Chapter 3409 Big Brother Is Here



The huge city of Clay collapsed quickly, and screams of horror sounded.

The people of Clay City still don’t understand what disaster they have encountered in Clay City at this moment?

Who on earth killed them Clay City?

At this time, they can only flee madly.

Wang Xian was floating above the teleportation array, watching this scene coldly, without the slightest fluctuation.

If Clay City wants to destroy the Thunder Light Race, it must be prepared for it.

In the face of war, there is no right or wrong, no kindness.

“Let’s go!”

The entire city of Clay lasted only five minutes under the raging mill of the Five Elements and the purple thunder snake, Wang Xian said lightly, and landed below.

The position in front of him, the teleportation array has not been destroyed, he can still teleport.

With a wave of his arm, after putting away the Five Elements Great Mill and the Purple Thunder Snake King, Wang Xian put in some divine stones and stepped into the teleportation formation.

The figure slowly disappeared, leaving only a ruined city of Clay.


When Wang Xian appeared in front of the teleportation formation on the mountain where the disciples of the Leiguang race lived, a powerful pressure came.


Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and he looked around.

“it’s me!”

He immediately spoke.

“Big brother! It’s big brother!”

Around the location, some disciples shouted loudly.

There is also an elder and deacon next to him!

“Wang Xian, come here quickly!”

Ahead, an elder beckoned to Wang Xian.

The last time Wang Xian killed the big brother of Da Lei Yin Academy with a single move, the elders of the Lei Guang race had already regarded him as a powerhouse of the same level.

“Good elder, what’s the situation now?”

Wang Xian flew over, glanced around and asked.

“This time is a huge crisis for our Leiguang race!”

The elder’s expression was slightly solemn, and his expression was embarrassing.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment: “Elder, how many forces are besieging us?”

“According to the information we have so far, there are five forces in Da Lei Yin Yuan, Shen Lei City, Purple City, Clay City, and Liu Yan City who want to attack us. Now the main battle legion of our Thunder Light Race is in front of them. Engage in small-scale battles.”

“Five forces, the top powerhouse of Venerable Universe is around 18, more than double ours.”

The elder said with a calm face.

“Elder, what caused the conflict between us and them?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, and he asked curiously.

The five major forces suddenly besieged the Leiguang race. There is a reason for this.

“Because of a treasure, a sacred tree of the first order of the cosmos, and a sacred tree that can produce thunder fruit. This sacred tree was already in our bag. The second elder of the Supreme Supreme was suddenly attacked and fallen by them. Venerable Universe, the pinnacle powerhouse sneaked an attack, and the second elder was caught off guard!”

“Now that the first-tier sacred tree of the universe ruler has also been obtained by the Da Lei Yin Academy, they have taken a counterattack and formed an alliance!”

“These five damn guys, they should have premeditated, otherwise it would be impossible to move so fast!”

The elder roared angrily.

Wang Xian frowned slightly when he heard what the elder said.

The sacred tree of the dominance level of the universe, a treasure of this level, is indeed worth fighting for by forces like the Thunder Race.

It’s just that the opponent had planned for a long time, a big race and four big cities have joined forces. No, it should be said that there are only three cities now.

But even so, the Leiguang race is not their opponent.

More than double the number of peak powerhouses, if the opponents all kill, it will be difficult for the Leiguang race to resist.

But if you don’t resist, you have to resist.

Once they give up, they can only hide in Dongtianfudi, but shrinking in Dongtianfudi is the last resort.

As long as it retreats into the hole of heaven and blessed land, the thunder light race will be completely surrounded by the opponent.

At that time, they are likely to be sealed here by the opponent’s formation.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Kaitian Primordial Continent.

At the beginning, the Iron and Steel Guild, the Shroud and the Lich Kingdom wanted to completely seal the Dragon Palace and suppress it.

Therefore, as long as there is a glimmer of hope on the Leiguang race, they will not give up.

“No, Da Lei Yin Academy and their forces are ready to assemble, the war is about to break out, and the patriarch ordered us to rush over immediately!”

At this time, the elder on the side said slightly anxiously.

“Close all external teleportation formations, and all disciples follow me to the front battlefield!”

He immediately ordered loudly.

“It’s the elder!”

A group of disciples immediately responded, clenching their fists tightly, full of killing intent.

The teleportation formation is closed, which means that the Leiguang race has closed the connection with the outside world.

Wang Xian followed behind the elder and immediately flew towards the battlefield ahead.

Today’s battlefield is also a place where they were forced to retreat by Da Lei Yin Yuan Shen Lei City.

Here has reached the realm of the Thunder Light Race, and there is a blessed land of the Thunder Light Race next to it.

Dongtian blessed land is called Flash Thunder Dongtian.

This place is good for cultivation, and cannot help them resist opponents.

The Thunder Light Race can be teleported inside, and through the teleportation array, it will soon reach the Thunder Hole within days.

“All the disciples who arrived immediately lined up, ready to fight!”

As soon as Wang Xian and the others arrived, they heard the command in front of them.

An atmosphere of killing filled the surroundings.

Ahead, a strong disciple of the Leiguang race almost all gathered.

A total of fifty to six million disciples lined up in an army, staring coldly at the front position.

At the leading position, the Leiguang race patriarch and all the elders all arrived.

After the fall of the Second Supreme Elder, there were only seven peak powers of the Leiguang Race Universe Venerable.

It’s all here!

“Let’s go, Wang Xian, you come with me!”

The old man beside him said to Wang Xian, and the two immediately flew towards the central patriarch.

“Patriarch, too elder!”

“Patriarch, too elder!”

After Wang Xian and the others passed, they immediately greeted the patriarch.

“Hehe, Wang Xian, you can come, we are very pleased!”

Seeing Wang Xian, the head of the Leiguang race showed relief on his face.

They also knew that Wang Xian went out not long ago, but he was able to rush over after hearing that the war broke out, which also meant that they regarded the Thunder Light Race as their own.

Otherwise, who wants to risk participating in this level of war?

“I am now a disciple of the Thunder Light Race. The chief patriarch treats me very well, so naturally I won’t back down!”

Wang Xian smiled at the patriarch and said.

“Haha, good.”

The patriarch of Leiguang race laughed, and the six supreme elders nearby also nodded in satisfaction.

“The next battle breaks out. We must save our lives. If we lose, we will have to rely on you to make a comeback. Therefore, you can’t die!”

The patriarch of the Leiguang race glanced at each other, landed on Wang Xian’s body together, and said solemnly.

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