3198 Born-18 Nov 1974

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon

Level: Void God Emperor Eighth (Eighth Change of Shenlong Transformation)

Origin: 1% (99% is needed before the next breakthrough)

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (the origin of phagocytic organisms is extracted)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: contemplating and possessing spirits

Laws and supernatural powers: Dragon Eye Locking Eight Wastes, Five Elements Dragon Claw, Yin and Yang Breaking Realm, Eight Lights Dragon Scales, Sacred Dragon Dragon Shadow, Tianlong Babu, Dragon Tomb, Cloud and Mist Dragon

Dharma phase: Five Elements Great Mill, Dragon Kingdom in the Palm, Dragon Head World, Ten Thousand Miles of Dragon Body, Yin-Yang Polarity, Yin-Yang Five Elements Bowl, Shenlong Swinging Tail!

Rule of Control: Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Dark Wind

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Owning Dragon Palace: The day after tomorrow.

Dragon Palace members: 1134450


In the Dragon King Palace, Wang Xian sensed the power from his body, and looked at his attributes, with a smile on his face.

Broke through.

After the breakthrough, he possessed the fourth-order combat power of the Universe Venerable.

“It’s just that the god grass has been consumed, and the more than one hundred dragon bones obtained in the dragon tomb have not been consumed.”

Wang Xian checked the resources in his hand, with a smile on his face.

“Congratulations to Dragon King for his breakthrough!”

Prime Minister Turtle and the leaders of the Dragon Palace flew over and congratulated them respectfully.

“Get all the disciples ready.”

Wang Xian glanced over them, narrowed his eyes slightly, and ordered.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle and the others immediately responded, with cold murderous intent gleaming in their eyes.

As soon as they moved, they immediately gave orders.

Soon, a member of the famous Dragon Palace gathered, and they came to the front of the four dragon gates with murderous faces.

When Wang Xian came to the Eastern Dragon Gate, his gaze swept across the ancient painting sect and all the powerful people of the Tianlong clan, his eyes shone with luster.

“The seven Cosmos Venerables will be handed to me all of Tier 3, and the rest will be handed to you. Don’t let them run away.”

Wang Xian said in a harsh tone.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The rest of Dragon Palace nodded heavily.

Outside, the seven or eight million strongmen of the ancient painting sect of the Tianlong clan are located above the Dragon Palace.

A Venerable Universe is floating or sitting cross-legged in the sky.

Powerful formations are all over the dragon palace.

As long as the people of Dragon Palace appear, they will definitely suffer a fatal blow.

“Listen to my orders!”

Wang Xian gave a low voice, and the voice came into the mouth of every member of the Dragon Palace.


“Don’t keep one!”

As he said in his mouth, his figure flew out of the Dragon Palace in an instant, his eyes locked on the three Cosmos Venerables of the Tianlong clan who were suspended in front of him.

Three heavenly dragons, two wind attributes and one golden attribute, they hover in the sky with their eyes slightly closed.

“The clouds and mist are rising!”

The moment he rushed out of the Dragon Palace, he immediately displayed the magical powers he had just obtained.

The moment he performed it, the surrounding clouds appeared, instantly covering a radius of more than one billion kilometers.

Clouds and mists envelop all the people of the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan.

When the clouds appeared, everyone in the ancient painting sect Tianlong clan was slightly surprised.


Right above the position, the master of the ancient painting sect immediately warned loudly.


At this moment, a terrifying attack sounded.

“No, no, no!”

“who is it?”

Suddenly, screams and horrified sounds sounded, and vast energy came from above the east gate of the Dragon Palace.

When everyone heard this voice, there was a look of horror on their faces, and they quickly looked over.

Vaguely, they saw a huge and incomparable figure of a dragon tumbling in the clouds and mist.

They saw the three heavenly dragons of the Tianlong clan, falling towards the lower position.


“How can this be!”

The closer Tianlong clan powerhouse saw the figure falling downward, with a look of horror on his face.


“Kill, don’t keep one!”

At this time, there was a violent roar from below.

“Their Dragon Palace even dared to resist and kill!”

“Kill them, don’t keep one!”

The appearance of the cloud made the master of the ancient painting sect located directly above the Dragon Palace and the others did not see the situation at the east gate.

But when the Heavenly Dragon Father and Heavenly Dragon Mother heard the scream, his heart beat violently.

This scream made them feel very familiar.


“Longmu locks the eight wastes!”

Just as they were preparing to pass, cold voices sounded, immediately after they saw the chains coming towards the attack.

They saw a huge and incomparable eight-color dragon, attacking them.

“This is?”

Heavenly Dragon Lord Heavenly Dragon Mother and the Sect Master of the Ancient Painting Sect looked over, their pupils shrank slightly.

“It’s the Dragon King, it’s the Dragon King!”

The master of the ancient painting sect shouted sharply.

“Eight Dragons!”

At this time, Wang Xian roared, and from his body, eight phantom dragons flew out.

Divine dragons with eight attributes, they were intertwined and attacked directly towards them.


“This Dragon Palace has the strength of Venerable Youyu Zhou at Tier 4.”

Feeling the impact of the eight phantom dragons, the masters of the ancient painting sect of Duke Tianlong let out an angry roar.

They did not hesitate at all, and burst out the strongest attack instantly.

Two ancient paintings lay directly in front of them, and two golden dragon balls, directly attacking the eight divine dragon ghosts.


That powerful ancient painting and golden dragon ball collided with the phantom of the eight dragons.

The ancient painting and the golden dragon ball flew directly towards the rear.

“No, we are not his opponents, flee and flee, all the disciples flee!”

Duke Tianlong watched his dragon ball fly upside down, with a look of horror on his face.

“Didn’t you say that the Dragon King of Dragon Palace was killed by your Heavenly Dragon King? How could it appear, how could it be so strong?”

The master of the ancient painting sect saw that their ancient paintings were instantly knocked off, with a look of horror on his face, and shouted loudly.

The faces of the Duke Tianlong and the Mother Tianlong changed.

How do they know why the Dragon King is not dead?

What happened to the Heavenly Dragon King?

“Dare to invade our Dragon Palace. Today, I will let your ancient painting sects and the Tianlong clan have no return, everyone must die.”

Wang Xianlong stared at them coldly and said sternly.

“Holy Dragon and Dragon Shadow!”

He roared, and in the sky above, a terrifying ghost of the dragon descended directly from the sky and swooped down.

Their pupils shrank slightly and their faces were extremely embarrassing.


Ancient paintings hovered above them, and two golden dragon balls exploded with terrifying power.

They resisted this terrifying attack with horror.

The ancient paintings and the golden dragon ball broke out all the power.


The shadow of the sacred dragon and dragon fell, and the ancient painting and the golden dragon ball trembled violently.

The rivers and mountains on the ancient paintings began to collapse, and the Golden Dragon Ball was completely dimmed.

This made a hint of despair in their eyes.

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