Chapter 348: Ancient God Feeding Kun Master (First!)

“Boom boom boom!”

The flame ascends to the sky, illuminating a sky. It is located above the Yellow River. The overwhelming flames are like huge fires, which can be seen clearly even if they are separated by more than ten kilometers.

In the temporary base, a group of powerful men looked at the terrifying flames from a distance like a meteorite hitting the earth, with shocking expressions on their faces.

Even if it was a few kilometers away, they still felt a heat wave coming.

Under the shining of the flame, they vaguely saw a huge figure, which flashed by.

“Then… what is that?”

“It’s horrible, this world-destroying flame, if it falls on us, the horror can melt us directly!”

“What kind of creature is fighting? How could it be so powerful? When did such a terrifying existence exist in the Yellow River?”

The congenital powerhouses were dumbfounded, and the shock in their hearts could not be added.

Not to mention the people who are not in the innate realm nearby, they just kneel on the ground and watch.

“Everyone, let’s go and take a look.”

The face of the middle-aged man in the military uniform changed drastically. He looked at the crowd around him and said hesitantly.


The eyes of the congenital powerhouses around flickered.

“With our strength, if it passes, it is okay for the powerful creatures to ignore us, if they attack us…”

An inherently strong man said in a deep voice, he did not finish his words, but he had already expressed his thoughts.

“Everyone knows the creatures there, but they are not docile little animals. When we go over, don’t we look for death?”

Another strong man spoke directly.

Let them go and see now? How could it be possible that I would never go to death.

For such a risky behavior, no rewards will pass.

The young man in uniform sank slightly, his face slightly embarrassed, but he didn’t say anything, and stood there quietly watching.

Don’t dare to take risks.

“One by one’s defensive power is simply abnormal!”

In Huanghe, Wang Xian’s expression was a little surprised and looked at his scorched body, but still stared at his dozen or so creatures coldly.

Their defenses are amazing, even if the Wang Xian’s strength is one level higher than them, besides using dragon claws, it is very difficult to kill easily.

“You beasts still want to stop me!”

Wang Xian’s body changed, his whole body turned into a golden golden dragon, and the metallic golden dragon was the sharpest at killing.

“Kill me!”

Wang Xian rushed directly forward, and these creatures who feared death directly greeted him.

Two huge dragon claws tore directly towards the front.


In the air, there was the sound of being torn by metal.

Within a radius of 500 meters, a strip of metal constantly penetrates any creature in this area.

A dozen mutant creatures that had been seriously injured were gradually chopped into pieces and fell into the river.

“Huh, it’s really troublesome!”

Wang Xian sighed and looked at the limbs in the water. The dragon head turned to the middle of the river, staring coldly at the three-meter-sized corpse.

The human form, the whole body is khaki, and the face looks a little scary.

Unlike humans, he has only one pair of eyes and one ear, no nose and mouth.

On the top of the head, there are two khaki horns, which are very short, not very long.

Wang Xian did not approach, he did not dare to approach rashly, such a terrifying monster, everything must be handled carefully.

The corpse was lying quietly in the water, like an independent space, with a piece of flesh missing from the position of his leg, revealing the pale bones inside.

Ancient God Feeding Kun Master:? ? ? class

Dragon Qi cannot be extracted.

“Ancient God Feeding Kun Master?”

When Wang Xian saw this information, he was taken aback, with a look of shock on his face.

“The ancient god feeder, it turned out to be… the ancient god feeder!”

Wang Xian opened his mouth slightly, and a strong murderous aura flashed in his eyes. This was the desire to kill from blood.


Wang Xian calmed his face to calm himself down as soon as possible, and a message about the ancient god feeding Kun master appeared in his mind.

In the Shenlong Transformation, the only peak-level existence recorded is also the only existence with the Shenlong as a blood enemy.

However, according to the records in the Shenlong Transformation, the existence of the ancient god feeding Kun master has been extinct, but he did not expect to encounter one by himself.

Ancient god feeder, just like the name, feeder.

The so-called feeder is the owner of the giant cosmic beast.

Kun, also known as Kunpeng, is a creature that is almost comparable to the dragon.

Kun, enters the sea like a fish, goes out as a bird.

Kun’s size, which can reach several thousand kilometers, is one of the most massive creatures in the starry sky.

When Kun is a bird, its strength is even more terrifying than the golden-winged roc.

Such a terrifying Kun did not rely on blood and physique to stand to the pinnacle of the universe, but was cultivated by a race.

That is the ancient gods, also known as the ancient gods.

The ancient gods feed the kun masters to capture the top blood vessels and physiques in the universe to cultivate kuns and raise kuns.

Among them, the weak Shenlong was the main hunting target of the ancient gods.

However, according to the records of the Shenlong Transfiguration, because the ancient gods hunted and killed the descendants of the universe’s top bloodlines, they angered many of the universe’s top races and were extinct.

This is a perverted existence, an existence that scares all existence.

Wang Xian looked at the corpse of the ancient god feeder Kun, his expression constantly changing.

He regained his human form and walked slowly to the corpse of the ancient god feeder Kun.

The three-meter-sized ancient god feeding Kun is not very big, and it does not have any vitality, but is full of decay.

It seems that this corpse has been dead for thousands of years.

Wang Xian looked at the corpse with a hesitant look on his face.

This corpse must not be left behind, the ancient god feeding Kun master, such a top-notch existence, even if Wang Xian wants to control it, can’t control it.

He didn’t know whether this ancient god feeding Kun master was good or bad after waking up.

If by then this guy saw that he was a pure dragon and killed it to feed Kun, then he would have no place to cry even if he cried.


Wang Xian did not hesitate at all, the dragon ball appeared in his hand, and slowly placed it on the body of the ancient god feeding Kun master.

The flame directly covers it.

However, what made Wang Xian’s face solemn was that the Dragon Ball exuded fiery flames, and it had no influence on the ancient god feeding Kun master.

The flames emitted by the tenth-level dragon ball could not harm the corpse in the slightest.

“A corpse that has been dead for so many years is so terrifying!”

Wang Xian was slightly shocked, with a sudden movement in his heart, his arm directly covered the position of the corpse’s heart.

“Bloodline, there is still a trace of the bloodline of the ancient god feeder Kun master in his body. As long as he obtains this bloodline, the ancient god feeder Kun master will be completely unable to resurrect.”


Under Wang Xian’s induction, a fiery red liquid about the size of a fingernail was in the heart of the corpse.

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