Chapter 3431 Tai Chi Dragon Plate Five Elements Great Grinding Upgrade

“Da Lei Yinyuan, Zicheng, and Liuyan City were actually annihilated by the Leiguang race, this…this is annihilation!”

“Hey, they have also been wiped out, which is too scary, right?”

“I heard that it was the Leiguang Race Senior Brother who entered their Dongtianfudi. This ability is scary!”

In the thundercloud domain and the surrounding area, all the powerful people were full of shocked expressions on their faces when they heard the news from the Great Leiyin Academy.

All the forces are a little panic.

A celestial and blessed land of racial power is their biggest trump card.

It is their greatest guarantee.

Even if they are suppressed, they will not be wiped out, and they still have a chance to turn over.

But once Dongtianfudi’s defense was forced, it would be a complete genocide.

Who doesn’t panic in the face of this kind of enemy?

It was completely panic!

This made them even more afraid of the big brother Leiguang race!

In case they provoke the opponent, who can guarantee that their defense is stronger than the Great Leiyin Academy?

Not to mention the current strength of Leiguang Race Senior Brother.

First World War Conquered King!

Great Leiyin Academy was destroyed, Liuyan City was destroyed, and Zicheng was destroyed!

Soon, the news of the extinction of the three major forces spread out completely, and all the three major forces’ celestial blessings were occupied by the Leiguang race.

“Thank you Wang Xian this time, and please be respected by us!”

Two days later, in the main hall of the Leiguang race, the patriarch and a group of strong men respectfully worshipped the king.

A sincere bow.

“Patriarch, you are polite!”

Wang Xian looked at them and smiled, holding his palm empty.

“Hehe, this worship is a must. It is our honor for our Thunder Light Race to have such a real dragon to help.”

The patriarch said with a smile, hesitated for a moment, and continued: “Wang Xian, do you have any plans in the future?”

“I may go out to experience it in the future, let’s not hide from the patriarch, I have my own power, not the ancestral dragon.”

Wang Xian didn’t conceal it, and said: “If there are any difficulties in the future if the Leiguang race, you can find me, the patriarch.”


The patriarch was taken aback for a moment, and they were very surprised. They didn’t expect that Wang Xian was not from the Ancestral Dragon.


The powerhouses of the Leiguang race also understand that their creek cannot accommodate a true dragon, and it is already a great benefit to be able to obtain the promise of the king.

Moreover, this time they have obtained so many treasures and heaven and blessings, it can also make the overall strength of their Thunder Light Race a lot of improvement.

“Okay patriarch, I will go back to the palace first. I may go out to practice before long, and I won’t say hello to the patriarch.”

As Wang Xian said, he returned to his palace.

His figure flickered and went straight back to the Dragon Palace.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

In the Dragon Palace, Prime Minister Kameko immediately bowed to him respectfully.

Today’s Dragon Palace is a bit deserted.

Of the nearly two million disciples in the Dragon Palace, more than one million have already left and entered the open-sky prehistoric continent to experience.

Now that several years have passed, they have reached the interior.

“I have some resources here for them to improve.”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he set aside the corpses he obtained from Dalei Yinyuan, Liuyan City, and Zicheng this time.

There are a total of 14 corpses at the pinnacle level of Venerable Universe.

As for the corpses of the ninth rank of the Cosmos Venerable, there are more than 80 corpses in total.

There are also many of the eighth and seventh orders.

This can make the members of Dragon Palace get a huge promotion.

“Dragon King, you have obtained so many corpses, I will inform them to come back and improve their strength first!”

Prime Minister Turtle saw the corpses with a shocked expression on his face, and immediately responded.

“Well, fourteen corpses, make the battle power of the heavenly formation break through to the level of the first-order dominion of the universe.”

Wang Xian nodded.

“Dragon King, Ao Xie and the others have not left, they are devouring a few dragon palaces. It is more difficult now. You can raise their strength to the pinnacle of Universe Venerable first. In this way, they will quickly break through to the first-order combat power of the Universe Dominator.”

Prime Minister Turtle suggested.

“Okay, you arrange it!”

Wang Xian nodded, the Dragon Palace at the dominating level of the universe is not so easy to swallow.

But once they swallow it, they will definitely be able to get a breakthrough.

This was able to give birth to a few cosmic masters in the Dragon Palace with first-order combat effectiveness, but it was not completely certain.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded and left.

Wang Xian will get the treasures one by one.

Congenital spirit treasures of earth and darkness attributes, and the rest are acquired treasures, spirit treasures and the like.

He took out the Five Elements Damo and Taiji Dragon Plate, and immediately began to absorb it.

Time passed day by day.



After half a month, the Tai Chi dragon plate was spinning rapidly, and the two dragons roared like ink paintings.

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and the Tai Chi Dragon Pan broke through!

After the breakthrough, the Tai Chi Dragon Plate, the attack below the Domination of the Universe, would never want to break it.

At the side position, the Five Elements Great Mill was still absorbing the innate spirit treasure of the earth attribute.

A heavy breath spread towards the surroundings.

Wang Xian’s palm fell on it, and the strong power of the five elements assisted the refining of the five elements.

A breakthrough is imminent!


Before long, there was a roar, and the five elements and dragons were intertwined with each other, exuding an aura of horror.

This power trembles those who dominate the universe with strong first-order combat power.

After the breakthrough of the Five Elements Great Mould, Wang Xian’s strength gained another surge.

There is no problem with one enemy five or six.

However, if the opponent has innate spirit treasures, it may be more difficult.

Both the Tai Chi Dragon Plate and the Five Elements Damo have improved, which made Wang Xian feel very happy.

After they were going to accompany a group of girls, they went out to find resources.

Entering the open continent, Wang Xian deeply felt the cheapness of time.

Without the teleportation array, it would take several years to get from one place to another.

If you go far, you may have to fly for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

A year is like a day.

Internally, it is even more recorded in the epoch!

One hundred thousand years in the first era!

Wang Xian followed a group of girls to rest for a few years, but the disciples in the Dragon Palace rushed back without going out for a long time, improving their strength one by one.

Later, he asked Anlie to send them inside one by one, saving some time.

Five years passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Wang Xian came to the Thunder Light Race.

He came out of the palace and looked around.


“Hello big brother!”

All the disciples who saw Wang Xian stopped immediately and shouted respectfully.

Today’s big brother, but the strongest of their Thunder Light race, is also their savior.

Wang Xian nodded towards them, and after strolling around at random, he left directly through the teleportation array!

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