breath.

“Thank you for being guarded by the dragon formation!”

The dragon formation can withstand the attacks of forces below level twelve, and the twelfth level or lower includes the twelfth level.

The surrounding creatures can’t break the defense of the dragon formation.

Unless they can come in from the position of the gantry.

But the Dragon Gate is set by the Dragon Palace’s selection of outstanding members. To break through the Dragon Gate, one must have extraordinary wisdom, talent, and blood.

It is very difficult for this group of creatures to enter through the dragon gate.


When Wang Xian breathed a sigh of relief while looking at the surroundings, a terrifying roar came.

This roar was full of endless majesty, full of terrifying coercion.

This voice sounded, and all the creatures around, all the races gave a slight pause.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

All races, powerful creatures, looked towards the east.

At the east gate of the dragon gate, no creatures have appeared.

Now, a behemoth swam slowly over.

The real behemoth is more than ten meters larger than the biggest creature here.

That terrifying figure, four huge wings, slightly moved, the surrounding sea water churned violently.

It came from ancient times like a king, with a wild and heavy aura on its body.


When Wang Xian saw the terrifying monster, his face was shocked.

“Shanglong, the thirteenth-level dragon!”

Wang Xian let out a low roar, his face quickly became embarrassed, the thirteenth-level dragon, this is a thirteenth-level creature.

Wang Xian is currently a seventh-level dragon, the pure bloodline of the dragon, the most peak bloodline in the universe, and it can leapfrog the fifth-level against ordinary creatures.

But even at level 5, it can only fight against creatures at level 12, and now there is a terrifying existence at level 13.

“Why… how can such a terrifying existence be attracted over!”

Deep jealousy flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, staring at Shanglong closely.

The upper dragon’s wings stirred slightly, and instantly appeared above the dragon palace.

It glanced at all the creatures of the race around it.

Even the one-eyed shark as strong as the megalodon and the terrifying Deng’s fish also flashed a trace of fear.

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