Chapter 332: Refining the Pill of Heaven and Earth with the Fire of Origin (Fifth!)

“Master, there is news from the Devil 15 that the floating island has come to the side of the Bohai Island, and a group of Dragon Palace members are guarding the surroundings!”

After walking out of Tianyinmen, the seven dragons in the abyss left directly, and Wang Xian drove towards Jiangcheng in the RV.

In the past, the Bohai Island was to be transformed into a base, but the plan was interrupted by the appearance of Sacred Sea Sword Rain.

The construction of the island was abandoned, and the dragonmen of the dragon gate let them develop independently.

Right now, that island was useless to Wang Xian and the others. Instead, it was a floating island, which was an ideal base.

“To transform the floating island, part of the island will be transformed into the base of the Longmen in the future, and another part will be transformed into a scenic spot, um, a place for living, playing and resting!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

“It’s Master!”

Mo Qinglong nodded.

The car drove very fast. Before dark, the car came to the villa.

Wang Xian walked into the villa with a smile, only to find that there was no one in the room.

I called Xiaoyu to find out that a group of girls had gone out shopping for dinner.

Wang Xian shook his head slowly: “Go, let’s go to the floating island.”

With a movement, Wang Xian jumped directly into the sea and galloped towards the floating island.

Close to the location of the island, Wang Xian saw that around the floating island, a group of Dragon Palace’s men were entrenched below, guarded by them, even if the floating island was discovered, no one would want to take it away.

Three eleventh-level creatures are sitting around, and the remaining twenty or thirty innate level horrors exist, even if they come to two holy gates, they can’t beat this small floating island.

Arriving on the floating island, all the treasures have been separately collected by the Devil Fifteen and placed in a room.

The money from selling these treasures is totally enough to build floating islands.

Under Wang Xian’s advice, the location of the leisure area, Wang Xian made them look like a well-known beach, so that it will be very comfortable to rest here in the future.

When Wang Xian came to the location of the medicine garden, he saw that the elixir was growing vigorously in the medicine garden.

“Try the technique of alchemy.”

Since getting the alchemy, Wang Xian hasn’t tried it yet.

The art of alchemy, Wang Xian’s most important ability at present, he is ready to master it as soon as possible

“The most common pill is the first-level pill. Among the first-level pill, Yunqi Pill is an entry-level pill. When two or three martial artists take it, it can directly increase one level, and the Yunqi pill can also be polished. The basics are of great benefit to the fifth and sixth rank martial artists!”

Standing in front of the pharmacy, Wang Xian recalled the prescriptions one by one.

Since learning, we must start with the most basic pill.

“Yunqi grass, Shui Linghua!”

The refining of the Qi Yun Pill requires only two kinds of spirit grasses to match, and the refining of the pill has a rule.

The first-level pill requires the perfect combination of two kinds of spiritual herbs to be refined by flame; the second-level pill requires four kinds of herbs to be combined for refining; the third-level pill requires nine kinds of spiritual herbs for refining. .

The four-level elixirs require 16 types of elixirs, which increase in multiples.

In the same way, a qi-gathering grass and a water Linghua can not only refine one pill, but a powerful alchemist can refine two or three pills.

These two or three pills are more than ten times the value of Qi Yunqi and Shui Linghua.

Alchemist is a very rich career, but it is also a very expensive career, and even many alchemists lose money.

Alchemy does not guarantee 100% success.

According to Emperor Sui, at present alchemy is owned by only a few forces in the arena, and this profession is even more rare than genius doctors.

The most powerful alchemy technique is the Sacred Doctors, they have a lot of elixir, save people with the pill, and they can rank in the top three among the Sacred Sects!

The second is Yaodingshan. Yaodingshan is a first-level power, but they are at the top of the first-level power, and even the Holy Sect has a good relationship with Yaodingshan!

There are very few alchemists in the rivers and lakes, and they rarely encounter the pill.

Wang Xian walked to the medicinal garden and picked a qi-gathering grass and a water Linghua, both of which were first-class spirit grasses, but there were many in the medicinal garden.

“According to the records of alchemy, no pill furnace is required for the third level and lower, and the pill furnace is needed for the more advanced ones. Controlling the flame will melt the Qi-containing grass and the water Linghua. The ratio of five to two to three to one two blends them together, but it is surrounded by warm fire to make them blend together completely.”

Wang Xian recalled the key to the alchemy and the proportion of the Qi Pill in his mind.

This also involves the melting point and the ablation point.

The melting point is naturally melting, and if it melts, it means becoming ashes.

If the flame is too strong, the spirit grass will directly turn into ashes, which represents a complete failure.

Moreover, there are also the timing and time of integration, which is very complicated!

The art of alchemy is not as simple as imagined. To become an alchemist, you have to go through thousands of times of practice.

“Huh, give it a try!”

Wang Xian took a deep breath, calmed his mood and made his mind clear.

The first is the control of the flame temperature. This temperature cannot be too high or too low.

The second is the proportion of the ratio.

The control of the flame is very easy for Wang Xian, who has the original flame, and he can change the temperature of the flame with a single thought.

Two spheres of flames appeared when Wang Xian’s palm stretched out. With a movement in Wang Xian’s heart, the two spheres of flames turned into something like a small bowl, which looked lifelike.

“Experiment the control of flame first!”

Wang Xian stared at the two small bowls, with a move in his heart, the color of the flame on the left small bowl became darker, and there was no change in the right one.

“Well, the two spirit grasses must be fused within one second of turning into juice, and they must be fused with a perfect formula, otherwise, the medicine will not become a pill and it will be poison!”

With a move of Wang Xian’s arm, two spirit grasses still plunged into the flame bowl.

“Ding, do you use the fire of the original source to refine the pill of heaven and earth!”

At this moment, the voice of the system came, and Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, with a look of error on his face.


A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Wang Xian nodded immediately.

At this moment, Wang Xian suddenly noticed that the flame in his hand had changed, turning into red and crimson. The two spirit grasses fell on it and melted directly, turning into drops of liquid.

The liquid was very eye-catching in the fire of the source, did not disappear, the effect of the medicine did not dissipate in the slightest, as if it was completely protected by the flame.

“Hi, this will save many processes of alchemy!”

Wang Xian took a breath and moved in his heart. Under his control, the two spirit grass liquids began to match.


Wang Xian looked at the four balls of liquid, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

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