Chapter 3217 The Besieged Tianhai Dragon King

“The Sea Dragon King seems to be a little crazy this day.”

Ao Jin looked towards the Shenglonghui Square and said bitterly.

Trapped in the Dragon Palace for billions of years, planning for billions of years, not only failed, but also half of the dragon soul was taken away.

Forced to seize a Yalong.

Maybe Sea Dragon King’s mind really went wrong this day.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so arrogant and act recklessly.

Now, the price is coming.

Those elementary races in the universe invited the strong who surrounded the land and the stars.

The so-called starry sky, like its name, surrounds a continent.

Around the first continent in the universe, around the first continent born in the universe.

There are even legends, first there was the opening of the prehistoric continent, and then Youyu Zhou.

The starry sky surrounding the land is also called the landing starry sky.

In this starry sky, countless ethnic forces want to log in to the open land.

Because there, it is the real holy land in the universe, where the Houtian Lingbao is often born.

The treasure of the day after tomorrow will rise to the sky if something happens.

A piece of grass can be cultivated to a terrifying level, cutting the sun, the moon and the stars.

Kaitian prehistoric continent is the real shining place.

However, the forces that are able to move around the land and the sky to establish a clan, their own strength will not be weak.

Their ultimate goal is to ascend to the Kaitian Desolate Continent, and naturally they also have to have a certain amount of strength.

“It’s normal for a strong man to be trapped in a place after billions of years of torture.”

Wang Xian murmured.

From the beginning, Tianhai Dragon King’s behavior was a bit abnormal.

Who can cultivate in such a realm is not meticulous, think twice before moving.

Tianhai Dragon King is like this, his brain is not normal.

It may be too big a blow.

“Dragon King, this is an opportunity for us.”

Tian Zhen squinted his eyes slightly and said with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian nodded: “Ao Jinlong Palace will give it to you. We will also take action in a while and strive to destroy the Sea Dragon King that day.”

A madman can do anything.

It is better to wipe it out, it will save too much trouble.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Jin nodded.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho, a bunch of damn guys, dare to provoke the majesty of the Dragon King, you all have to die today!”

At this moment, the location of the Thang Long Club Square was reminded of the violent roar.

“Kill them for me, don’t keep one!”

The Sky Sea Dragon King roared wildly, inflaming his huge wings, and directly attacked all of the Winter Moon Race and Twin Races ahead.

In the rear, all the big demon and strong Xingjiang clan under his control heard the command and followed closely behind.

“Hmph, Tianhai Dragon King, I will teach you a lesson today, so that you don’t be too arrogant.”

The eyes of the two elders of the twin races showed a sorrowful look, and their figures moved to meet the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

“Two Tier 4 guys of Venerable Universe, still want to compete with the Dragon King?”

“Death to the Dragon King!”

The Heavenly Sea Dragon King fluttered his wings, and the crown above his head burst into golden light.

The golden light flowed to the wings, and the golden wings attacked the two strong twins.


The two elders of the twin race screamed, and a double-faced mask of the law of wind was condensed in the void.

The mask was a little distorted, directly facing the golden law wings of the Sky Sea Dragon King.


The sound of the collision sounded, but the double-sided rule mask was instantly defeated.


“So strong!”

The two elders of the twin race saw that their attack was instantly broken, and their pupils shrank slightly.

There was a solemn look on their faces.

“This adult of the Horned Seal race, let’s take action together.”

They looked to the right and shouted at the middle-aged figure in the center of the Snake Ji clan.

“Destroy him, I want his body and the Sea Dragon Palace that day!”

The middle-aged firstborn with a single horn and a long tail shouted confidently, and his figure moved.


He roared and turned into a fighting state.

His size increased by about a kilometer, except for the long tail and huge unicorn, he still looked like a human.

The difference is that his whole body is covered by golden scales, and the whole body is shining with golden light.

The Horned Seal race is also the strongest of the intermediate races in the universe.

The two elders of twin races can be called adults, and their strength can be imagined.

Possesses the fighting power of the fifth rank of the Universe Venerable.


His body exuded a terrifying power, locked the Sky Sea Dragon King, and attacked away in an instant.


“Venerable Universe Tier 5 powerhouses have also appeared, hiss…this is the powerhouse invited by the primary race of the universe.”

“Now that the Heavenly Sea Dragon King is going to be unlucky, the fifth rank of Venerable Universe has come out, two intermediate races in the universe!”

In the square below, other powerful people saw this scene with shocked expressions on their faces.

Sea Dragon King, it’s a big game this day!

“The patriarch of the Xingjiang clan hand it to me.”

A voice came from the mecha on the right that contained terror, and the entire mecha burst into flames, attacking the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan at a terrifying speed.

“Destroy them!”

The two women of the Snake Ji clan spoke, and they moved their bodies, holding the weird sculptures, and directly attacked the Xingjiang clan and the great monsters.

The battle broke out completely.

“Fuck, kill the arrogant fellow Tianhai Dragon King and kill him.”

In the lower position, the eyes of the powerhouses of the other primary races in the universe shone with luster, and they roared and attacked directly.

The Sky Sea Dragon King let them surrender, or destroy them.

This caused them to accumulate strong anger and murderous aura in their hearts long ago.

Seeing so many powerful men besieging them now, they hesitated, and directly attacked the Xingjiang clan and a group of monsters.

“Hoho, Venerable Universe Tier 5? When the Dragon King was at his peak, he would kill you this kind of trash. Today, you dare to attack the Dragon King, I want you to die!”

When the Heavenly Dragon King saw the powerful Jiao Xi race coming towards him, killing intent was shot in his eyes.

The crown on his head shone with luster, and a golden light spread to the position of the dragon’s tail.

The dragon’s tail swept, and directly attacked the strong of the Jiao Xi race.

“Hehe, if you were at the peak of the Sky Sea Dragon King, I would really be nothing in front of you, but now you are a dragon, a trash, and you dare to speak out in front of me?”

The eyes of the strong cornerstone race showed disdain, and the long golden tail behind him directly greeted him.


The violent collision sounded, and the body of the Tianhai Dragon King flew directly backwards.

A lot of blood overflowed from his dragon’s tail.


There was blood red in his eyes, and his face was abnormally embarrassed.

“Do it!”

At this moment, Wang Xian and the others in the distance squinted their eyes, and instantly slew towards that side.

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