Chapter 3429 Three Powers Completely Annihilated

“How did you get in, how did you get into our heaven and earth?”

“Hi, why? How did he get into our place, no, no, no!”

“Master Leiguang Race, he… how did he get in?”

In the cave heaven and blessed land of Da Lei Yin Academy, everyone’s mind was filled with horror and panic at this moment.

All of them stared at the figure beside their dean with eyes wide open, with all their faces staring at the figure beside their dean!

Big Brother Leiguang Race, that opponent who seemed invincible to them!

They have been forced into the heaven and blessed land, and they are ready to survive here.

But now, the big brother Leiguang race suddenly came in.

Then, waiting for their destiny is perish!

This made each of them tremble.

Compared to being suppressed in Dongtianfudi, they just lost some freedom, but they can still survive and live here.

If you die, everything is gone!

The arrival of the big brothers of the Leiguang race, announcing their demise

“You can die with peace of mind!”

Wang Xian looked at the four peak powers of Venerable Universe beside him, and said lightly.

The dean of the Great Leiyin Academy, an ancestor of the Great Leiyin Academy, has been cast as the lord of the city and the lord of the purple city.

The four of them were extremely pale, full of despair and bitterness.

“Can you tell us how you got into the heaven and blessings of our Da Lei Yin Yuan Cave?”

The Dean of Da Lei Yin Academy asked Wang Xian unwillingly.

“can not!”

Wang Xian smiled, and with a wave of his arm, a burst of energy completely covered them.

“Come on!”

He murmured, and a message entered his mind.

Some information about Dalei Yinyuan, Liuyan City and Zicheng are presented one by one.

In addition, two ancestors of Da Leiyin Academy led elite disciples to hide outside.

He smiled slightly, waved his arm, and a force of death enveloped the four cosmopolitan masters.

“No, no, no!”

“Kill him, kill him, he will kill us!”

“The dean and they were killed, what shall we do? I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

In the rear position, everyone saw their dean and city lord falling down, shouting with panic and despair on their faces.

Some disciples completely collapsed.

“I’m fighting with you!”

A ninth-order strong man of Venerable Universe gave a sharp roar and directly killed Wang Xian.


Wang Xian chuckled and waved his arm, and the ninth-order powerhouse of Venerable Universe was directly killed in seconds.

He smiled contemptuously, and glanced at everyone from the three major forces.

An invisible pressure made them breathless.

“Wucao, look at the Da Lei Yin Academy and their cave heaven and blessed land, our big brother has entered inside!”

“Our senior brother has actually entered their cave, hahaha!”

“When did our big brother go in? The dean of the Great Leiyin Academy was slaughtered by the big brother, the big brother is invincible!”

“Are you still going to destroy us after I said it? Now our big brother is in, and their doomsday is here!”

At the same time, from the outside position, the strong members of the Leiguang race are already preparing to suppress the three major forces.

At this moment, they suddenly saw Wang Xian appearing inside Dongtianfudi, with wide-eyed eyes and shocked expressions on their faces.

The big brother actually entered inside!

The end of the three major forces is coming!

The patriarch of the Leiguang race also felt incredible, full of shock.

Big brother, this is omnipotent!


Inside the Great Leiyinyuan Cave Tianfudi, Wang Xian waved his arm, an annihilating force, directly swept toward the strong men of the three major forces.

That terrifying energy is simply not something they can resist.


The screams sounded, and they screamed feebly and desperately.

“Don’t kill us, don’t kill us!”

The people behind and the weak disciples knelt on the ground in disintegration, shouting loudly.

Wang Xian glanced at them, did not do anything, these weak disciples and subjects were handed over to Leiguang Race to deal with.

Whether to kill or something else, he will not participate!


With a move, he came directly to the front of the switch of Dongtianfudi’s defense formation.

Close the defensive formation.

The formation method disappeared, Wang Xian’s body was shaken, chains all over the void, everyone was enveloped in it.

Under his shroud, everyone did not want to escape.

“Wang Xian, you are simply too strong!”

“Huh, big brother is completely invincible!”

The patriarchs of the Leiguang race flew over excitedly, and said in shock.

Having such an enemy is simply bad news.

The defense of Da Lei Yin Academy’s Dong Tian Fu Di was much stronger than their Thunder Light Race, but Wang Xian easily entered it.

This incredible method is terrifying!

“Haha, patriarch, they will leave it to you to deal with. Please also ask the patriarch to give me their corpses. Please also ask the patriarch to give me some treasures other than the wind and thunder attribute. I am useful!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Hahaha, you got all of this from the Immortal King. Without you, our Thunder Light Race would have been suppressed.”

Leiguang Race Patriarch said with a smile.

“No, I only need these, I don’t need other treasures with lightning attributes.”

Wang Xian shook his head and helped the Thunder Light Race to destroy the three major forces and give them all these treasures.

His favors are almost back.

The friendship is still there in the future, but he doesn’t need to give them all the treasures he has obtained now.

“This…Let’s take a look at the treasure house of the three major powers first, and then, the elder, you led someone to imprison all the disciples of the three major powers.”

The patriarch of the Leiguang race opened his mouth and ordered.

“It’s the patriarch!”

The elders immediately responded, and their faces also showed excitement.

This time they wiped out the three major forces and obtained the opposing side’s blessed land, which is of great benefit to the development of the Thunder Light Race.

Especially the cave heaven and blessed land of the Great Leiyin Academy, better than their Leiguang race!

Not to mention there are other treasures!

“Great victory!”

The elders couldn’t help but roar.

“Great victory!”

A group of strong disciples roared.

“Patriarch, go, I know where their treasure house is, let’s go in and take a look!”

Wang Xian looked at the patriarchs of the Leiguang race and spoke.

“This… take away all the treasures in the treasure house.”

The patriarch of the Leiguang race said with some embarrassment.

“If I can use it, I will take it away!”

Wang Xian smiled and waved his arm, leading them directly to the deepest part of the cave.

At the deepest point, there is a mountain tens of thousands of meters in size, and there is a hole in front of the mountain.

Here is the treasure house of the Great Leiyin Academy, a force that has accumulated nearly tens of billions of years.


Wang Xian’s eyes were also slightly hot, and with a wave of his arm, he opened the treasure house door and entered inside!

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