Chapter 336 Arrogant Young Man from the Holy Sect of Medicine (Fourth!)

Strange creatures, weird creatures, and very ordinary creatures.

An ant, the ant looks very big, its head is like a mushroom.

A leech, completely dark, its mouth is completely split, and its claws are densely packed with sharp thorns.

A leech, a white leech, has teeth on its head, and a viscous bloody liquid all over its body.

A mosquito, like a blood-sucking mosquito with a ghost face, is flushed all over.

The four creatures are all ordinary creatures, but they have become very scary in the photo, as if they have undergone a horrible mutation.

Moreover, these four small creatures, now all the size of a palm, are extremely terrifying.

Below the file, there is a line of text introduction.

The four kinds of creatures possess terrifying speed, and they don’t have the strength of Martial Artist level seven or eight, so they can avoid the attacks of this kind of creatures.

Moreover, after being bitten by this creature, people will become very crazy, biting like a zombie, spreading the virus to other people.

According to the archives, there are many of these creatures in a radius of 30 kilometers.

“No wonder the genius doctor was invited to post such a mission!”

Wang Xian looked at the records in the file with a look of surprise on his face.

Ordinary martial artist level eight or nine can guarantee the safety of life there. If this allows the creatures and viruses here to spread, then the harm will be great.

It may even cause irreparable terrorist losses.

“Someone will pick me up in the morning the day after tomorrow, and then we will go there together!”

Sun Lingxiu said with a smile on her face.


Wang Xian nodded, and after staying in the Shenlong Medical Hall for a while, he came to the school for two classes.

Come back with Guan Shuqing Xiaoyu in the evening.

Lan Qingyue has been busy recently, and Deep Sea Jewelry is developing at a terrifying speed recently.

Moreover, Zhou’s jewelry was sold to Deep Sea Jewelry at a polar price.

After the pilgrimage, the Lingyue Sect was completely frightened. They were really afraid that Wang Xian would lead a group of powerful men to directly destroy their Lingyue Sect.

Deep Sea Jewelry acquired Zhou’s Jewelry, combining the two into one, becoming the largest jewelry company in China.

The market value has doubled.

Lan Qingyue has been dealing with company affairs in recent days.

After a very pleasant day of rest in the villa, a military jeep came to the door of the villa in the early morning of the next day.

A soldier in plain clothes saluted Sun Lingxiu.

“Sit down, let’s set off now!”

Wang Xian, Sun Lingxiu and the genius doctor of blood got in the car and quickly came to a nearby military airport.

Following a helicopter, the three of them drove towards Huangqi City.

Huangqi City is a small city on the third and fourth lines. It is close to the plain and the Yellow River flows through it.

And their destination this time is an area of ​​the Yellow River that diverges from the river.

The plane landed at a temporary airport on the plain. When Wang Xian and the others came down, they found many soldiers gathered around.

The area here has been completely intercepted by the high-voltage power grid to prevent creatures from going out here.

But the effect of this approach is not great.

There are many makeshift tents in the front position.

There are a lot of people nearby, and dozens of planes are parked.

“Please come with me, Doctor Sun!”

The middle-aged who came to pick them up led them towards the inside and came to a huge tent in the central location.

At a glance, this tent is a temporary combat command site.

When they first entered inside, they saw that there were already many people inside, more than a hundred people.

Wang Xian swept away his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In this, all are strong, there are at least a dozen innate strong, except for the innate strong, the rest is a famous genius doctor.

A bald old man has a very obvious personality. Wang Xian knows him, the sixth Buddhist doctor on the list of genius doctors.

Their arrival has attracted the attention of many people. Sun Lingxiu is like a firefly in the night, holy and cannot be ignored.

“The Goddess Sun, the goddess of light!”

The young people in the tent looked over with bright eyes, and even the middle-aged could not help but look more.

“Doctor Sun, please here!”

A middle-aged man in military uniform saw Sun Lingxiu and said to her.


Sun Lingxiu nodded and walked towards the tent.

There are twenty or thirty seats when you walk into it, and many people are already sitting on it.

Among them, the innate strong are all sitting there, and there are also top-ranked genius doctors sitting there.

Sun Lingxiu was invited, so he was naturally qualified to sit in the front.

And with Sun Lingxiu’s current reputation, he also has capital.

“Jiejie, are there many people? There are not many seats!”

The blood man genius doctor said with a smile, and directly sat down on a seat and looked around leisurely.

“The room is limited, and there will be no gossip if the genius doctor and the strong sit here!”

The middle-aged man in military uniform explained with a smile.

Wang Xian did not hesitate to find a place to sit down.

However, as soon as he sat down, he looked over with a cold gaze.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look.

There, an old old man stared at him with scorching eyes, and beside him, there was a familiar figure.

The poisonous doctor Yan Snake, Yan Snake felt Wang Xian look over and nodded friendly towards him.

“Sage disciple!”

Wang Xian’s heart moved slightly when he saw the uniform costumes on them.

The corners of the old man’s mouth were slightly cocked, with a cold expression on his face.

“It should be the master of the genius doctor of Guanghua!” Wang Xian guessed in his heart, with a faint smile on his face, and he didn’t care.

“All of you from the Sacred Gate of Medicine, please come inside!”

At this moment, a respectful voice came from the door, and the crowd in front of them quickly stepped aside.

A young man walked in the center, followed by two old men beside him. The three of them exuded a smell of medicine, their heads held up slightly, and they walked inside with pride.

Especially the young man walking in the center, glanced at everyone sitting in the chair, with a faint smile on his face.

He raised his head and chest, his body paused slightly, his eyes were slightly stagnant when he saw Sun Lingxiu, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He immediately walked over, swept both sides, and looked at Wang Xian.

“Young man, please go to the next location!”

The youth did not speak, an old man beside him lowered his head slightly and said lightly towards Wang Xian.

“Holy Doctor, the people from the Holy Doctor are here, and there are three more!”

“I know those two elders, they are the second poisonous elders of the Sacred Doctor, and they are innately strong, with a reputation!”

“Who is that young man and how can he stand in the middle of the two old poisonous people?”

“Don’t you see his clothes? The Sage of Medicine is centered on the Hua family and the Bian family. The young man has a word “Bian” on his clothes. It should be the core disciple of the Bian family!”

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