Chapter 3475 Hunter, suppress the second-order skeleton of the universe dominator

“Huh? Someone? Is this a trap?”

The abrupt voice made Wang Xian stunned for a moment. He stared at the front with an extremely vigilant expression in his eyes.

It is definitely a very rare thing to use a human head grass as a bait.

This human head grass is the second-tier of the universe, and it is of great value.

The strong who use this as a bait will definitely not be weak.

Wang Xian was hiding behind him, staring at the front warily.

However, the front position, in his line of sight, did not have any energy fluctuations.

In other words, apart from the voice just now, he didn’t even find the location of the other party.

This surprised him.

I am afraid that the opponent’s strength will be very strong!

“However, if you don’t come out, then I will take away the grass.”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, and the ghost ghost was able to ignore the impact of the dead bones. He controlled the ghost ghost and approached the human head grass through the position below.

Soon, the ghost ghost was only 10,000 meters away from the human head grass, as long as he accelerates, he can get it.

But Wang Xian suddenly felt anxious.

He stared at the front position steadily, hesitated for a moment, the ghost was distracted, and his palm moved, and a burst of energy swept toward the head of the grass.

The next moment, under the grass of the human head, a dead bone moved instantly.

A surging energy gushed from his body, and instantly attacked towards the ghost and distraction.

“Lock him down, this guy is a little weird, kill him!”

The skeleton roared, passed through the dry bones, and came to the front of the ghostly distraction.


The ghost was distracted without the slightest hesitation, opened his mouth, and a black flame attacked his skeleton.


“The powerful man who dominates the second-order combat effectiveness of the universe, kill him and absorb him!”

At this time, three more figures moved in the surrounding locations.

A walking skeleton with a bone knife in his hand.

The other skeleton was in the shape of a monster, with a huge mouth open, and it attacked the ghost.

In an instant, the three skeletons formed a siege.

The strength of each skeleton is at the second-order level of the universe’s dominance!

In the rear position, Wang Xian was slightly surprised when he saw this scene. He didn’t expect that there were three powerhouses who dominated the second-order battle effectiveness of the universe.

Are they lying in ambush here, to hunt other strong men, or to hunt demons?

It may also be both.

Three universe masters with strong second-order combat effectiveness can completely kill one universe master with strong second-order combat effectiveness.

This is why they dared to use the grass as bait.

“If an ordinary strong person encounters this situation, it is really possible to plant here, but this time, you will be unlucky!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster.

This hunting squad should also belong to the top in the entire Demon Bone Land.

After all, a powerhouse of this level is also a top powerhouse in the land of devil bones.

The three of them joined forces to hunt down, almost to kill one by one.

But they met Wang Xian.

Wang Xian’s eyes locked on the walking skeleton, incited by Unstarted Holy Wing, and attacked him at a terrifying speed.


At the moment, the human skeleton raised the bone knife in his hand and was slashing towards the ghost.

Suddenly, a crisis enveloped his mind.


The skeleton fire above his head was beating violently, and the bones on his body changed rapidly.

The original humanoid appearance directly shrank into a skull ball.


Wang Xian’s dragon claws slashed at the top, and there was a sound of metal collision.

This changed his expression slightly.

“There are strong ones, be careful!”

The Pedestrian Skeleton quickly roared loudly.

“Besiege one and kill it!”

In the front position, the two skeletons besieging the ghost ghost clone screamed loudly.

“court death!”

When Wang Xian saw that they hadn’t given up, his eyes were cold.

With a move of his palm, the five elements flew out, and continued to attack the skeleton that had shrunk into a ball.


At the same time, chains spread towards the surroundings, completely surrounding the human skeleton.


The Great Mill of the Five Elements began to run, carrying a wave of annihilation energy, and directly continued to attack the human skeleton that had shrunk into a ball.

“No, the opponent is very strong, come and help me!”

At this moment, the human skeleton felt the crisis and roared sharply.


Wang Xian Wushi Sacred Wing instigated him, and instantly came to the back of the pedestrian skeleton, his arms turned into dragon claws, and the power of light bloomed from the dragon claws, and he grabbed it directly.

“Bright, not good!”

The skeleton’s face changed drastically.

His defensive power is very strong, but the light and darkness are mutually restrained, and the light attacks him. If he only defends, the damage will be twice as high as other attribute attacks.


The bright dragon claw fell on it, and a special voice sounded.


At this moment, the terrifying clash of the five elements continued.


There were cracks on the pedestrian skeleton, his skeleton fire violently beating, full of fear.

“help me!”

He quickly roared loudly.


“Damn it, how could the opponent’s strength be so strong?”

The other two cosmic masters of the second-order battle-powered skeletons changed their expressions and hurriedly attacked Wang Xian.

“Ghost Claw, die!”

Positioned in front of them, the ghosts caught a distracted hand and waved their hideous claws towards them.

“Bright chains!”

Wang Xian ignored the attack of the two skeletons, and chains completely bound the human skeleton.


The Five Elements Great Mill revolved, and an earth shield appeared in front of Wang Xian.


The earth shield easily resisted the attack of the two skeletons.

“The opponent’s strength is very strong, run away!”

“His strength is too weird, he is much stronger than the ordinary Cosmos Venerable Tier 2 powerhouse, escape!”

The other two skeletons saw the human-shaped skeleton being caught, their expressions changed wildly, and fleeing away in anger.


They threw directly into the dead bones, and the energy quickly disappeared?


Wang Xian grasped the human skeleton body, looked at the place where the two skeletons disappeared, his expression changed.

Longmu stared there, but couldn’t lock the other side’s figure.

“What a powerful means of concealment and escape.”

His face was full of surprise, followed by surprise and looked at the skeleton in his hand.

This is a skeleton born with spiritual wisdom, possessing the fighting power of the second-order dominator of the universe.

The whole body was extremely hard, and even Wang Xian’s full blow could be easily resisted.

Without the Five Elements Great Mill, Wang Xian alone would definitely not be able to suppress him.

“But this is an unexpected joy. With this skeleton alone, the Tai Chi Dragon Plate can achieve a breakthrough.”

There was lustre in Wang Xian’s eyes.

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