Chapter 3463 Dragon Palace exposed, the third largest dragon in the universe

“Congratulations to the Dragon King for his breakthrough in strength and promotion to the master of the universe in the future. The unification of the universe is just around the corner.”

When Wang Xian broke through, the Water Touched King shouted respectfully with a full face.

She stared fiercely, with shock in her eyes.

“Don’t compliment here, practice hard and restore your strength!”

Wang Xian said lightly, and flew towards the Hualong Pond with a movement.

“If I slowly recover, it will take at least several billion years.”

The Great King Water Touch murmured, and flew directly towards Wang Xian, landing on his shoulder.

In the Hualong Pond, a group of thorn dragon species and venom horned dragon species are ascending.

This time, the main thing is to improve the strength of the venom horned dragon species and the thorn dragon species.

The four major cities were destroyed, and the universe dominated the first-order combat strength, with a total of seventy.

These seventy ones can add seventy cosmic venerable pinnacle powerhouses to the thorn dragon and the venom horned dragon species.

This is a very scary promotion.

After ascending, they will turn into an extremely terrifying existence.

This time, the corpses of the Universe Venerable Rank obtained by Dragon Palace were close to one million.

It is impossible to absorb all the thorn dragon species and the venom horned dragon species, and other dragon species can also be greatly improved.

War can make Dragon Palace improve quickly.

“After the promotion, you can slowly cannibalize the other cities of the Hundred Cities Alliance to see if they have completely become the running dogs of the holy dragon’s line.”

Wang Xian murmured, returned to the Dragon King Palace, and continued to ascend.

In addition to the resource corpses, the acquired innate spirit treasure can improve both the Five Elements Great Mill and the Yin-Yang Dragon Plate.

The Five Elements Great Mill can be upgraded to the second-order combat effectiveness of the universe dominance, and the Yin-Yang Dragon Disk is the first-order universe dominance.


The Five Elements Great Mill and the Yin-Yang Dragon Disk appeared in front of Wang Xian, and he began to help the two treasures to begin refining.

“I have found it. I have been able to locate the murderer who destroyed the four major cities. I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect it. There is still the strength of the third largest dragon in the universe, and they have grown to this point!”

At this moment, on one of the 108 peaks of the Hundred Cities Alliance, five strong men are sitting on top of one another.

At this time, they received the message from their subordinates, and their eyes were full of surprises.

“Go, report to the leader!”

When the crowd moved, they immediately flew towards the main peak in the center.

“found it?”

Five powerhouses arrived, and the City Lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance sitting there, without opening his eyes, asked faintly.

“Leader, the murderer has been found, and the four major cities were destroyed by the Dragon Palace.”

The old man in the center immediately opened a report.

“Dragon Palace?”

The voice of the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance was puzzled.

“Yes, the lord, Dragon Palace, another line of dragons in the universe, and the third largest line of dragons in the universe today besides the line of the ancestral dragon and the sacred dragon. The news we have received is that the Dragon Palace landed in the sky more than 20 years ago. The Primordial Continent is in a peripheral position.”

“As soon as they landed, they eliminated the three external forces. After countless comparisons between our disciples on the Cosmic Brain, and after some searches, it can be determined that the one who attacked and killed the four major cities was the member of the Dragon Palace, one who was good at assassination. Dragon species.”

The old man said in detail.

“As for why they want to destroy Tianheng City and them, we have some speculations. This Dragon Palace seems to have a good relationship with a blue dragon in the Ancestral Dragon line. In addition, it may also be because their Dragon Palace disciples were hunted.”

The strong man with huge eyes on the head guessed.

“How strong is this Dragon Palace?”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance said lightly.

“I don’t know, the information on the Universe Brain is completely incompatible with them, but I don’t think there should be a powerful person in Youyu Zhou who dominates the second-order.”

The central old man guessed.

“Find the other side’s lair and destroy it!”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance slowly opened his eyes and said.

“We have locked the opponent’s nest, lord, I think we’d better send more powerful people over.”

The old man in the center spoke.

“Well, notify some cities and dispatch eight cosmic masters with strong second-tier combat effectiveness and fifteen cosmic masters with first-tier combat effectiveness.”

As the city lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance said, his eyes flickered slightly: “In addition, if we announce this matter, our Hundred Cities Alliance will be an enemy of the Dragon Palace, and we are about to destroy the other party. As long as we encounter the Dragon Palace disciples, we will kill them all.”

“Huh? Lord, do you mean that we can just use the Dragon Palace’s behavior to hunt down the powerful in the Shenlong line in the future?”

The strong man with huge eyes on his head glowed brightly, and he said.

“Haha, that’s right, the Ancestral Dragon bloodline has been scattered for tens of millions of years, and the newly born Shenlong bloodline can be summarized as the Dragon Palace bloodline.”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance showed a faint smile.

“We understand, we will act now.”

The five experts in the Hundred Cities Alliance nodded, and left immediately after moving.

At this time, in the realm of the Hundred Cities Alliance, on the brains of the area of ​​the Hundred Cities Alliance, news about the destruction of the four major cities was raging.

The disciples of the strong from the Hundreds of Cities Alliance were talking and guessing.

Some people have speculated that it was the strongest of the Zulong line. At present, the Zulong line has the greatest motivation.

This caused a little panic among the disciples and the people of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Is it true that their Hundred Cities Alliance really wants to be an enemy of Zulong?

This is not good news for them.

The strength of the Zulong line is much stronger than them.

He really wanted to anger the leader of Ancestral Dragon, and he came directly, and no city could resist it.

The area around the Hundred Cities Alliance is also being discussed.

In today’s war between the Ancestral Dragon and the Holy Dragon, internally, except for the pinnacle race, the rest of the races are very concerned.

“Look, our Hundred Cities Alliance has issued an announcement. The murderer who destroyed the four major cities has been found. It is a force called Dragon Palace, the third largest divine dragon in the universe!”

“It’s really an announcement. It has been determined that it is the powerhouse of Dragon Palace. Why are they attacking Tianheng City and them? What are they trying to do?”

“Dragon Palace? Why did a Shenlong line suddenly appear again? Why haven’t they heard of it? Are they strong? Why are they attacking the four major cities?”

“So far, the powerhouses of the Ancestral Dragon family have not attacked the city of our Hundred Cities Alliance. Why do they attack? Are they looking for death?”

The Hundred Cities Alliance announced that the four major cities were destroyed, and the murderer Dragon Palace, they even produced all the evidence.

In addition, the Hundred Cities Alliance also emphasized one thing in the announcement. They have no intention of participating in the war between the Ancestral Dragon and the Holy Dragon.

The Hundred Cities Alliance declared war on the Dragon Palace, and it is bound to destroy the Dragon Palace.

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