Chapter 334 Goddess of Light (Second!)

Wang Xian became rich and became rich completely.

The porcelain bottle in his arms contained more than 20 billion elixirs, which made him feel good.

“In the next few days, take a break and cultivate spiritual grass.”

Wang Xian was full of comfort, looked at the time, and found that it was more than nine o’clock, his figure moved and quickly galloped towards the location of the villa.

Coming to the villa, in the courtyard, Guan Shuqing, Xiaoyu, Elder Fan, Xiao Ran and Xiao Ran’s sister are practicing swordsmanship.

Sui Huang lay on the side and kept pointing at the five people.

Today, Guan Shuqing Xiaoyu’s strength has reached a half-step innate realm, and Elder Fan no longer has the strength to teach Xiaoyu, even the head of the Thorns faction does not have this strength.

However, Xiao Yu didn’t let Elder Fan leave, but practiced with her every day.

Naturally, Wang Xian would not treat Elder Fan badly, and gave her some spiritual herbs and elixir without hesitation.

Now Elder Fan’s strength has reached a half-step innate.

Xiao Ran’s strength is still at the eighth rank of martial artist, but he has reached such a rank at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and he is already a perverted rank.

Alongside her sister Mengxin was also practicing, and Sun Lingxiu took Liu Mengxin as a disciple. Naturally, what she cultivated was not the Dragon Transformation of Light, but the practice technique of Shenghua Medical Doctor.

It is also a bright attribute.

“elder brother!”

“Little Fairy!”


When the crowd saw them coming, they didn’t stop training, and said hello with a smile.

“You practice first!”

Wang Xian stood in the yard and looked at with a smile on his face for a while, and Sui Huang, who was lying on the chair, cast a faint glance at Wang Xian.

“I only accepted one apprentice, but I want to teach a group of people to practice!”

He slowly sighed softly, obviously showing it to Wang Xian.

“The Emperor Sui is mighty, a rare mentor in thousands of years!”

Wang Xian said with a smile, and walked directly into the room.

“There is no sincerity to praise!”

Sui Huang murmured and continued to point Guan Shuqing to them.

Entering the villa, Sun Lingxiu was busy in the kitchen. Looking at her back, Wang Xian smiled slightly.

Now Sun Lingxiu is really impeccable.

Early the next morning, Wang Xian looked towards the bed and looked at Guan Shuqing, who was sleeping again after taking a leave of absence, with a smug smile on his face.

“Go to Shenlong Medical Center to see!”

Walking down the villa, Wang Xian thought for a while and hurried towards the Shenlong Medical Center.

After Shenlong Medical Center was handed over to Sun Lingxiu, he had not visited it once, but Sun Lingxiu gave him a card yesterday.

There are more than 200 million in the card, which is the income of the Shenlong Medical Center in the past ten days or so.

More than 20 million a day, more than his income when he was in the hospital.

Wang Xian came to the door of Shenlong Medical Center and looked forward in astonishment.

At this time around ten o’clock in the morning, there were more than 20 people gathered at the door.

A group of people dressed in ordinary, there are elderly and middle-aged people, many of them appear to be from the countryside.

They stood at the door, lined up quietly, not daring to make a loud noise.

Wang Xian was slightly surprised and walked directly inside.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that the room was full, and the genius doctor of blood was treating a person inside.

Lying on a few sickbeds are a few elderly people, dressed in shabby clothes, and at a glance, the family conditions are not very good.

He looked at the surrounding walls and found that various pennants were hung on the walls.

What selfless help, thank Dr. Sun.

Chinese goddess clothing, grateful and Dade.

All kinds of pennants almost covered the entire wall.

Wang Xian looked to the side and found that the rules he had set before had been changed.

“Saving the dying and healing the wounded, the kind poor people don’t need any money to heal their illnesses!”

“The rich family warrior, the treatment is not less than five million!”

“Sure enough it fits Sun Lingxiu’s character!”

When Wang Xian saw the revised door rules, he was not at all angry. Sun Lingxiu was a very kind person.

She is accustomed to seeing life and death separation in the hospital, and to seeing many people who look down on illness because they have no money.

Therefore, she treats patients for free.

Of course, this is limited to the poor, the kind poor.

Give them all to the blood man’s genius doctor.

The genius doctor of blood man looks like a middle-aged person. In fact, he is 70 or 80 years old. Through some methods, he can judge a person’s xinxing, but no one can hide it.

No one dared to pretend to have no money to come for treatment, because after all, the genius doctor of blood is not a good person.

After some people suffered, no one dared to do so.

The first floor is for ordinary people to see a doctor, and the second floor is where Sun Lingxiu sees a doctor for those wealthy warriors.

Wang Xian walked towards the second floor.

“Stop, wait in line for the doctor, stand aside and wait.”

When Wang Xian just walked to the second floor and was about to walk inside, there was a cold shout from the side.


Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and looked aside.

A young man sat aside and raised his head slightly, and said coldly to Wang Xian.

Beside him, stood two middle-aged people.

In addition to this young man, there are two young people next to them. They have long swords in their hands.

The three youths are very handsome, with proud expressions on their faces.

The other two young people were sitting there with two flowers beside them, very gorgeous.

“This? What’s the situation?”

Wang Xian was slightly confused, ignored the young man, and walked straight into it.

“Don’t you know the rules here? God Doctor Sun prohibits other people from entering when he is treating people!”

The young man who had just spoken saw that Wang Xian ignored him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shouted again coldly.

“Who are you?”

Wang Xian looked at the young man and asked faintly.

“You don’t have the right to know who I am. You want to see a doctor and wait here. If you have any doubts about Dr. Sun, just let Laozi go!”

The young man shouted at Wang Xian very domineeringly.

“Want to pursue the Goddess of Light? First, let us hear the name, if we are not qualified, get out immediately!”

Among the two young people next to him, one raised his head faintly, and said to him arrogantly.

Wang Xian felt a little funny when he saw these three arrogant youths.

The goddess of light, um, should be called Sun Lingxiu.

“With Sun Lingxiu’s beauty and temperament, ninety-nine out of a hundred men will definitely be tempted, and it is normal for someone to pursue it!”

Wang Xian smiled and continued to walk inside.

“Have you not heard you stand still? Are you looking for death?”

When the three young men saw that Wang Xian still ignored them, their faces suddenly became gloomy.

They slowly stood up, locking onto Wang Xian with an aura.

The two middle-aged beside the young man stared at Wang Xian coldly.


At this moment, Sun Lingxiu, who was treating the patient inside, frowned slightly when he heard the movement from outside one after another.

She turned her head to look, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately followed Wang Xian with a smile on her face.

“Xiaoxian, how come you have time to come over!”

A happy smile is like a flower, which makes your heart beat faster.

“come and see!”

Wang Xian smiled.

“The three dude disciples outside the door didn’t do anything excessive, did they?”

Sun Lingxiu walked to Wang Xian’s side, glanced at the three young people, and said directly.

“Not too much, these three people are very dedicated, very good!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

“Hehe, I’ll make tea for you!”

Sun Lingxiu smiled and hurriedly walked inside, picked up the teacup, and made a cup of his favorite Longjing tea for Wang Xian.

“This this…”

At this moment, the three young people outside looked at their goddess with a stunned face.

“This… how is this possible, this is impossible, my goddess…”

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