Chapter 3226 Breakthrough

“This time, the resources can almost improve myself!”

In the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian looked at the information ahead, his eyes gleaming.

Hundreds of treasures in the house of the Gods of the Universe, including the treasures in the house of the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan.

This is a very scary resource.

These resources are able to give birth to more than one hundred cosmic lords in the Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian roughly estimated that these resources were enough to make his strength breakthrough.

“Very well, I break through, and the five elements in my hand should also be able to break through!”

“It’s a pity that this time I didn’t get the body of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King and his acquired treasure.”

Muttered in his mouth.

The corpse of the Tianhai Dragon King may be able to give birth to a golden dragon in the Dragon Palace, and the power of the acquired treasure naturally goes without saying.

“I will improve my strength and the Five Elements first.”

With a wave of his arm, the Houtian Lingbao Chi Sun and the other seventy or eighty five element attributes appeared on the side.

The five elements are suspended, and they begin to swallow.

The Lingbao Chi Sun, the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan, was almost only one step away from reaching the realm of the acquired treasure.

The Great Mould of the Five Elements swallowed so many spirit treasures, almost 100% can be promoted.

At that time, the Five Elements Great Mill will have the fighting power to kill the fifth rank of the Universe Venerable.


He let out a low growl, and a large amount of resources entered into his belly and transformed into dragon energy.

In the Hualong Pond of the Dragon Palace, all Dragon Palace members are being promoted.

There is also a Dragon Palace beside the Dragon Palace. At this moment, Ao Xie is leading several of his men to devour it.

“The Dragon Palace is so arrogant and arrogant, it took all the resources and treasures away, huh!”

Just as the Dragon Palace was being ascended, in a palace of the Xingjiang clan, nearly a thousand powerful men were sitting in it.

The leader is the strong horned seal race with a one-horned long tail.

On the left and right, there are the Snake Ji family and the strong twins.

In two days, the supporters of the three major races have all arrived.

The three major races, any one placed in the starry sky of Xingjiang, are invincible existences.

The number of their supporters, Universe Venerables, adds up to more than 1,000.

One can imagine how terrifying their strength is.

“The most precious thing is that dragon palace, that is a dragon palace of a powerful real dragon!”

The woman of the Snake Ji clan said with some fiery eyes.

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is not weak. Their strong team can hold me down, and the Dragon King can also contain two or three Cosmos Venerable Tier 4 strong at a terrifying speed.”

Venerable Jin Jiao spoke slightly solemnly, and looked at the powerful fellow of the same clan next to him.

“In that case, if you want to destroy the Dragon Palace, at least three Cosmos Venerable Tier 5 powerhouses must take action?”

“For the sake of safety, it would be better for the four Cosmos Venerables to be the fifth-tier strong.”

The strong Jiao Xi race sitting next to Venerable Jin Jiao said lightly.

“With four people, the Dragon Palace can basically be completely wiped out, but Venerable Jin Jiao has obtained an acquired treasure. If it is refined, there should be no problem with one person against two or three of the same level.”

The elder of the twin race said with gleaming eyes.


His words made the Venerable in the center of the Jiao Xi race slightly startled and looked at Venerable Jin Jiao.

“Yes, a very powerful acquired treasure, it may take a while for me to refine it.”

Venerable Jin Jiao’s eyes sparkled, and he nodded.

“Congratulations to the guardian of Jin Jiao, the acquired treasure is very rare.”

The strongman of the Jiao Xi race nearby said enviously: “If the guardian of the Jin Jiao can refine the acquired treasure, then there is no need for four Venerables of Tier 5, just two of us are enough.”

The power of an acquired treasure is enough to make one fight against two or three of the same level.

A powerful acquired treasure is undoubtedly a very terrifying trump card for them.

But the acquired treasure is extremely rare, and if you want to get it, you can only open the land of the prehistoric land.

“Yes, yes, but we still can’t underestimate the Dragon Palace.”

Venerable Jin Jiao nodded: “I am refining the acquired treasure during this period of time, so you can test the strength of the Dragon Palace.”

“Yes, be prepared.”

Another strongman of the Jiaoxi race, the fifth-order strongman, nodded, his eyes swept over the other two races.

They nodded in agreement.

The strength of the Jiao Xi race is one level higher than them, and they will naturally not refute the opinions of Venerable Golden Jiao.


At the same time, in the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, a dragon chant sounded.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the ninth rank of Void God Emperor!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending the law, the true dragon and the dragon body.”

As the system’s voice sounded, Wang Xian raised his head, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

He was entangled together and glanced at his body.


With a movement of his mind, his body began to change.

The eight-color dragon scales began to change, slowly, the eight rays of light flowed, forming a terrifying flame.

Immediately afterwards, the flames turned into water currents, the water currents turned into golden awns, and golden awns turned into natural yellows.

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon

Level: Ninth-level Void God Emperor (Eighth Change of Shenlong Transformation)

Origin: 1% (99% is needed before the next breakthrough)

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (the origin of phagocytic organisms is extracted)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: contemplating and possessing spirits

Laws and supernatural powers: Dragon Eye Locking Eight Wastes, Five Elements Dragon Claw, Yin and Yang Breaking Realm, Eight Lights Dragon Scales, Sacred Dragon Dragon Shadow, Tianlong Babu, Dragon Tomb, Cloud Mist Dragon, True Dragon Dragon Body

Dharma phase: Five Elements Great Mill, Dragon Kingdom in the Palm, Dragon Head World, Ten Thousand Miles of Dragon Body, Yin-Yang Polarity, Yin-Yang Five Elements Bowl, Shenlong Swinging Tail!

Rule of Control: Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Dark Wind

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Owning Dragon Palace: The day after tomorrow.

Sweeping his attributes, Wang Xian was full of smiles, his attributes kept turning.

“The supernatural power of this true dragon is very strong. Under the operation, all the energy of other attributes is transformed into one kind, so that it is easier to form a restraint in battle.”

Wang Xian murmured, his eyes gleaming.


As soon as his body moved, he slowly transformed into a human form.

His gaze swept across the five-element big mill on the side.

The improvement of the Five Elements Great Mould may take some time.

With a move, he came to the front of the Five Elements Great Mill to help refine a lot of spiritual treasures.


As time passed day by day, the Great Mould of the Five Elements had already made a breakthrough after swallowing the Chiyang Houtian Lingbao.

While he was still refining and absorbing other acquired spirit treasures, the increase in strength greatly increased his sensitivity.

Under his induction, he found that there were strong people hiding around the Dragon Palace, as if looking at something.

“Who is plotting wrong? They are the Jiao Xi race? Or?”

Wang Xian murmured, his figure disappeared in an instant.

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