Chapter 3460 a lot of resources

The headquarters of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Although the Hundred Cities Alliance is only a loose alliance, they also have a separate nest belonging to the Hundred Cities Alliance.

This is a very peculiar location.

One hundred and eight peaks rise into the clouds, and these peaks are close together and relatively close together.

Beneath the mountain is a powerful defensive cave heaven, which covers 108 peaks.

At the top of this one hundred and eight peaks, there are two treasures suspended.

An innate spiritual treasure.

These innate spirit treasures complement each other, the energy is completely connected together, forming a terrifying array.

What kind of power is this a huge array composed of one hundred and eight innate spirit treasures?

Coupled with this powerful and defensive cave, if Youyu Zhou dominates the third-order combat power of the wizard, he will definitely have the power to resist the real master of the universe.

This is the nest of the Hundred Cities Alliance, and these innate spirit treasures are all placed here one by one.

At this moment, located within these one hundred and eight peaks, one by one quickly flew towards the peaks in the center.

“Leader, something has happened.”

One by one, the powerful figures flew over and entered a cave.

Located in the center of the cave, there is a figure sitting cross-legged.

This figure has the head of the water dragon, has a golden body, and also has a golden dragon tail.

On his body, there are weird lines.

At a glance, you can guess that this is a wizard.

In today’s universe, for wizards, if they want to transplant their bodies, the best choice is the dragon line, followed by those starry behemoths comparable to the peak race.

Because there are no strong people in the dragon line, if a wizard dared to transplant the body parts of the Phoenix clan, elite clan, and other peak race powerhouses, they would be killed directly by that peak race, and you would not be able to escape if you wanted to.

Even if you become an ancestor witch, you have to die.

So the corpse of the pinnacle race is taboo, and the Shenlong race is the best choice.

“The powerhouses in Tianheng City, Dahou City, and Guangming Dragon City have all fallen, and I have sensed it.”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance opened his eyes and said blankly.

“Yes, not only that, but there is also Jiri City. Although the city lord of Jiri City is not dead, all of their strong disciples have been killed. Some are weird and some are terrifying. The strength of the opponent seems to be very terrifying. In the great city, more than 95% of the deaths and injuries among the elite disciples and the strong.”

An old man nodded and said solemnly.

The destruction of the city was good for their Hundred Cities Alliance, but the method of such annihilation and such a terrifying speed made their Hundred Cities Alliance feel frightened.

“Tianheng City, Jiri City, Guangming Shoulong City, and Dahou City have joined forces a few years ago. The last time they failed to hunt down an ancestral dragon and a blue dragon, they were saved by the sudden emergence of a strong man. , We suspect that it was exposed that time.”

Next to a beast with a head, a strong man with a human body analyzed.

“The other party obviously planned for a long time and came prepared, otherwise it would not destroy the four major cities in a short day. Take this and go check it out.”

With the palm of the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance, a water mirror appeared in his hand and floated towards them: “Find out who moved the hand!”

“It’s the leader, the leader, if it’s the ancestral dragon, then we…”

An old man’s eyes flickered.

“If it is the Ancestral Dragon, it is assumed that the murderer has not been found, if not, it will be destroyed.”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance said lightly.

The others nodded slightly.

Their Hundred Cities Alliance did not want to be an enemy of Zulong.

No… it’s that they didn’t dare to completely tear their skin with Zulong.

Just act secretly!

They were also afraid that Zulong’s line would jump over the wall and drag them to bury them.

A crowd of people moved and disappeared quickly.

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance was still sitting there, motionless.

“Dragon King, our harvest this time is simply too rich, or the war to obtain resources is faster.”

At the same time, in the Dragon Palace, the Eight Qi Demon Sha and the others said excitedly.

“Fast is faster, but the risk is too great!”

Wang Xian shook his head slightly, and said, “Moreover, this is still the case of your layout for several years.”

Without the early deployment of the venom horned dragon species for a few years, this time the operation would not have been so smooth.

Among other things, once the battle started, the entire city’s alert sounded. At that time, it might be more difficult to be able to kill half of the strong opponents.

“Dragon King, we have to be more careful. Although I have cleared our battle traces, if the Hundred Cities Alliance has powerful wizards or treasures, it is still possible to find us.”

Tianzhen spoke from the side.

“Yes, the strength of the Hundred Cities Alliance is very strong, and it is also a relatively powerful presence in the inner continent. They are extremely likely to track us down.”

Wang Xian nodded in agreement, but he didn’t care too much. The Hundred Cities Alliance was very strong, but Dragon Palace was not without a hole card.

“The corpses and resources obtained this time are mainly used to upgrade the thorn dragon species and the venom horned dragon species. First, the strength of your two dragon species will be improved.”

Wang Xian said.


Eight Qi Mo Sha Ao Yao and they immediately responded.

“Improve now!”

He waved his hand and looked to the front position: “Prime Minister Turtle!”

“Weichen is here!”

Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately.

“Send someone to warn your surroundings and you must be careful.”

Wang Xian ordered.


Prime Minister Kame immediately responded and immediately issued the order.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a large number of treasures appeared in the Dragon King Palace.

“Dragon King, Dragon King, there are a lot of water attribute treasures, can you give them all to me, tusk, this can restore me a lot.”

The Water Touch King looked at the water attribute treasure ahead, his eyes lit up.

“The god fruit and grass of the water attribute are fine, but the treasure and the like are not fine.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

How many treasures are there in the four major cities?

Very scary, there are only fifteen innate spirit treasures.

Most of them are attributed to the five elements, and there are also three attributes of light.

The only thing you don’t need are two wind attributes and one thunder attribute.

These treasures have made the Five Elements Great Mo ascend without the slightest problem, and the Yin-Yang Dragon Plate can also be easily upgraded.

“All right!”

King Watertouch was a little helpless when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

“Hey, Dragon King, I feel that there is a very powerful treasure in it.”

Suddenly, the Water Touch King felt slightly and flew directly towards a black bottle.


When Wang Xian heard her words, he was taken aback for a moment, and looked immediately.

It is definitely not simple to make the water touch the great king and say it is a treasure, at least it is above the innate spirit treasure.

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