Chapter 3412 Slaying The Peak Power Of The Universe Venerable



At this moment, everyone’s faces were filled with shocking expressions.

Even if the patriarch of the Leiguang race was with them, their eyes widened when they sensed the situation here.

Damn it!

What’s happening here?

The big brother of their Leiguang race disciple, Wang Xian, unexpectedly broke out the peak combat power of the Universe Venerable.


What else can they say?

This is simply too bad!

“I found the treasure!”

This is what the head of the Leiguang race had in their minds.

This f*ck is too fierce!

A cosmic venerable peak powerhouse!

Even if he paid a treasure of the level of Fire Dragon Ball, it was worth it in today’s battlefield.

“Fuck, this is our big brother?”

“This…this…this is too strong!”

“Venerable Universe’s peak combat effectiveness, our big brother is the pinnacle power of Venerable Universe!”

At the rear, the disciples of the Leiguang race saw this scene with shocked expressions on their faces.

Instantly kill the young city lord of the god Leicheng and his battle pet, and now they are alone facing all the disciples of the Da Lei Yin Academy, and the terrifying dragon attack has already covered them.

After this move, the disciples of Da Lei Yin Academy were about to die and wounded tragically.


At the same time, a scream sounded.

The first to bear the brunt, Da Lei Yin Academy’s brother Fadu, suffered a terrorist attack.

Only the aftermath of energy carried by the nine divine dragon phantoms caused his vitality to disappear instantly.

The nine divine dragons were like world-destroying divine dragons, heading towards the Da Lei Yin Academy and their disciples to cover them.

In an instant, most of the thousands of disciples fell.

“I want you to die!”

“kill him!”

The city lord of Shenlei City sensed that his outstanding son had been killed, his eyes were blood red, and he gave up on the Supreme Elder of the Thunder Light Race in front of him, and went to kill Wang Xian.

A model of a city was suspended above his head, and the entire city contained majestic power.

In the city, there are more than 20 acquired treasures suspended in suspension, and each acquired treasure is a thunder attribute.

This is a very special weapon. Although it is not an innate spirit treasure, it is also extremely terrifying.

The city lord of Shenlei City flew towards Wang Xian with invincible power, his eyes full of violent killing intent.

With a powerful treasure, he has the confidence to defeat this weird big brother of the Thunder Light Race.

Although the opponent is strong, he is very young after all.

“Big brother, be careful, the city lord of Shenlei City is very strong!”

“Wang Xian be careful!”

The disciples and the patriarch of Leiguang race loudly reminded them.

However, the patriarch of the Leiguang race can only look at them.

“Dare to kill our disciple from Da Lei Yin Academy, I want you to die!”

At the moment when Shen Lei Cheng took the initiative, a position aside from Da Lei Yin Academy also moved.

The same goes towards Wang Xian’s attack!

The two great universe venerables came from the peak powerhouse.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian swept away his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Five Elements Mausoleum appeared on the top of his head.


With a move, he directly greeted the city lord of Shenlei City.

“court death!”

The eyes of the Lord of God Thunder City were full of fierce expression, and the various thunder treasures on the castle above his head burst out with energy, directly blasting at him.


Wang Xian Wushi Sacred Wing instigated, and quickly dodged a series of thunder attacks.

“Fast speed!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s speed, the city lord of Shenlei City also changed wildly, and his pupils shrank slightly.


In an instant, Wang Xian came to the right side of the city lord of Shenlei City, his arm turned into a dragon’s claw, and he blasted directly at him.

“court death!”

The castle above the lord of Shenlei City bloomed with luster, and the acquired treasures flew out, completely covering the king’s fairy.


The Great Grinding of the Five Elements on Wang Xian’s head trembled. Also in the Great Grinding of the Five Elements, various weapons condensed and directly greeted him.

Wang Xian did not retreat but advanced, still rushing towards the front.

“Hold him, let’s kill this guy!”

At this time, a strong man from Da Lei Yin Academy also rushed to kill him, his eyes locked on Wang Xian, and he shouted at the Lord of Shen Lei City.


The lord of God Thunder City shouted, his eyes condensed, and two thunder lasers burst into his pupils.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled, his speed continued, and with a wave of his arm, a behemoth appeared under him in an instant.


There was a roaring sound, and the purple thunder snake was suspended in the void.

He stared at the strong man in the Great Leiyin Academy, and a purple beam of light burst out from the thunder horns above his head, directly impacting away.


A purple beam of light penetrated the entire void.

“Damn it, how is this possible!”

The powerhouse of the Great Leiyin Academy felt a terrifying power at the moment when the purple thunder snake appeared.

Staring at the purple beam of light, his face changed a lot, and he roared incredibly.

The purple Razer of the pinnacle of the Universe.

Most importantly, the thunder horns on the purple Razer’s head made him feel palpitation.

Facing the purple Razer’s attack, he hurriedly moved aside to hide.


The purple Razer did not hesitate, swaying its huge body, and attacked directly.

The thunder is densely covered around it, slowly converging to the position of the thunder corner.


On the side of the city lord of Shenlei City, he saw Wang Xian appearing under Wang Xian’s Cosmos Venerable’s peak battle pet, and seeing the strong man in the Da Lei Yin Academy being resisted, his face changed slightly.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, in the front position, the collision of the Five Elements Great Mill and the various treasures on the castle also sounded.

Those pieces of acquired treasures flew directly toward the castle, and the thunder above quickly dimmed.

The attack of the Five Elements Damo still shocked in terror.

“how come!”

The face of the city lord of Shenlei City changed wildly again, staring at the completely crushed treasure with wide-eyed eyes incredibly.


Suddenly, he sensed that the Wang Xian’s figure in front of him disappeared instantly.

This made his heart tense, and a threat of death enveloped him.


An extremely sharp penetrating sound came, and he lowered his head, staring at the position of his chest in amazement.

“Do not!”

The Lord of God Thunder City’s face changed wildly, and his body shook, causing his body to separate, and hurriedly went to the side to hide.


The great mill of the five elements in the sky releases a burst of annihilating energy, covering a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers like a river of time.


Located in this long river of obliteration, the power of the five elements obliteration poured into his body from the wound of the city lord of Shenlei City, dissolving his vitality.

He roared ferociously.



The blasting sound that made him frightened once again spread into his ears, and the city lord of Shenlei City showed panic and despair in his eyes.

“What a terrifying speed and a strong attack, how is this possible!”

He roared tremblingly and scanned the surroundings with cold sweat on his face.

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