Chapter 3450 Angel Legion

“The powerhouse of the pinnacle race has appeared, and in such a short time, two powerhouses of the pinnacle race have come.”

“That is the twelve-winged angel, the real master of the universe, the most top existence in our universe!”

“Hey, is that an adult of the elves? It is a perfect existence. The arrow of life of the elves is the strongest archer in the universe, chasing the sun and the moon, hunting the world!”

Shocking sounds came from all around, and everyone looked at the two figures that appeared.

The water in the sky has started to stop flowing down, as if it was being resisted by terror.

The two figures stood there quietly, giving people the same feeling that this side is the center of the world.

Holy, terrible, don’t look directly at it!

There was awe in everyone’s hearts.

“That sister gave me a very kind feeling.”

Lingling said in Wang Xian’s ear.

Wang Xian nodded slightly: “You belong to the same race.”

“Life Otoya, I want this water lotus, you can’t compete for me.”

At this time, in the central position, the twelve-winged angel turned his head, looked at the great spirit of the arrow of life, and said lightly.

“The Archangel of Paragon, how can you know if you don’t try, let alone, the guardian below has been here for billions of years. Would you be willing to take it away?”

Life Sound Vector Elf said lightly.

Life Otoya is the name of this great elf.

The elves, once stepped into the dominance of the universe, take life as their surname.

“He wouldn’t let me, so I killed him.”

The Archangel of Paramount spoke confidently.

He glanced around and waved his arm.

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next moment, a large number of angels appeared around.

There are seraphs, eight-winged angels, and ten-winged angels.

There are millions of days, and there are hundreds of powerful ten-winged angels!

“Hi, this is the Angel Legion, a powerful Angel Legion!”

“This…is this the power of a twelve-winged archangel? This is too terrifying!”

Everyone around looked at the millions of angels with a look of horror on their faces.

The horrible breath made them frightened.

Seraphim is the weakest, but it also has at least the seventh-order combat power of Venerable Youyu Zhou, and the strong one can reach the eighth-order.

Each of the hundreds of ten-winged angels possesses the fighting power of the second tier of the universe, or even the third tier.

This is a terrifying existence of the pinnacle race universe dominance level.

Between the waves, the Million Legion.

But this is also related to the characteristics of the angel family. The fighting angels of the angel family are war machines.

It is somewhat similar to the Skeleton Clan of the pinnacle race.

The dominant powerhouse of the Skeleton Clan even possesses a larger army.

“Block the surrounding area, anyone who approaches, kills without mercy directly!”

The archangel of Bailie gave a light command.

“It’s the Archangel of Paragon!”

All the angels responded immediately, and under the leadership of hundreds of ten-winged angels, they flew around, forming a huge encirclement.

Some strong people around hurriedly backed away, their eyes full of vibrations.

“Is this the existence of the master of the universe?”

Some strong men murmured.

Wang Xian’s eyes also shone with luster.

In the peak period, those dragon kings at the dominating level of the universe also possessed such power.

Walking in the starry sky, giving way to the ocean, countless dragon palace strong support!

“When I slaughter this guy below, you don’t want to make a move.”

The Archangel Bailie looked at the strong man of the Elf race and said lightly.

Life Otoya frowned slightly, his bright eyes seemed to penetrate below.

“Either, you try with it, and then I will do it again.”

The corners of the long archangel’s mouth turned up slightly, and he said confidently.

“If you can suppress it, I won’t take action. If it doesn’t work, don’t blame me.”

Life Soundya responded faintly.

“Okay, remember.”

The Archangel Paragon nodded in response.

The rules set by the strong will generally not be broken.

Moreover, their kind of the pinnacle race of the universe will not rashly conflict.

The Archangel Bailie stared down, and with a movement of his palm, an archangel’s long sword and shield appeared in his hand.

“It’s you who gave me the water lotus flower, or I will suppress you.”

The Archangel Bailie stared at the bottom, and said with a cold face.


The next moment, an angry roar came from below, and a terrifying tentacle came out of the water and attacked him.

The entire tentacles are huge and exudes a frightening atmosphere.

“Holy Light Slash!”

The Archangel Archangel held the angel’s sword and cut it towards the tentacles.


An incomparable ray of light illuminates the starry sky, and the long sword of holy light slashes directly on the tentacles.


The Holy Light cut into the tentacles, and a large amount of blood overflowed.

“Anyone who wants to fight for my treasure must die.”

At this time, a sharp female voice came from below, and hundreds of terrifying tentacles rushed from the bottom of the river again.

Waves of water drop impacted towards the sky.

Each drop of water was as heavy as a vast mountain peak, and headed towards the Archangel Paragon.


The Archangel of Paragon raised the shield, and the water dripped on it and made a loud noise.

“Bright Judgment Sword!”

With a wave of his arm, the long sword in his hand thrust downward.

The entire long sword seemed to become a hundred times larger in an instant, and fell from the sky.


In the lower position, a terrifying vortex formed, directly absorbed by the long sword.

Immediately afterwards, the vortex rushed out directly and swept towards the Archangel Archangel.

“Looking for death, stubbornly stubborn!”

“The kingdom of angels, angel war hymn, kill!”

He shook his whole body, his wings spread slightly, and the phantoms of the angels condensed, and went directly towards the infinite attack below.

The vortex collapsed quickly.


At this time, a huge body was exposed on the water.

The huge starry sky behemoth is tens of thousands of kilometers in size, and the length of the tentacles is terrifying.

It can extend hundreds of millions of kilometers.

This giant starry sky is simply hundreds of times the size of a planet.

It waved its tentacles, and the dense tentacles attacked towards the Archangel Paragon.

“Heaven, swing!”

A phantom of the kingdom of angels appeared behind him, and a white light swayed towards the tentacles.

“Boom boom boom!”

The terrifying collision came again.

Wang Xian and the others moved and retreated towards the distance. He looked at the battle ahead with a little amazement.

Is this the strength of the real dominance of the universe?

The aftermath made them tremble.

“Get out of my territory, otherwise I will make you pay a heavy price!”

There was another sound from the star beast, and the dense tentacles covered the sky.

Very violent!

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