Chapter 3211 Tianlong roars, Xingjiang clan surrenders

Heavenly Dragon King, as one of the powerful race leaders of Xingjiang Starry Sky, most of the venerables have seen him.

The Universe Venerable of the Xingjiang Clan has naturally seen the Heavenly Dragon King.

The powerhouses of other racial forces may be afraid of the Heavenly Dragon King, but their Xingjiang clan is not afraid.

In terms of strength and background, their Xingjiang clan is much better than the Tianlong clan.

Now, the Tianlong clan has been destroyed by the Dragon Palace.

Now, the Heavenly Dragon King may inherit the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, and his strength has broken through.

But then you want them Xingjiang clan to surrender?

There was a cold look in their eyes.

“How can that humble thing of the Heavenly Dragon King be compared with the Dragon King? You two will seek death for the Dragon King. If your Xingjiang clan does not submit to the Dragon King today, I will destroy all of your tribesmen.”

When the Heavenly Sea Dragon King heard the words of the two Universe Venerables of the Xingjiang Clan, his eyes were violent and violent.

With a movement of his body, he slew at a terrifying speed towards the two cosmic masters of the Xingjiang clan.


“Are you an enemy of our Xingjiang clan?”

When the two venerables of the Xingjiang clan heard him and saw him attacking, their expressions changed slightly.


A Venerable Universe’s eyes condensed, and his arms were swung out, and a rapid sound of water flow instantly spread towards the surrounding starry sky, sounding an alarm.

They sensed the speed of the Sky Sea Dragon King, and looked aside with extremely solemn expressions.

“Death to the Dragon King, something lowly!”

At this time, the Sky Sea Dragon King let out a low roar, and a series of terrifying golden glows suddenly appeared around the two cosmic veners of the Xingjiang clan.

Jin Mang instantly attacked their bodies.


Seeing the golden light suddenly appearing around, their faces showed a look of astonishment.

“Puff puff!”

However, unable to tolerate them to dodge, Jin Mang instantly sank into his body, devoid of vitality.

“The two humble humans dare to provoke the Dragon King.”

The Sky Sea Dragon King roared sensibly, and with a wave of his arm, the Dragon Palace quickly continued to fly towards the front.


“He actually killed our two Lords, who is he? Heavenly Dragon King or Heavenly Sea Dragon King!”

“Hi, Sea Dragon King wants to invade our Xingjiang clan this day.”

When some disciples of the Xingjiang clan saw this scene, their faces changed, and they shouted in a gloomy low voice.

“Noisy, die for the Dragon King!”

The Heavenly Sea Dragon King stirred his huge wings above the Dragon Palace, his eyes swept over the surrounding people who were looking here, and he waved his arm.


The phantoms of the four golden dragons attacked each other towards the surroundings.

The terrifying attack and speed made everyone around him look shocked.


“No, no, no!”

There was a look of fear on their faces, and they wanted to escape.

But how could the attack of the Heaven Sea Dragon King be so easy to dodge.

They didn’t even return to their own God’s country in an instant, and were directly killed in seconds.

“There is an enemy invasion, the Xingjiang clan disciples prepare.”

At this time, in the temple on both sides of the colorful river in front, a loud shout came.

More than a dozen Cosmos Venerables flew over here in an instant.

In the rear position, the legions of the Xingjiang clan quickly flew towards this side.

“Call the patriarch of your Xingjiang clan, and let him lead all the disciples to bow down in front of the Dragon King, otherwise, it will be death!”

The Sky Sea Dragon King stared at the dozen or so Universe Venerables flying over from the Xingjiang clan, his eyes were full of violent murderous aura, and he commanded sharply.

“Arrogant, let us Xingjiang clan surrender to you, you have this qualification.”

“The Heavenly Dragon King? Your Heavenly Dragon clan has been destroyed, and you dare to be arrogant.”

More than a dozen Cosmos Venerables flew over, staring at the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

The eyes of the third-tier powerhouse, the first Xingjiang Clan Venerable Universe, was full of coldness.

“Humble human, die to me, remember, Laozi is the Heavenly Sea Dragon King!”

When the Heaven Sea Dragon King heard their name, he instantly became violent, and moved directly towards them.

Located at the position of his dragon’s head, a golden crown slowly emerged.

The crown bloomed with luster, and the central position was crossed with swords and swords. .

An imaginary crown flew out from the top of the head, directly trapping a dozen cosmic masters of the Xingjiang clan.

“Huh? Be careful, he has the fourth-order combat power of Venerable Universe.”


Venerable Universe’s third-order powerhouse’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately roared loudly.


However, when they just wanted to evade, the sword on the phantom crown suddenly flew out.

The sword slashed towards the area where they were.


A bright golden sword light and sword light directly smashed most of the starry sky.


The faces of more than a dozen Venerable Universes of the Xingjiang clan showed horror on their faces.


The energy swept across, and a dozen corpses fell directly downward.

There was no screaming.

“A bunch of things that don’t know good or bad, die to me!”

Tianhai Dragon King was angered, his body moved, and he directly attacked the huge temples in front of him.

“Hurry up, the elders were killed, they are not his opponents, hurry up!”

“He is not the Heavenly Dragon King, but the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, and the Heavenly Sea Dragon King is not dead!”

In front of the temple in front, some Universe Venerables who rushed over saw that even Venerable Universe’s third-order elders were instantly beheaded, with a look of astonishment on their faces, and shouted loudly.

From the words just now and the actions of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, they also found that this was not the Heavenly Dragon King.

He claims to be the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, and it is very likely that he is the owner of the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, the Heavenly Sea Dragon King.

As for why it occupies the body of the Heavenly Dragon King, they also have some vague speculations.

Seeing the extremely violent Sky Sea Dragon King and seeing its terrifying power, their faces showed horror.

Hastily fled towards the distance.

“Boom boom boom!”

A horrible golden light covered the palace ahead.

The terrifying attack instantly covered hundreds of thousands of palaces.


All the palaces collapsed instantly under his terrifying attack.

There were still a large number of people who had not had time to flee and were killed directly.

“If you don’t surrender, you will die for me, not one!”

The Sky Sea Dragon King Zhuangruo roared wildly, and one attack after another raged over the Xingjiang clan.

Every attack killed countless people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of palaces.

“Run away, run away, he is a demon!”

“All the disciples of the Xingjiang clan flee immediately, and our patriarch will come over immediately.”

All the Xingjiang clan experts saw this scene change wildly, and kept roaring.

Looking at the crazy Sky Sea Dragon King, his face was extremely embarrassed.

“Presumptuous, Tianhai Dragon King, you dare to slaughter the disciples of my Xingjiang clan.”

At this moment, a roar came from the distant void.

A patriarch of the Xingjiang clan with a red sun on his head and a height of ten feet stepped forward.

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