Chapter 3214 Rising Dragon Club

“Meet the Dragon King!”

In the dragon field, the millions of disciples of the Dragon Palace are divided into dragon species and arranged around.

Wang Xian glanced over, with a satisfied look on his face.

Today’s Dragon Palace, whose strength is placed among the primary races in the universe, is definitely a top-notch existence.

The weakest Void God Emperor Tier 6 combat strength, among which there are more than 1,000 members at the peak of Void God Emperor.

More than a thousand Void God Emperor peaks, this is definitely a very terrifying number.

With the fighting power of the Dragon Palace disciples, the peak of more than a thousand Void God Emperors can be compared to more than one hundred Cosmos Venerable First-tier powerhouses.

The strength of the entire Dragon Palace has reached an unprecedented height.

“In the next period of time, get used to the improved strength.”

Wang Xian faintly ordered.

“Follow the order of the Dragon King!”

The members of the Million Dragon Palace responded respectfully immediately.

“The leaders of the Dragon Palace follow me, and the other members should withdraw first.”

As Wang Xian said, his body moved and flew towards the Dragon King Palace.

“You all know about the Xingjiang Starry Sky. For example, if the Sea Dragon King wants to rule the entire Xingjiang starry sky today, our Dragon Palace and the Sky Sea Dragon King are dead enemies. We must prepare in advance for this matter.”

Wang Xian said.

Within a few days, in the Xingjiang starry sky, the junior Youyuzhou race could not bear the pressure of the Sky Sea Dragon King and surrendered.

Wang Xian can imagine that there will definitely be a large number of races surrendering to the Heavenly Dragon King.

At that time, the power of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King will reach a very strong point.

Originally, Wang Xian wanted to continue to wait, waiting for the Heaven Sea Dragon King to be completely sure to destroy before making a move, but now it seems that he can’t wait anymore.

“Dragon King, our venom horned dragon species can fully enter the starry sky of Xingjiang, parasitize on a powerful person, and control their every move.”

Yaqi spoke immediately.

“Well, you can.”

Wang Xian nodded in agreement.

“Dragon King, I think we can kill it directly.”

From the position below, Ao Jin groaned and said, “Dragon King, with you and the Liushen Heavenly Formation, the four of us will join forces and we will definitely be able to suppress the Sea Dragon King that day.”

“Maybe, it is difficult to kill it.”

He said, frowning slightly.

“Is the Acquired Treasure in the hands of the Sea Dragon King so strong that day? We can’t kill him with our strength?”

Tian Zhen raised his brows and asked.

He can now slay the fourth-order powerhouse of Venerable Universe, and Aojin Liu Shen can also do it, plus the Dragon King.

Together, they can almost compete against Venerable Universe Tier 5 combat power.

“It’s very strong. Relying on the acquired spirit treasure, coupled with his own resources and experience, Venerable Universe Tier 5 may not be able to kill him.”

Ao Jin nodded.

After all, the Heavenly Sea Dragon King was once a Shenlong, a former Dragon King.

Even if he is hit hard now, it is not so easy to kill.

“However, he can’t be allowed to continue to develop. Once all the primary races of Xingjiang Xingkong surrender to him, it will be even more troublesome.”

Prime Minister Turtle said.

Every elementary race in the universe is not simple, they all have powerful hole cards.

If the Xingjiang starry sky is really suppressed by the Dragon King of Sky Sea, that is not good news for Dragon Palace.

If the Sea Dragon King recovers some more, and grasps some treasures, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

“Ao Jin, how much do you still have control over Tianhai Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian asked with blinking eyes.

“About forty-five percent. If I compete with him for control of the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, I will not be able to compete for the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.”

Ao Jin groaned and said.

“Then if you say, how likely is it that we will snatch Tianhai Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

“Snatch it over?”

Ao Jin’s eyes shone brightly: “The Sky Sea Dragon King doesn’t know my existence. If it is unexpected, plus the Dragon King you, the chances of snatching it are very high.”

“And once I enter the Tianhai Dragon Palace, I open the authority to let you enter the Dragon King, and he will not dare to enter the Tianhai Dragon Palace.”

His words brightened the eyes of Ao Xie who was on the side.

Now Ao Xie has swallowed the third-order universe god kingdom of two cosmic venerables, and possesses the third-tier combat effectiveness of cosmic venerables.

If the Dragon King and the others can bring him the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, then…

“Dragon King, you mean to bring the Sea Dragon Palace over that day and let the dragon of devouring eat it?”

Ao Xie asked expectantly.

The Dragon Palace of the Heavenly Dragon King is comparable to the cosmic kingdom of the sixth rank of the Venerable.

If he swallowed it, wouldn’t it be possible to raise the fighting power to the fifth rank of the universe veteran.

Even the dragons of their devouring can increase the fighting power of the two cosmic venerables at Tier 5.


Wang Xian nodded.

This is the best way he can think of at the moment.

As long as the Tianhai Dragon Palace can be taken, Ao Xie and the others will be able to get a huge low voice.

At that time, the resources of the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace will promote the two Devouring Dragons to the fifth rank of the Universe Venerable. If you want to kill the Heavenly Sea Dragon King again, it is simply easy.

“Dragon King, this method is feasible, when shall we act?”

The leaders of the Dragon Palace nodded in agreement.

“First control all the actions of the Sea Dragon King that day, and then plan in detail. This time, only I and Lei Ming Ao Jin Liu Shen are enough.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“It’s the Dragon King, the venom horned dragon species and the thorn dragon species will go to investigate the situation together.”

Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately.

Wang Xian nodded.

After the plan was completed, Prime Minister Kame and the others acted immediately.

Wang Xian is located in the Dragon Palace, waiting quietly for news.

“How many races have not expressed surrender?”

At the same time, in the distant Xingjiang starry sky, over the colorful rivers of the Xingjiang clan, a majestic dragon palace was suspended above it.

In the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, Tianhai Dragon King sat on the dragon chair, and asked the clan chief of the Xingjiang clan below with a cold face.

“Reported to the Dragon King, now only fifteen races have declared their surrender, and thirty-six primary races have not responded.”

In the lower position, the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan knelt on it respectfully and responded.

Facing the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, his eyes were filled with awe and obedience.

Obviously, he was subdued by the Sky Sea Dragon King in a terrifying way.

“There are thirty-six races? I think they want to perish, so I will notify them immediately. After ten days, the dragon king will convene a rising dragon society. All forces must come. Those who do not come will perish directly!”

“On that day, the Dragon King wants to see which race dare to disobey, hahaha!”

Tianhai Dragon King roared arrogantly, his eyes filled with sorrow.

“It’s the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, the villain will immediately notify all races, who dare to rebel against the Dragon King, kill!”

The patriarch of the Xingjiang clan said with fiery eyes.

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