Chapter 346 Corpse (fourth!)

Wang Xian looked at the place in the middle of the Yellow River in shock, with a contemplative expression on his face.

Those terrifying creatures were far beyond the mutated creatures they encountered just now.

Just like that corpse toad about one meter, possesses the strength of the half-step pill realm.

However, the strength of the two-meter-sized corpse toad in front of him has definitely reached the Dan level.

The size of two meters, a trace of gray on the earth-yellow outside, the aura is terrifying.

The corpses, mosquitoes, corpses and ants around, exuded the same horrible aura, they were lying there quietly, forming a circle.

“There are more than twenty eleventh-level terrifying creatures guarding the things in the center, what exactly is that?”

Wang Xian looked there with a slight shock in his heart, and his eyes swept around. Some low-level corpses, mosquitoes, ants, corpses, toads, etc. were swimming around unconsciously.

At this moment, he saw the direction of the entrance of the Yellow River.

There are about twenty or thirty animals, and they look very swollen all over, swimming to the center of the powerful corpse, mosquito and ant.


A trace of blood-red thick blood spit out from their mouths and fell towards the center.

“This is?”

Wang Xian’s eyes widened slightly, with a look of shock on his face.

Backfeeding, those creatures actually fed back the absorbed blood to the central location.

“Could it be that there is a horror there? Healing his wounds? Healing his wounds with the blood of other creatures?”

A look of surprise appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

If it is as he guessed, then this creature is simply too terrifying.

“Doctor Wang, have you found anything?”

At this moment, a dozen people behind came over and asked him with a smile on their faces.

Walking in the center is the swallow snake, and there are also several genius doctors and congenital powerhouses.


Wang Xian shook his head and didn’t tell what he saw, and even if he said it, the strength of this group of people now is not enough for those terrifying creatures to stuff their teeth.

“The water in the Yellow River has not been polluted in the slightest, and according to some information we have found, these terrifying creatures should come from this Yellow River.”

Swallow Snake said, looking at the Yellow River next to it: “But the water in the Yellow River is too turbid. Just now the old man’s green snake was swallowed directly after entering it. It’s too peaceful here and there is no vitality.”

“Yes, there are no creatures, and there are no fishes in such a big river.” A genius doctor beside him sighed.

“How will the military handle this?”

Wang Xian asked curiously towards Yan Snake.

“First kill all the mutant creatures on the grassland, and then block the river!”

Yan Snake said, looking in the other direction, where a heavily armed soldier had already rushed in.

A group of innate strongmen followed the soldiers to help kill these mutant creatures.

Wang Xian looked at it, carpet-style killing the mutant creatures on the grassland, and then searched the Yellow River.

But the turbid Yellow River is not so easy to search on the grasslands.

Especially, if they really venture into the Yellow River, they will surely alarm the group of terrifying creatures, and they will definitely suffer heavy losses at that time!

Wang Xian frowned slightly, and the crowd searched the edge of the Yellow River.

When the sun was about to set, a crowd of people walked around this branch of the Yellow River, and Wang Xian had a general idea of ​​the creatures in the Yellow River.

“I don’t know if you have found anything?”

At night, the middle-aged man in the military uniform asked all the genius doctors.

“According to our evolution of special organs for mutant ants and mosquitoes that can swim in the water, then the source of the problem can almost be determined in the Yellow River!”

A group of genius doctors shook their heads slowly, and they didn’t get much information.

The middle-aged man in the military uniform frowned slightly and decided to say: “Tomorrow, explore the Yellow River. After this, we will give you a satisfactory reward!”

A group of genius doctors and the innate strong nodded slowly.

Everyone has seen the danger of that Yellow River branch road. A terrifying creature in the half-step Pill Realm, an innate strongman was killed.

If you are not paid, I believe that many innate powerhouses are unwilling to take this risk.

The crowd returned to the resting tent after dinner. Wang Xian stood outside the tent and looked at the position of the Yellow River, thinking constantly in his heart.

Today’s night sky has no stars or moon. The weather is a bit gloomy. If nothing happens, it might rain tomorrow.

At 12 o’clock in the morning, a figure disappeared from the temporary base and galloped towards the location of the Yellow River branch like a ghost.

Even if there are strong people around, no one noticed this figure.

“Go and see!”

Wang Xian decided to go to the Yellow River to investigate. During the day, because of some worries, he did not come to the sky over the Yellow River.

With a movement, he flew directly in the air at a height of 1,000 meters, looking at the Yellow River below.

“Is this? The penetrating eye is actually blocked by a layer of misty energy!”

Standing high in the sky, Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and his eyes were staring down tightly.

The gray energy was like yellow river water, blocking his penetrating eyes from seeing from the sky.

Instead, the mutant creatures around the eleventh level could see clearly.

“There are more than twenty eleventh level creatures, unless they transform themselves into dragons, they are not their opponents!”

Wang Xian hesitated, his figure moved, and he fell directly into the Yellow River.


Wang Xian entered the water without even a trace of ripples. His heart moved, and the turbid currents completely enveloped him.

As soon as his body moved, Wang Xian quickly approached that position.

One thousand meters, five hundred meters, one hundred meters…

Soon, Wang Xian stood tightly fifty meters away from the mutant creatures.

Looking forward, Wang Xian widened his eyes slightly.

A three-meter-sized humanoid creature lay quietly in the middle of a crowd of mutant creatures.

From his body, there was a chaotic breath, and the energy contained in that body made Wang Xian feel trembling.

“Blood, suppression of blood!”

Wang Xian widened his eyes slightly, and the creature lying quietly in the water in front of him gave him a feeling of blood pressure suppressed.

Although it was due to the fact that Wang Xian was relatively weak, the ability to suppress his dragon bloodline shocked him.

“This creature’s bloodline is not much lower than its own, maybe even the bloodline of the pinnacle of the stars!”

Wang Xian’s heart is shaking, and he can be at the same level as the Shenlong bloodline, no more than the number of five fingers.

In front of him, on the earth, he unexpectedly met one.

“There is no breath, but the blood is still alive, and there is a possibility of resurrection!”

Wang Xian thought that if he cultivated to the seventh transformation of the Shenlong Transformation, he would be able to resurrect with only a drop of blood.


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