Chapter 3416 Four Great Forces Defeat And Retreat

“Hahaha, well, our big brother Leiguang race is really invincible!”

“Strong, one person fights against the seven Cosmos Venerables with the highest combat effectiveness, hahaha!”

The patriarchs of the Leiguang race heard Wang Xian’s words with excitement on their faces.

They didn’t expect Wang Xian to be so invincible.

After slaying the two peak powers of the universe, one person can still fight against seven.

This is too strong!

Now, after Wang Xian helped them resist the seven pinnacle powerhouses, they only had to face the eight Universe Venerable pinnacle powerhouses.

Seven to eight, under such circumstances, the four major forces of Da Lei Yin Academy wanted to defeat the Lei Guang race.

This time, the crisis of the Leiguang race has been able to pass.

Next, it’s time for them to retaliate!

“Kill, our big brother slayed two top powerhouses, with one enemy seven without letting go, fuck them, and kill them!”

Legion members and all the disciples of the Leiguang race also heard the words of the strong from the Great Leiyin Academy, and all of them showed excitement on their faces.

With their morale skyrocketing, their combat effectiveness also skyrocketed.

On the other hand, looking at the legions and disciples of the four major forces of Da Lei Yin Yuan, Shen Lei City, Purple City, and Liu Yan City, their faces were extremely embarrassed.

Their fighting spirit was completely crushed.

The appearance of Wang Xian directly killed millions of disciples, and now he has demonstrated such terrifying strength.

All the disciples also understood in their hearts that they were defeated this time!

Especially for the disciples of Divine Thunder City, Purple City, and Liuyan City, this battle is already very difficult to win, and they are probably going to suffer revenge from the Thunder Light Race.

This is undoubtedly a nightmare for them.

“Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy, what shall we do now? We can’t break the line of defense of the Thunder Light Race at all!”

The city lord of Zicheng spoke with a gloomy expression towards the Dean of the Dalei Yinyuan.

The face of the Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy was constantly changing. He felt the violent attacks from the patriarchs of the thunder light race in front of him, and his expression was gloomy and uncertain.

Eight vs. seven, although they can have an advantage, if they really fight to the end, at least half of them will fall.

Killing a thousand enemies hurts 800, and they can’t bear the consequences.


The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy scanned the surroundings, and the fighting on the disciple’s side was not one-sided.

After all, this is the territory of the Leiguang race. The Leiguang race occupies a favorable place. Killing three strong disciples of the Leiguang race will also lose two of them here.

Not worth it at all!

“Damn, now we can’t win at all. Let’s retreat first, and then we will discuss it in detail!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy gritted his teeth and made a gloomy decision.

The powerhouses of Liuyancheng, Zicheng, and Shenlei City trembled, and nodded with dark faces.

Especially for God Thunder City, the loss this time was too great.

Even the city lord died here.

“All the disciples of the Great Leiyin Academy retreat, all the disciples army retreat!”

The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy roared loudly, his voice full of unwillingness.

It’s hard to win over several major forces, and finally find such an opportunity, but because of a big brother of the Leiguang race, he was defeated.

He is not reconciled!

But helpless!

“Retreat, all the disciples of Shenlei City retreat!”

“All the disciples in Zicheng retreat!”

“All the disciples in Liuyan City retreat!”

A command sounded in the battlefield, and it took less than five minutes from the beginning of the battle to the present.

It is their last resort to retreat directly at this time.

It was impossible to win a big victory, and there was no need to continue fighting.

Now retreat, discussing the next plan.

“Retreat, retreat quickly!”

“Huh, damn it, this time we have nothing to do with the Thunder Light Race, and they will definitely retaliate against us next time!”

“How could the strength of the Leiguang Race Senior Brother be so strong? How can he be one opponent to seven?”

“Our god Leicheng City Lord was killed by Leiguang Race Senior Brother, he is too terrifying!”

A group of legions and a group of disciples retreated toward the rear, and their faces were extremely embarrassed and shouted in a low voice.

The death of the two Cosmos Venerable Peak Powers is already a very big loss for them.

In addition, there are the big brothers of the Great Leiyin Academy and a group of disciples.

In this battle, they lost too much.

Next, he had to face the revenge of the Leiguang race.

“Hahaha, a bunch of trash, continue to besiege us!”

“Purple City, Liuyan City, God Thunder City, all of your disciples are waiting for Laozi. Later, Laozi will see one and kill one!”

“Today’s enemy, our Thunder Light Race will ask for advice one by one, you can wait!”

All the strong disciples of the Leiguang race shouted at them excitedly.

Especially for the strong disciples of the three major cities, they are ready to take revenge.

“Leiguang Race, don’t be too arrogant, you can’t hide from today, you can’t hide from tomorrow!”

The dean of the Great Leiyin Academy shouted unwillingly, and quickly got rid of the patriarchs of the Leiguang race.


At the same time, the seven Cosmos Venerable Peak Powers who were fighting with Wang Xian heard the command, but they were relieved in their hearts.

The seven of them immediately flew together, staring at Wang Xian vigilantly, and kept backing away.

Fighting with the big brother of the Leiguang race is too frustrated.

The opponent’s speed is not at all comparable to them. The opponent hits as he wants, sneak attacks if he wants to attack, and retreat at will.

They have no way at all.

“You don’t need to hunt down, today’s enemy, our Leiguang race will let them repay it ten times and one hundred times in the future!”

The patriarch of the Leiguang race gave a soft drink and ordered the disciples not to chase after him.

Wang Xian saw the seven of them retreating, but did not pursue them.

It is very difficult to hunt them down.

The cloud dragon disappeared, Wang Xian transformed into a human body, suspended in the air, watching the four retreating forces.

He swept his gaze to the rear, his figure moved, and he flew directly towards the position of the patriarch of the Leiguang race.

“Wang Xian!”


The patriarch of the Leiguang race and the elder Taishang saw Wang Xian flying over and shouted.

A group of elders also flew over, and they opened their mouths and called out Big Brother.

Their eyes were joyful, shocked, and more unbelievable.

At the same time, they also had some doubts, the big brother of their Thunder Light Race, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.

Such strength is also a strong one in the Zulong line.

Why did he come to Leiguang Race?

With all their guesses, they looked at Wang Xian.

“Patriarch, elder!”

Wang Xian flew over and smiled at them.

“If you have any questions, let’s go to the main hall to talk about it. Thank you for this battle. If it weren’t for you, our Thunder Race might not be able to survive this difficult time!”

The Leiguang race patriarch patted Wang Xian’s shoulder with a smile, and said.


Wang Xian nodded.

The strength has been exposed, and there is nothing to hide.

And this time, he also repaid an adult favor!

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