Chapter 3470 Dragon Palace is not killed casually? superior

“Hohoho, dare to kill our Dragon Palace disciples, and dare to destroy most of the Vast Sky City at will. Since this is the case, my Dragon Palace disciples will also kill all the disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance from today.”

“All the creatures in the Hundred Cities Alliance are regarded as enemies of the Dragon Palace. You die and I die!”

When Wang Xian heard the voice coming from Xingjiu City Cave Tianfudi, he also roared with a full face.

He didn’t conceal the slightest this time, and directly acted as a member of the Dragon Palace.

A wave of terrifying energy raged towards the entire city. In the location below, a large number of disciples of the Star Old City powerhouse had no time to escape and were directly beheaded by Wang Xian.

At the terrifying speed of Wang Xian, the entire city was quickly destroyed.

“Damn it, damn it, Dragon Palace, our Star Old City is not at odds with you, and it will never die!”

Within the defenses of Dongtianfudi, the two cosmic rulers in Xingjiu City, who were strong in the first-order combat power, roared with hideous faces.

But they didn’t dare to go out, they could sense the terrifying power of Wang Xian.

They went out purely to find death, and did not have the slightest effect.

Now, they can only watch their city be destroyed and their countless people destroyed.

Can only helplessly pass the news from here to the Hundred Cities Alliance.

As time passed by, a gray sea of ​​fire rose in Xingjiu City.

Ten minutes later, the entire city was turned into ruins.

The sound of the attack disappeared.

“It’s too fast, it’s too fast, doesn’t it mean that there is no Youyu Zhou in the Dragon Palace who dominate the second-order combat power? How do you feel that the invasion of our city is even more terrifying than the second-order combat power of the universe dominates?”

Inside the cavernous blessed land defensively shrouded, the faces of the two cosmic rulers in Xingjiu City with strong first-order combat effectiveness were extremely embarrassed.

Their bodies trembled violently.

Their city was destroyed so quickly.

Their homeland was completely wiped out.

“Has the leader replied, has the strong man in our alliance come here?”

A star old city expert asked with embarrassment.

“The powerhouses of the alliance have rushed over, but it is useless. His actions are too fast, and the teleportation array is also destroyed. How did he enter the city so smoothly?”

The other strong man shook his head.

“This…what the hell happened to this? How could this be?”

“Our city was actually destroyed, destroyed!”

Within the defenses of Dongtianfudi, some strong men who practiced in retreat had just received the news. They flew out and looked at the ruins outside, their bodies trembled violently.

“It’s not so easy to end, you all die!”

Suddenly, a voice that shocked everyone came.

The two Star Old City universe masters with first-order combat effectiveness turned their heads and roared with incredible expressions on their faces.

“Puff puff!”

The next moment, they saw a figure passing by in front of their eyes, and their vitality passed quickly!

How can this be?

How did he get into the defense of Dongtianfudi?

When these two thoughts disappeared, they had already turned into a corpse.

Ten seconds later, the whole cave fell silent.


Wang Xian whispered, An Lie’s figure appeared, leading him to disappear instantly.

An hour later, he had come to an extremely remote place.

This place, even Wang Xian came to this place for the first time, I don’t know where it belongs.

“Haha! Although it’s a bit risky, but it’s very relieved, I want to see if your Hundred Cities Alliance can still be as arrogant as before.”

Wang Xian smiled faintly and checked the map.

“Huh, the land of the devil bones?”

He looked at the information on the Universe Brain Map and was taken aback.

The Demon Bone Land is a location on the edge of the Skeleton Race at the pinnacle of the universe. According to rumors, it was a great place in the previous era.

Here, countless corpses were buried, and the corpses turned into bones over the years.

There are strong men who have dug millions of kilometers downwards, but they are still bones.

And most of the corpses have no energy, only strong hardness.

Because of the loss of all kinds of energy, there is not much difference from a firm stone.

But among these bones, some bones still contain energy, and these bones are called demon bones.

Some demon bones give birth to spiritual wisdom and become a skeleton.

There are also demon bones that did not give birth to spiritual wisdom, and became demon skeletons who only knew killing and confused thinking!

Some demon bones have been refined into treasures, possessing powerful attack power.

This is a treasure place, but also a dangerous place.

But according to the information on the brain, wizards are infested here, and there are many strong men with dark attributes.

There are still several powerful ethnic forces in the land of the devil bones.

The racial power of one of the wizards is very terrifying.

“You can actually stroll around. If you can get some devil bones, you can also improve the Tai Chi Dragon Plate!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

Flying out of Xingjiu City, he didn’t directly return to the heavenly blessed land where the water of the sky was.

Although it is very safe there.

But when he came out this time, he reported the idea of ​​improvement.

If he can break through again, he can directly fight the Hundred Cities Alliance.

“Look ahead!”

Wang Xian looked at the map and flew towards the edge of the Demon Bone Land.

Just when Wang Xian stepped into the land of the demon bones, the cosmic brains located in the Hundred Cities Alliance, located in the area of ​​the Hundred Cities Alliance, completely boiled.

Star Old City was destroyed, countless Star Old City disciples were destroyed, and even two Star Old City universe masters were killed, causing a huge shock.

During this period of time, the Hundred Cities Alliance was extremely strong, and even not long ago, it wiped out several Dragon Palace disciples in a small city, and even destroyed more than half of the city.

Although they apologized, they were obviously warning other neutral forces that it was best to prohibit the Dragon Palace disciples from entering, otherwise they would take the consequences.

This also makes many disciples and people of the Hundred Cities Alliance feel proud.

This represents the strength and heritage of their Hundred Cities Alliance.

Since their Hundred Cities Alliance said that they would destroy the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace Lair was suppressed and the disciples beheaded.

This makes the disciples and people of the Hundred Cities Alliance believe that the Dragon Palace is nothing but a terrible.

Offending them is purely seeking death.

However, today, when the news of the destruction of Old Star City spread out, the bodies of all the disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance trembled violently.

“This… how is this possible? The Dragon Palace has destroyed a city in our Hundred Cities Alliance again, and the people who survived there this time have not let go, and there are countless deaths and injuries. This…this…”

“What the hell is going on? How did the other party do it? There are not many strong fighters at the dominance level of the Star Old City universe, but the combat effectiveness of the disciples and legions can be ranked in the top 15 of the Hundred Cities Alliance. It is so fast. Is gone?”

The disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance made some incredible discussions.

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