Chapter 3224 Dragon Palace Powerhouse Arrival

“Whirring whirring!”

In the plaza of the Rising Dragon Association, the cosmic Venerable Universe of the cosmic elementary races among the stars of the winter moon and starry sky was a little short of breath.

This time they called the twin races and the Snake Ji clan to tide over the difficulties, and they had paid a great price.

Now a Yalong has been destroyed, and a real dragon has come.

The strength of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace made their faces very embarrassing.

If the Dragon Palace really wants them to pay a certain price and take out some treasures to compensate, if they disagree, they will be destroyed.

This is not much different from surrendering to the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

Either take out the treasure to compensate, or escape from the starry sky.

As for the others?

The strong of the horned seal race, the strong of the twin race cannot protect them all the time.

There are some differences between the Dragon Palace and the Sky Sea Dragon King.

Tianhai Dragon King is arrogant and arrogant and extremely powerful.

Although Dragon Palace is strong, they have plans for everything.

Once they really intend to destroy them, with their strength, they can’t resist it at all.

Unless, the Dragon Palace is destroyed.

“grown ups!”

They looked at the strong men of the twin race and the Snake Ji clan, and their faces were extremely embarrassed.

The faces of the two elders of the twin race were also a bit ugly.

“Dragon Palace Dragon King, do you know that you are antagonizing our twin race, the Snake Ji clan, and the Horned Seal Breeding Pig?”

“Have you considered the fate of being an enemy of us?”

The two elders of the twin race stared at Wang Xian with cold faces, threatening.

“I want to see what happens.”

As Wang Xian said, he narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the two elders of the twin races: “If I remember correctly, the strongest of your twin races is only Tier 4 of Universe Venerable. Have you ever thought of offending our Dragon Palace? Woolen cloth?”

Threat, who wouldn’t!

Twin races are intermediate races in the universe, but they are only the weakest intermediate races in the universe.

Their strongest is Universe Venerable Tier 4, and Dragon Palace’s current strength is nothing else. There is no problem with competing with a dozen Universe Venerable Tier Four.

Not to mention the strength this time after the resources have been increased.

Who destroys who is really not necessarily.

His words changed the expressions of the two elders of the twin race slightly.

“Haha, a bunch of rubbish, today you want to invade the resources of our Dragon Palace, our Dragon Palace is not afraid to go to war with you!”

Wang Xian laughed, his body moved, and he flew directly to a position about 10,000 meters ahead.

“damn it!”

Seeing the Dragon King coming in front of them, almost close at hand, feeling the thick provocation, the faces of all of them showed a gloomy look.

“Holy Armor, we are not the opponent of the Dragon King, we will go back first.”

A Universe Venerable said to the mecha, his figure slightly illusory.

“Go, the speed of the Dragon King is terrifying!”

Beside him, there are several imaginary figures of Cosmos Venerables.

Unwinnable battles, there is only death to stay here, they will naturally not look for death.

One by one the venerables began to flee, and instantly returned to their own gods.

The Holy Armor Venerable’s home port swept past, his expression unchanged, he looked at the two elders of the twin race and the two women of the Snake Ji clan.

“If you want to leave, just leave.”

The two elders of the twin race spoke.

The fight for the spoils of this war is no longer something they can participate in.

“Yes Yes!”

The faces of the Cosmos Venerables changed, and they hesitated for a while or were ready to leave.

They can no longer participate in this battle, and continuing to fight here is purely looking for death.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, in the front position, a figure with a powerful aura flew over here.

There are a total of three hundred figures, and each of them exudes the power of the Universe Venerable.

Feeling this terrifying power, the expressions of the two elders of the twin race and the two women of the Snake Ji clan changed slightly.

“This is the strong man in the Dragon Palace, the strong man in the Dragon Palace!”

Looking at the terrifying wind god dragon swaying in front, their faces were unusually solemn.

Just this terrifying power makes them feel strong pressure.

You must know that they have the fourth-order combat power of Venerable Universe.

“Why did the powerhouses of Dragon Palace come so soon? Aren’t they in the galaxy? Why did they rush over so quickly?”

The faces of the two elders of the twin race changed.

The situation here, they have also reported to the clan, and now the clan has sent strong people to rush over.

But it would take at least a few days to get here from the side of Weiluxingkong.

However, the people from Dragon Palace rushed over so quickly.

Didn’t it mean that the teleportation array where the Xingjiang starry sky reached the Milky Way had been destroyed?

Once the powerhouse of Dragon Palace arrives, all the resources will be taken away by them.

“Dragon King, we agree with you, your Dragon Palace gets 50%.”

The two elders of the twin race looked at each other and said with a change of face.

“Are you idiots?”

Wang Xian laughed mockingly when he heard what he said. He looked at the Dragon Palace members who were flying over, and immediately issued an order: “Collect all the treasures of the Xingjiang clan. You don’t need to participate in the battle here.”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The leaders of the Dragon Palace heard Wang Xian’s order and immediately responded.

“Dragon King, do you want to eat alone? Are you completely ignoring us?”

The two women of the Snake Ji clan said with gloomy blood dripping.

“People who stop the Dragon Palace, our Jiao Xi race can keep you safe.”

In the upper air position, the Jiao Xi race saw that the strong of the Dragon Palace had already arrived, their expression changed slightly, and immediately roared.

They have been restrained, if no one restrains the strong in the Dragon Palace, then they will not get any treasures.

The two elders of the twin race furrowed their brows and looked at the Dongyue race group beside them.

“Hehe, you can try to stop it and see if you will be wiped out by the Dragon Palace in the future.”

Wang Xian smiled lightly, his eyes swept across the forces of the Winter Moon race.

Not to mention whether their races can stop the powerful in Dragon Palace, once they dare to stop, Dragon Palace will destroy them.

The Horned Seal race can’t protect them either.


The Cosmos Venerables of the Winter Moon race looked at the 300 or so strong men in the Dragon Palace, then looked at the strong Dragon King, and pursed their lips.

Enemy with Dragon Palace?

No matter what the result is, they don’t even want to stay in the starry sky of Xingjiang.

“My lord, we…”

The face of the sage of the Winter Moon race changed, and he looked at the two elders of the twin race in front of him.

The twin race Snake Ji clan and the Holy Armor Venerable have a gloomy face, knowing that they don’t want to be an enemy of Dragon Palace.

At this time, more than 300 powerful men in the Dragon Palace had entered the Xingjiang clan and began to collect treasures.

The dragon witch who was specially brought over began to search for the kingdom of the universe with the help of treasures.

Wang Xian was floating there quietly, with a smile on his face, blocking all of them.

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