Chapter 3206 Destroying Qingzhou Commercial Bank

For the Xingjiang clan, Wang Xian was not prepared to go to war with them thoroughly.

This time, the tentative attack by the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan also learned a little about the strength of the Dragon Palace.

They absolutely did not dare to attack Dragon Palace again.

And the Dragon Palace is not ready to continue the battle, and the two major forces have just been eliminated, and the Dragon Palace needs to settle and upgrade.

Wang Xian and the others flew to a palace on the bridge of the ancient painting planet, waiting for news from the sky array.

And while Wang Xian and the others were waiting, the battle between Xingjiang Patriarch Mo Yang and the Dragon King of Dragon Palace caused a sensation in the entire Xingjiang starry sky.

Especially the Dragon King of Dragon Palace defeated Patriarch Xingjiang.

“Venerable Xingjiang Patriarch Moyang is the strongest person here, the only existence of the fourth-order Venerable Universe was actually defeated by the Dragon King!”

“I heard that Venerable Mo Yang was seriously injured and fleeing. No wonder the Dragon Palace was able to destroy the Tianlong clan and the ancient painting sect. This strength is too terrifying!”

“The dragon is in the same vein. The dragon palace has purebred dragons. The dragon king is also a very powerful dragon. The real dragon is not comparable to the Tianlong clan.”

“It’s too strong, it’s not that the Raptors but Jiang, no wonder the Dragon Palace Dragon King dared to kill the venerable Xingjiang clan, they have this strength.”

Countless people talked about it in the universe’s intellectual brain.

At this moment, all the people of the Xingjiang clan fell silent.

They did not expect that their patriarch would be defeated by the Dragon King of Dragon Palace.

At this moment, it is located in Qingzhou Commercial Bank.

Qingzhou Commercial Bank is also the largest firm in this starry sky, with more than a dozen Universe Venerables.

However, after the Dragon Palace eliminated five, only about ten remained.

When they learned that the Tianlong clan, the ancient painting sect and their venerable Qingzhou merchants had been destroyed, they were instantly horrified.

Especially after learning that the Xingjiang clan leader was defeated by the Dragon King of Dragon Palace.

They did not hesitate at all, took all the strong men and treasures, and immediately hid in a very secret place.

Even the president of Qingzhou Commercial Bank was ready to flee into another void after Long Palace left.

The dramatic changes in Qingzhou Commercial Bank did not attract too many people’s attention in the boiling starry sky.

But what Qingzhou Commercial Bank didn’t know was that outsiders already existed among their cosmic sages.

Their every move is also under surveillance.

“Dragon King!”

Located at the bridge of the ancient painting planet, the sky array came from the Tianlong clan with a smile on his face.

“Continue to search for the universe divine kingdom of the venerables of the ancient painting sect.”

Wang Xian ordered to him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianma nodded, took out some of the blood of the ancient painting sect venerable, and began to investigate the location of their kingdom of God.

Finding the kingdom of God is not so easy, and the time consuming is not short.

In the next ten hours, the celestial formation will find 90% of the universe and the kingdom of God.

There are also some cosmic kingdoms that may be too far away or due to other reasons, and have not been found.

But even so, the cosmic gods that were found also possessed immense resources.

After all, this is the savings of a Cosmos Venerable for hundreds of millions of years.

Even if it is not as good as their sect’s treasure house, but there are many precious items in it.

“Go back, what’s the situation with the venom horned dragon?”

Wang Xian asked the Baqi Demon Sha on the side.

“Dragon King, they have lodged on the body of the Venerable Universe of Qingzhou Commercial Bank. Now all the elites of Qingzhou Commercial Bank are hiding in a secret place. We can directly kill them.”

Yaqi replied immediately.

“Okay, God Liu, take them to destroy the Qingzhou Commercial Bank, and I will go to the Tianlong clan again.”

Wang Xian immediately ordered: “After destroying them, you will all come to the Tianlong clan.”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Liu Shen and the others nodded.

Wang Xian separated from them and flew towards the Tianlong clan again.

This time when he went back, he did not want to build a dragon palace for anything else.

As long as a dragon palace is built there, it will be much more convenient for the dragon palace to go back and forth to the galaxy.

Moreover, the resources on the galaxy side can no longer keep up with the development of the Dragon Palace. It may not be long before the Dragon Palace will transfer the main Dragon Palace to this side.

Wang Xian’s speed was very fast, ten hours later, he rushed to the Tianlong clan.

For example, today there is no disciple in the Dragon Clan’s base camp, and no one dares to set foot in the entire ocean for the time being.

Wang Xian came to the dragon palace of the Tianlong clan, put the dragon palace away, and established a dragon palace systematically.

When the establishment of the Dragon Palace was completed, a message came from Liushen Baqi.

Qingzhou Commercial Bank has been destroyed.

The collapse of Qingzhou Commercial Bank represents the end of this war.

From the Qingzhou Commercial Bank, Dragon Palace once again received a lot of resources.

As a trading firm, Qingzhou Commercial Bank also possesses valuable treasures.

The Qingzhou Commercial Bank was destroyed, and the news spread quickly in the Xingjiang starry sky.

This news once again caused quite a stir.

In a short period of time, the three major forces of the Tianlong clan, the ancient painting sect, and the Qingzhou Commercial Bank were destroyed.

The Dragon Palace declared their strength in a powerful manner.

The extinction of the three primary races in the universe also made all the forces in Xingjiang Xingkong terrified.

Some people have even designated the Dragon Palace as the strongest force.

Beyond the powerful existence of the Xingjiang clan.

The dragons roared in their sky again.

Perhaps, they should call it Longyin Starry Sky better here.

Just when everyone in Xingjiang Starry Sky was talking about it, it was located in the Dragon Palace, and a lot of resources were displayed in the Dragon King Palace.

“Dragon King, this time harvested 167 corpses of Venerable Universe, of which seven of the third-tier Venerable Universe, harvested 135 of the cosmic kingdom of God.”

“The rest of the treasures are countless. As for the corpses below the Venerable level, there are more huge ones, and there are as many as 3.4 million of the Void God Emperor level.”

Prime Minister Turtle reported to Wang Xianhui with enthusiasm in his eyes.

This time the Dragon Palace has obtained too many resources, and it is no exaggeration to say that it can double the strength of the Dragon Palace.

Only those corpses and the kingdom of God can create more than two hundred cosmic sages in the Dragon Palace.

Not to mention that there are huge resources.

“Very well, then we will start to distribute the spoils of this time, and send some people to the Dragon Palace in Xingjiang Starry Sky to guard it!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, her eyes gleaming.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle and the leaders responded immediately, and their faces were full of excitement.

Wang Xian waved his hand and prepared to check the spoils this time.

This time, in addition to ordinary gains, there is still a taboo in his hand.

There are also treasures obtained from Tianhai Dragon Palace.


At this time, he suddenly noticed some changes in the ancestor tree.

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