Chapter 3448 Twelve-Rank Water Lotus Comes Out, The River Of Tianheng Is Boiling

Wang Xian’s face showed the color of thinking.

Now the battle between the two great dragons has reached the point of recklessness, and Dragon Palace members will also be involved.

Although Wang Xian asked Longgong to stand in the Zulong line, he only stood on this side.

Fully involved, he was still not ready.

Because this level of war is not something they can participate in.

Apart from other things, the holy dragon clan can come to a cosmos dominator second-order battle, and it will be able to completely suppress the dragon palace.

“It’s really chaotic, and I don’t understand why the holy dragon clan is so immortal with the ancestral dragon, is it related to other things.”

Wang Xian shook his head, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

Although his strength is good now, some things are still out of reach.

“Dragon King, what shall we do now?”

Tian Zhen frowned and asked at Wang Xian.

If it is said that it is the war between the Ancestral Dragon and the Holy Dragon, the strong Saint Dragon wants to kill the people of the Dragon Blood except them.

The members of the Dragon Palace can also fish in troubled waters and kill the powerful of the line of the sacred dragon.

But now, not only the Ancestral Dragon family, but also many bounty hunters, who want to obtain mission rewards, and hunt down the Shenlong bloodline.

The members of the Dragon Palace do not know who the bounty hunter is, not to mention that every creature may be a bounty hunter.

This is a little hard to do!

In the final analysis, the mission of the Hundred Cities Alliance had a great impact.

“Let the members of the Dragon Palace be more careful first. In addition, you will inform the Baqi Devil and the others, let them lead their men into Tianheng City, Dahou City, Bright Guard Dragon City, Jiri City, and wait for orders.”

Wang Xian ordered: “Besides, please be alert to your surroundings.”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianma nodded.

Wang Xian stared at the place outside and shook his head slightly.

He is also ready to practice for a while, hunting treasures here in the Tianheng River, now it seems that the plan is a little frustrated.

Time passed day by day, and on the third day, Qinglongyue came to visit, and then led a group of disciples of the Ancestral Dragon to leave the Lotus Peak directly.

They want to converge with some other strong people.

According to what he said, they did not counterattack for the time being, because now the leader of the ancestral dragon and some strong people of the ancestral line are temporarily unable to contact.

They did not dare to counterattack rashly.

Moreover, they have found no evidence for the siege of the four major cities.

Now they are gathered together, waiting for orders.

The Ancestral Dragon Line is a bit passive, the entire Ancestral Dragon Line has been scattered, and the combination cannot become a powerful force.

Qinglongyue bid farewell to Wang Xian, and for a while, An Lie continued to search for the water lotus, and the Tianheng River also calmed down.

The situation outside is getting worse and worse, and the practitioners of the Shenlong line have been horribly attacked and killed.

As time passed, An Lie’s harvest in the River of Tianheng became less and less.

It is not even enough to condense into a nine-grade water lotus.

Over time, the battle between the Shenglong line and the Zulong line grew more and more vigorous.

There are even rumors that a strong man from the Ancestral Dragon line broke into the Lair of the Holy Dragon line, and there was a earth-shattering battle.

The outcome of the war is unknown, but I must have paid a lot of money.

Baqi and Mosha led ten thousand venom horned dragons.

The birth of the venom horned dragon species is very special. Like the dragon witch, the number can only reach 10,000.

However, 10,000 is not enough, and Wang Xian has already sent them into the four major cities.

Today’s four major cities are a bit quiet, and other people don’t know that they secretly hunted and killed the strong men of the dragon line.


It has been calm and calm for five years. On this day, the figure of An Lie appeared in front of Wang Xian.

“Dragon King, it seems that something huge has happened in the center of the Tianheng River. When I was around just now, I felt a majestic water energy and vitality coming.”

An Lie said in surprise.

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment and looked towards An Lie.

Anlie shook his head.

“Go, go and see!”


The next moment, under the cover of Dark Lie, Wang Xian appeared at the bottom of the river next to where the water from the sky fell.

When he appeared, he sensed a majestic energy impact.

This energy is accompanied by strong vitality and water energy.

“This is? This energy, so familiar!”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and he looked forward in shock.

At a glance, I couldn’t see any creatures, but the powerful energy came from the center.

This energy is somewhat similar to the energy emitted by the water lotus.

But it was dozens of times or even more energy than the Ninth Grade Water Lotus in his hand.

“It’s the water lotus that has good energy. Could it be that the twelfth grade water lotus appeared in it?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, guessing in his heart.

But he didn’t dare to enter it.

This made him frown slightly.


At this time, Wang Xian trembled when he felt the position in front of him, and a glimmer of brilliance rushed towards this side.

He was slightly startled, and immediately flew upwards when he moved.

When he flew out of the water, he saw a huge phantom, located in the huge heavenly water.

It was a lotus flower, and the lotus bloomed with blue luster.

The petals bloomed, very lifelike.

A total of twelve wins!

The entire lotus phantom obscures the sky and the sun, and the water from the sky drops, as if watering this beautiful lotus.

“The twelfth-grade water lotus is the twelfth-grade water lotus, and it is definitely the twelfth-grade water lotus that can create such power.”

Wang Xian’s eyes widened, with a look of shock on his face.

The twelfth grade water lotus, a treasure that is stronger than the innate treasure.

This generated vision is definitely related to the twelfth grade water lotus.

There are ripples in the river on the water. If you look at it from a high altitude, you will find that these ripples form a huge water lotus, swinging towards the surroundings.

The water ripples at the same speed, which is very strange.

When Wang Xian took out the ancient drawings and looked at the situation above, he was also slightly surprised.

The ancient drawings bloomed with a strong luster, and a huge lotus flower was born in the center.

A pattern of a twelfth grade water lotus is formed.

“A twelfth-grade water lotus was born, and that cosmic dominator-level star behemoth may have been waiting for its birth.”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster.

He also wants to obtain such a treasure, but the possibility of obtaining it is zero.

Such a treasure, but it is guarded by a giant starry sky beast with the level of Domination of Youyu Universe!

An Lie would be killed by a spike in the past, and there was no time to escape.

“This movement is too loud. It is estimated that the entire Tianheng River will soon know, and it will not know how long it will take for the birth of this twelfth grade water lotus. If it takes too long, it is estimated that countless powerful people will come over.”

Wang Xian muttered and looked forward quietly.

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