Chapter 3220 Trophy Competition

“We killed the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan.”

The two women of the Snake Ji clan saw Wang Xian attacking them, their expressions changed slightly, and they hurriedly went to the side to hide.

“You killed it?”

Wang Xian glanced at them, showing a mocking look in his eyes.

The death of the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan was due to the fall of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

He ignored it, and grabbed the corpse of the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan.


His corpse was put into the brood, and his arm was grabbed towards the Houtian Lingbao Chiyang.

This acquired Lingbao is very powerful!

“That is our trophy!”

The expressions of the two women of the Snake Ji clan changed slightly, and with a wave of the strange sculpture in their hands, a burst of energy attacked Wang Xian.

“I’m looking for death, dare to attack our Dragon King!”

At this time, the position on the side contained an aura of cold killing intent enveloping the two women of the Snake Ji clan, and the dragon scale willow leaves attacked them one after another.

The expressions of the two women changed drastically in an instant.

With a wave of their arms, a strange dark force moved towards the dragon scale willow leaves to resist.

“Puff puff!”


However, the strength of the two of them was only the third rank of Youyu Zhou, facing the sudden attack of the willow god, they could not resist.

Pieces of willow leaves submerged into their bodies, causing a lot of blood to overflow from their bodies instantly, their faces were pale, and their mouths screamed.


From the side, the strong man of the Jiao Xi race looked over, his face became cold, and he yelled coldly.

With a slight wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he waved away the strange attack from the attack of the Snake Ji family, and collected the acquired Lingbao Chiyang.

“Next time I dare to make a move, I will kill you all.”

He looked at the two women of the Snake Ji clan, his eyes were full of coldness.

“Shenlong’s line is so arrogant? Didn’t you see the end of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King?”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, the strong man of the Jiao Xi race narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him sternly.

“Only you can destroy the Heavenly Sea Dragon King?”

“Dare to do it with me, believe it or not, I will destroy them!”

Wang Xian looked at the strong man of the Jiao Xi race and said coldly.

If Aojin doesn’t take the Dragon Palace away, they want to kill the Heavenly Sea Dragon King completely wishful thinking.

Just now they besieged the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, Wang Xian and the others have done nothing less than the powerful ones of the horned seal race.

He still had no fear of the Jiao Xi race, a fifth-order expert of the Universe Venerable.

Adding Tianzhen and Liushen himself is enough to easily counter him.

If Ao Jin arrives, he can directly suppress it.


The expressions of the two women of the Snake Ji clan changed slightly, and their expressions were very embarrassing.

“I really don’t believe you can kill them.”

Murderous aura flashed in the eyes of the strong of the horned seal race.

“The enemy has been wiped out, you guys, when the next step is to collect the spoils, there is no need for conflict.”

The two elders of the twin race looked over, frowned slightly, and spoke.

“I agree!”

A voice came from the mecha with a powerful presence on the side.

“I want 50% of all the trophies.”

When their words fell, the strongman of the Jiao Xi race said directly.

“Of the remaining resources, I want 30%.”

Wang Xian said lightly, his eyes swept over the surrounding corpses: “I am not interested in the Xingjiang clan’s domain and other treasures. I want these corpses.”

“Do you two want more?”

When the two strong twins heard what they said, their faces were a little ugly.

“Do you want a corpse? The array mage can find their universe divine kingdom through the corpse, the dragon king of the Dragon Palace, you have a good calculation.”

The strong man of the Horned Seal race said abruptly.

“The treasure house of the Xingjiang clan, the domain of the Xingjiang clan, and Dongtianfudi are equally valuable. If you have any opinions, you can find out all of them. But in that case, our Dragon Palace will cost 40%.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“Your Dragon Palace has already obtained a Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, do you still want so many resources?”

The strong of the Horned Seal race squinted slightly.

“Dragon King, the division of resources and our forces, I hope you don’t forget us!”

At this time, a group of powerful men in the star river and starry sky on the right spoke.

“We have to get 10% or 20%, hehe, I don’t think much.”

The powerful forces headed by the Winter Moon race took a step forward and spoke.

“We want 10% to be enough.”

The mecha exuding horror said lightly.

“That way, some are not enough.”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly.

“This adult of the Horned Seal race is the fifth rank of Universe Venerable. They share 50% of the Snake Ji family. I have no objection.”

The two elders of the twin race spoke, looking at Wang Xian: “Your Dragon Palace has already acquired the Dragon Palace, and you two have achieved enough.”

“Twenty percent of the resources, plus the Dragon Palace of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, is comparable to thirty or four percent.”

The old man headed by the Winter Moon Race said lightly.

“Then it’s so set, find all the treasures, and share them according to the proportions.”

The strong of the Jiao Xi race directly opened the mouth to confirm.

“Have you decided that our Dragon Palace agrees?”

Wang Xian glanced over them and said lightly.

“Why? You don’t agree? It’s good to have a score, don’t go to the end, there is no one of yours.”

The strong man of the Jiao Xi race exudes an aura, staring at him coldly.

The two old men of twin races and the mecha with horrible power also looked at Wang Xian and them


The eyes of the two women of the Snake Ji clan showed coldness.

“Haha, without you, the Sky Sea Dragon King and our Dragon Palace can also be destroyed, but without our Dragon Palace, there is no possibility that you want to kill the Sky Sea Dragon King.”

“Since you think the distribution is reasonable, then you take it, our Dragon Palace takes it by strength!”

Wang Xian laughed and looked at Liu Shentian formation and them.

At the same time, Wushi Sacred Wing appeared behind him, and he quickly took away the corpses.

“court death!”

“Audacious, arrogant guy, Heaven Sea Dragon King is the end of your Dragon Palace!”

The strong man of the Jiao Xi race saw Wang Xian plundering a group of corpses, his eyes showed a murderous look, and he roared coldly.

The two elders of the twin races, the more than one hundred cosmic elders of the Winter Moon race, the terrifying mecha and the Snake Ji family, their expressions also instantly became embarrassed.

They didn’t expect this Dragon Palace Dragon King to be so arrogant, so he didn’t put them in their eyes.

Your Dragon Palace has only three Cosmos Venerable Tier 4 powerhouses, even if they are stronger than ordinary powerhouses, they are too arrogant.

It’s just looking for death.

“Kill these guys who don’t know whether they live or die first!”

The strong man of the Jiao Xi race screamed.

“Is the Shenlong line so mad, besie them!”

The venerables of the Winter Moon race also roared with murderous faces.

In an instant, two or three hundred Cosmos Venerables locked Wang Xian and them.

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