Chapter 362 Terrorist Creature Attacks Dragon Palace 1 (Fifth!)

“A thousand innate weapons, and that second-level big formation, I have never heard of it!”

“As for the spirit-level metal and materials, the spirit-level metal itself has one thing now, that is, Ao Qitian’s stick, which weighs 500 kilograms!”

“In addition, there is that terrifying spirit stone. Every building needs one hundred thousand spirit stones. There are so many spirit stones on the whole earth?”

Wang Xian’s face was slightly embarrassed, but when he swept across the Dragon Palace in front of him, he left these things behind, and returned to the position of the Dragon King Palace with excitement on his face.


However, when he just swam down, he suddenly felt a strong resistance, and this resistance actually leaned Wang Xian’s body toward the back.

“Uh, I forgot the effect of the dragon formation!”

Wang Xian was slightly embarrassed, the first-level dragon formation had two formations, the gathering formation, and the waters!

Waters can resist creatures below level twelve from entering it.

Now that the formation has been opened, even if it is Wang Xian, he can only enter through the Dragon Gate if he wants to enter.

Dragon Gate, creatures below level twelve can only jump over the Dragon Gate if they want to enter it. If they jump over the Dragon Gate, it means that this creature has the bloodline of a dragon, or possesses a powerful bloodline or talent.

The dragon gate is a talent for screening a lot of creatures, but the first-level dragon gate is only effective for creatures below level twelve, and those above level twelve can directly enter by virtue of their strength.

In addition, as the dragon king, Wang Xian can also designate creatures to pass through the dragon gate.

Came to a dragon gate to the east, the dragon gate of the dragon palace, one hundred meters high and two hundred meters wide, is extremely magnificent.

Wang Xian crossed the Dragon Gate with a hint of excitement.

Behind him, a group of Dragon Palace subordinates looked excited, and followed Wang Xian as if worshipping.

Here, in the future will be their home and their territory.

All Dragon Palace members have the blood of Wang Xian and are not blocked by the Dragon Gate.

Entering the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian looked at the hundred-meter-high pillars around him, and the dragons of various attributes were entrenched.

Even with his seven-meter figure, he felt very shocked.

On both sides, a hundred-meter mountain peaks were moved to both sides, with various corals growing on them, very beautiful.

The only regret is that many peaks are just decorations, and only two peaks have been transformed into dragon caves.

The ground of the Dragon Palace was a solid stone, and Wang Xian’s heart moved into a human form.

After becoming a human, the entire Dragon Palace became more majestic and huge, shocking people’s hearts.

This is definitely the most majestic palace in the world.

He took a deep breath, and felt that he had added some dragon energy. Under the action of the spirit gathering formation, the entire dragon palace was full of aura.

Continue to walk inside, it is the Dragon Field, where you can practice any spell here, you can double the speed.

On both sides of the dragon field, there are weapon racks, but unfortunately, there are no weapons on them.

Continue to walk inside, Wang Xian walked for more than ten minutes, looking at the dragon’s cave on the right.

Dragon Cave, the place where members of the Dragon Palace live and practice, living in it, the evolution time can be shortened by two times.

Here, members of the Dragon Palace can quickly improve their strength.

“A dragon has only one thousand rooms, and if you want to add a dragon’s den, you need ten thousand spirit stones, and you need one hundred thousand to increase the level of the dragon’s den!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart that the Dragon Cave is very important to the members of the Dragon Palace. Now that there are less than one thousand Dragon Palace members, one Dragon Cave is enough.

But if there are more men in the future, more dragon dens will be built.

Wang Xian continued to walk forward. In front, the largest building in the Dragon Palace, the Dragon King Palace, appeared in front of him.

To enter the Dragon King Palace, one needs to climb nine steps, each half a meter high.

Wang Xian jumped into the Dragon King Palace and stared at the three-meter-high golden dragon chair with scorching eyes.

The golden dragon chair is three meters high, but it reaches fifteen meters in length. It can be directly entrenched on it in the form of a dragon, or even lie on it.

Wang Xian walked toward the front step by step. On both sides, there were five-meter-sized stone benches, which were obviously places for Longgong’s men to sit on.

Ascended the nine steps again, Wang Xian stared at the dragon chair with scorching eyes, walked over slowly, and sat in the center.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

Behind, a group of Dragon Palace men floated below, respectfully shouting to Wang Xian.


Sitting on it, Wang Xian could clearly see all the Dragon Palace members below, with a majestic expression on his face.

He stood up and looked at the ancestral tree behind. The green ancestral tree was vibrant and exuding mysterious energy.

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he looked back in the direction.

There was a huge two-hundred-meter high Dinghaishenzhen standing in the Dragon Palace. The four characters of the hot golden Dinghaishenzhen were shining with golden light.

In the rearmost direction, there are nine pillars, and each pillar is entrenched with a dragon, nine different attributes of the dragon.

The position of their dragon heads is below, there is a deep pit, and there is no trace of dragon blood in the pit.

As for the back, it is closed by mountains.

The entire Dragon Palace occupies an area of ​​ten kilometers, magnificent and luxurious, full of miracles.

Wang Xian stood in front of the dragon chair, his chest filled with pride.

This is my own dragon palace, the dragon palace of Shenlong!

“I only used 10,000 spiritual stones and some other materials to build the Dragon Palace. This is obviously the benefit of the system. Let alone 10,000, these buildings in the Dragon Palace require at least hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones.”

Wang Xian looked around and thought in his heart that the construction of the first-level dragon palace is a benefit of the system.

However, this kind of welfare is obviously the only time for a system that seeks to improve its strength step by step with its own strength.

However, Wang Xian didn’t know what kind of disaster this welfare would bring to him.

The establishment of the Dragon Palace mobilizes all energy within a kilometer.

At this time, on the sea, on a huge island, around this island, there are four islands around.

From the outside, the entire island is completely invisible, as if hidden in another space!

In the central location of the island, in the training rooms, when the Dragon Palace was established, all the strong faces changed slightly.

They flew out of the room quickly and stood upright in the void, staring solemnly in the direction of Dragon Palace.

“What is that, how can there be such a terrifying power?”

“What a powerful energy, a terrifying energy, what happened, a terrifying underwater monster? Or a powerful treasure?”

“Are other ancient tribes born?”

The rain dripped, but was automatically bounced away, their eyes flickered, and their eyes were full of incredible.

“A terrifying creature on the bottom of the sea, or is it?”

At the same time, within a thousand miles of this, on the floating island of Sacred Sea Jianyu, an old man stood on a spirit sword, staring in that direction with amazement.

That energy shocked them!


At the same time, with thousands of miles around, the terrifying races occupying one area, feeling the loss of energy and the strong aura in that direction.

A terror creature roared directly in the sea.

Their huge size exudes terror and pressure, and their eyes quickly swim towards the Dragon Palace with cold eyes.

The Dragon Palace just established, ushered in the first crisis, a huge crisis.

While the system built the Dragon Palace like a welfare, it also brought a powerful challenge to the Dragon Palace.

If you hold, the Dragon Palace will exist, and if you fail, the Dragon Palace will be destroyed.

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