3403 Born-18 May 1984

“Swish swish!”

“Brother, please sit down!”

Before the Xuan Lei Island auction, Wang Xian and the disciples of the Thunder Light Race flew over and saw the second elder of the Thunder Light Race and they immediately sat in the rear position.

A group of disciples made Wang Xian sit in front of him respectfully.

“Hehe, Wang Xian, good job!”

Ahead, the two elders of the Supreme Supreme Being and they looked over and nodded towards him with a smile on his face.

Wang Xian smiled and nodded at them in response.

The two elders of the Supreme Supreme Being, their eyes flickered slightly, and they were also thinking about everything.

They felt that they couldn’t see through this disciple who had joined their Thunder Light Race.

Such as this year, with such terrifying strength, the future has unlimited potential!

“That is the new big brother of Thunder Light Race, Thoroughbred Thunder Dragon?”

“If you are so young, you have such terrifying strength, and you will definitely get a great opportunity!”

“Too strong, has his strength reached the ninth rank of Venerable Universe?”

In the surrounding positions, the disciples of a group of strong men saw Wang Xian and the others flying over, and their eyes focused on the past.

Everyone had received news of the conflict between the Leiguang Race and the Great Leiyin Academy just now.

Many strong men have also witnessed this scene.

They looked at Wang Xian closely, their eyes filled with surprise.

This strength and talent shocked them.


At the side position, the powerhouses and disciples of Da Lei Yin Academy glanced at Wang Xian Yin Yin and snorted.

“Hehe, you are welcome to come to our Shenlei City auction, thank you for joining us, our auction will begin immediately!”

It didn’t take long for the auction to officially begin.

Wang Xian sat down and watched quietly.

This auction of Shenlei City is relatively grand for all the forces and has a lot of treasures.

But for Wang Xian, it didn’t have much appeal.

After the whole auction was down, there was nothing that could attract him.

This disappointed him slightly.

The auction of Shenlei City is still a bit lower for a powerful person like Wang Xian.

An auction lasted more than ten hours, and all the items were auctioned off.

Afterwards, Wang Xian took the resources he had obtained from auctioning items, and did not stay in Shenlei City.

“Master, do you have any action next?”

Following a group of female disciples back to the Leiguang race, Lei Zhengyun and Lei Yunzi asked.

“I’m going out and coming back in about a few months!”

Wang Xian said to them.

“Huh? Where are the big brothers going?”

The female disciples asked curiously.

“Go to Nine Sun City!”

Wang Xian didn’t conceal it, and said directly.

“Nine Sun City, Big Brother, are you going to Nine Sun City? It’s very far there!”

Lei Yunzi said in surprise.

“Well, there is something I must go to!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“Well then, we won’t bother you big brother!”

The girls nodded.

“Well, I will go over immediately and come back as soon as possible!”

Wang Xian spoke, waved his hand towards them, and left through the teleportation array.

“Big brother, pay attention to safety!”

The female disciples spoke.

“Huh? Where’s your big brother?”

Not long after Wang Xian left, the figure of the Great Elder appeared on the mountain where the disciple lived.

Did not sense Wang Xian, just saw a group of female disciples, and asked.

“Elder, big brother just left, heading to the Nine Sun City, and come back in a few months!”

A group of female disciples immediately responded.

“Oh? Nine Sun City?”

The elder raised his eyebrows, then nodded, turned and left.

“Patriarch, Supreme Elder, Wang Xian’s disciple has just left, went to Jiu Sun City, and will return in a few months!”

The great elder came to the main hall of the Leiguang race and reported to the patriarch and several Taishang elders inside.

“Oh, then see you when he comes back!”

“Hehe, I don’t know if his strength has reached the ninth rank of Venerable Universe!”

The patriarch’s elders originally wanted to see Wang Xian, but now that they leave, they can only wait for him to come back.

“In terms of combat effectiveness, it is 100% able to contend with the ninth-order powerhouse of Venerable Universe. It seems that the fire dragon ball has improved him a lot!”

The second elder Tai Shang said.

“He should have hidden some secrets before, otherwise it would be impossible to improve so fast.”

A supreme elder guessed.

The patriarch nodded in agreement.

“Meeting the patriarch, the patriarch, we found that there are signs of the birth of a treasure in the eastern part of the thundercloud domain. The energy is very terrifying, and it is definitely a powerful treasure!”

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew over in a panic and reported loudly.


The patriarch of the Leiguang race was bright in front of them.

“In Nine Days City, it should be possible to deal with Xiantian Lingbao!”

At this moment, Wang Xian flew out from a city, looked at the map and flew towards the distance.

Nine Days City is the most recent big city that Wang Xian has found in the past few days.

The so-called big cities in his mouth are cities that can digest innate spiritual treasures.

Nine Sun City is a city on the edge of the Shenhu clan.

The god tiger clan belongs to one of the pinnacle races in the universe.

The tiger may be just a famous animal when on the earth, but in the universe, the sacred tiger clan is indeed very powerful.

There are many types of the god tiger clan. Generally speaking, they can be divided into two royal families, one is good at fighting and the other is good at speed!

To be able to become the pinnacle race, no one is weak, their horror absolutely suffocates other races.

The Nine Sun City is just a fringe city of the God Tiger clan, with a large area, and occasionally it is possible to encounter the strong of the God Tiger clan inside.

Moreover, the city lord of Nine Days City is a powerhouse in the pinnacle realm of the Universe Venerable.

According to rumors, it was a strong man of the Shenhu clan who was expelled from the clan for committing a crime.

This also means that he has the third-order combat power of the universe dominance level.

Because of the strong presence, Nine Sun City quickly became prosperous and formed a large trading market.

Around Nine Days City, there are several forces within the fighting power of the Youyu universe dominating level, which also makes this large city occasionally appear innate spirit treasures.

Therefore, the sale of Xiantian Lingbao should not be a big problem.

Moreover, there is another reason why Wang Xian chose Jiu Sun City.

Within the God Tiger clan, the royal family who is good at speed has the main attributes of wind and thunder.

Wang Xian’s innate thunder clock has a great effect on those with strong thunder attributes.

He tried to attract some powerful people from the god tiger clan to come over, so that he could sell for a good price.

Wang Xian was thinking while flying at extreme speed.

He now needs to go to another city to teleport.

In the interior of Kaitian Primordial Land, the teleportation arrays are not interconnected.

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