Chapter 355: The vast ocean, the location of the Dragon Palace, next (third!)

“At present, only the first-level dragon palace can be built, but even the first-level dragon palace is not weaker than the base of the holy gate!”

“The first-class dragon palace can stand in the depths of the ocean, and the area of ​​the dragon palace can reach a radius of ten kilometers!”

“This is just a rudimentary dragon palace, and many buildings will be built in the later period.”

Wang Xian doesn’t know much about the elementary dragon palace, but he knows one thing, the dragon palace cannot be established in the Bohai Sea.

The Bohai Sea is just a very small ocean with a water depth of only tens of meters. Wang Xian didn’t know the height of the Dragon Palace.

But obviously, it is definitely more than ten meters.

He wants to build the Dragon Palace, at least at a water depth of four to five hundred meters.

The location of the Dragon Palace is not static, the second-level Dragon Palace can move, and even after the Dragon Palace has a higher level, it can become the Kingdom of Dragons.

The Dragon Kingdom can fly directly in the air and is extremely powerful.

Wang Xian took Sun Lingxiu around on the floating island, and then jumped directly into the ocean.

“Prime Minister Turtle, let me go to the ocean to find an area to build a dragon palace.”

Wang Xian moved in his heart and ordered to Prime Minister Turtle.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The huge figure of Prime Minister Turtle came up quickly, and Wang Xian stood on it and drove directly towards the deep sea.

The ocean is magnificent, majestic, and mysterious.

Wang Xian stood on the huge body of Prime Minister Turtle and scanned the surroundings.

There is no need to consider the position of more than ten meters and dozens of meters deep.

Prime Minister Turtle’s speed is very fast, and now its strength has reached the peak of level 11, and can reach level 12 within a few months at most.

“Ahead is the East China Sea. There is a trench in the East China Sea with a depth of more than 7,000 meters, and the East China Sea is not too far away from Jiangcheng!”

Wang Xian stood on Prime Minister Turtle and looked forward.

In the front position, the sea is much deeper, and there is only a faint light from the sun.

The surrounding fish also became dense.

Wang Xian did not swallow the fish, and ordered Prime Minister Turtle to swim quickly.

“Huh? That’s it? What a huge shark, it actually reached 14 or 5 meters in size!”

Standing on the shark, Wang Xian looked to the left, his pupils couldn’t help shrinking, and a surprised look appeared on his face.

The huge shark looked in the direction of Wang Xian and the others alertly, staring at them with cold eyes.

“There is obviously a racial site!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, the seabed, every race occupies a territory, and if you enter it rashly, you will definitely be attacked by terrorist races.

move on!

This time, it was the first time that Wang Xian had browsed the seabed in such a large area, and it also allowed him to see a terrorist existence under the sea.

An underwater monster with huge limbs like a dinosaur.

A creature with a body size of two meters, countless legs, and a tail thorn shining with black light.

A powerful fish with a terrifying head like a tank.

And the bat-like fish with sharp and venomous heads.

Five or six horror creatures that have never been seen before, they swim in their territory on the seabed, exuding a terrifying power.

Wang Xian did not have any conflict with them, even if a monster rushed towards them, Wang Xian let Prime Minister Turtle leave quickly.

“Soon, I will fight with you for hegemony in the ocean!”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly raised, his eyes lit up as he looked forward.


Wang Xian looked to the front, where peaks of the seabed rose.

Each peak is about a hundred meters long.

Among them, the largest mountain is more than 200 meters high.

The peaks are not very dense, there are only more than 20 in this area of ​​tens of meters.

In addition to the mountain peaks, what attracted Wang Xian’s most attention was the faint light exuding here.

The light comes from the jellyfish. There are a lot of jellyfish in this area, almost densely packed, reflecting the entire seabed like daylight.

“Fantasy, beautiful, plus the surrounding mountains, it is a good choice to build the Dragon Palace here!”

Wang Xian looked around, with a satisfied expression on his face.

With dozens of peaks, the highest in the center can be used as his bedroom, where the Dragon King lives.

The surrounding mountains can be allocated to Ao Qitian and the others.

“right here…”

Wang Xian looked around with satisfaction, but when he was just determined, his eyes condensed slightly and his gaze was staring into the distance.

There, huge jellyfish swim towards the peaks in the center.

Their speed is not very fast, but their terrifying figure makes Wang Xian’s face serious.

At the center, a jellyfish almost the size of the entire mountain, with countless tentacles.

Its top is ten meters in diameter and round in shape, while the countless tentacles are fifty to sixty meters long.

Densely dense and shiny tentacles, covering a hundred meters range.

“How can there be such a huge jellyfish?”

A look of shock appeared on Wang Xian’s face. In addition to the largest jellyfish, there was also a jellyfish with only thirty or forty meters tentacles around him.

There are more than twenty in total, and the whole area is illuminated brightly.

Under Wang Xian’s gaze, those jellyfish slowly landed on the top of the peaks.

The tentacles are scattered around the peaks, looking at it from a distance, like peaks radiating light.

“This is the site of this giant jellyfish!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly. Obviously, the place he was looking at was already occupied by the powerful jellyfish race.

“Go, go over and take a look.”

With a move in Wang Xian’s heart, Prime Minister Turtle quickly approached a jellyfish.

When Prime Minister Turtle came to a position 100 meters away from a jellyfish, the jellyfish tentacles entrenched on the mountain suddenly moved.

It seems to have eyes, and the soft tentacles turn into sharp steel needles, pointing straight to their location!

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, the water needles densely covering a radius of 50 meters attacked Wang Xian and the others.

Extreme Jellyfish: Level 11

Extractable Dragon Qi: 254433

“Eleventh-level jellyfish!”

When Wang Xian saw the message of this jellyfish, his face was not too surprised.


At this time, Prime Minister Turtle under him moved, and a wall of soil was set up directly on the bottom of the sea to completely block the dense water needles.


Wang Xian saw the jellyfish around slowly moving, and immediately said to Prime Minister Turtle.

Prime Minister Turtle stirred his limbs and quickly left the area.

When a group of jellyfish saw them leaving, they did not pursue them, and slowly landed on the mountain again.

“The largest jellyfish should be at level twelve, and the rest are at level eleven.”

Wang Xian frowned slightly. At present, his subordinates, Ao Qitian and Ao Yacha, who are at the eleventh level, are a little difficult to deal with this group of jellyfish.

“There are so many terrifying creatures in the ocean, and the strength of the Dragon Palace is still not enough!”

Wang Xian’s face was slightly embarrassed!

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