Chapter 3196 Return


An icy voice came from Liu Shen’s mouth.

She looked forward to the huge one-legged attacking them, her eyes full of murderous intent.

The entire arm immediately turned into a branch, and the dense willow leaves on it attacked the one-legged.

“Puff puff!”

Countless willow leaves directly penetrated the huge single leg and drilled towards the inside.


The One-legged Palace Master sensed the terrifying willow leaves, and felt the destruction energy coming from the one-legged, his face changed drastically, and he let out a roar in pain.


“not good!”

Around, the big demons in the Demon God’s Palace saw a dramatic change in their expressions.

The pupil of the palace lord of the bird and eagle shrank slightly, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

“The willow leaves bloom, die!”

The God of Willow roared, and pieces of willow leaves like dragon scales flew out from the huge legs of the one-legged palace lord, and the willow leaves condensed into a divine dragon, directly swooping toward the one-legged palace lord.

“No, no, no!”

The voice of fear and despair came from the one-legged palace lord, and he roared with horror on his face.

He stared at Liu Shen with wide eyes, full of weirdness and amazement.

The subordinates of that Dragon Palace Dragon Dragon King actually possess the fourth-order combat power of the Universe Venerable.

If he had known that the opponent had such a terrifying strength, he would definitely not dare to attack.

At such a close distance, he still provoked and attacked, and he couldn’t avoid it at all.


Countless willow leaves swept over his body, and he fell heavily to the side, his vitality disappeared instantly.

With the current combat power of God Liu, it was possible to kill the fourth rank of Venerable Universe.

The provocation of a Tier 3 Cosmos Venerable is purely seeking death.

“Long Ye Rulin, die!”

Liu Shen gave a low cry, and slices of willow leaves swept around.

“Flee, run away, she is the fourth-order powerhouse of Venerable Universe, run away!”

Palace Master Bird Eagle, who had just rushed into the air, sensed that the Palace Master had no vitality, his face showed a look of horror, and he roared in horror.

They know a little bit about Dragon Palace. Didn’t they say that Dragon Palace is just a primary race?

Isn’t the strongest one of the third-order combat effectiveness of the Universe?

How could there be such a horror?

Venerable Universe Tier 4 is simply not something they can contend.


Don’t need to say that the palace lord of the bird and eagle, the rest of the crowd of people saw that the one-legged palace lord was instantly beheaded, their hearts beating violently, and their faces were full of horror and fled towards the surroundings.

“Puff puff!”

However, at this moment, there were still five great demons who did not avoid Liu Shen’s attack.

The terrifying dragon scale willow leaves penetrated their bodies.

“Ah! No, don’t kill us!”

A big demon who was attacked shouted in despair.

“Run, run away!”

The big monsters and monsters in the surrounding demon temple saw them and fled in fear.

“Do not live by yourself!”

Wang Xian said coldly, and with a wave of his arm, he collected all the corpses, his figure moved, and he continued to fly forward.

He didn’t pay much attention to the Demon God Palace, what he was worried about was the current situation of the Dragon Palace.

Flying straight to the outside, Liu Shen followed closely behind.

Seeing all the monsters around, there was a shocked expression on their faces.

“The strength of this Dragon Palace is so terrifying, that woman can actually kill a palace master of the Demon God Palace in an instant.”

“Hey, too strong, but did the Tianlong clan and the ancient painting sect really attack the Dragon Palace?”

It wasn’t until Wang Xian and the others disappeared that the surrounding monsters reacted from shock.

They wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, swallowed and spit.

A big demon and monster beast from the famous demon palace, seeing the dragon king of the dragon palace and the others leave, he was also relieved.

There are lingering palpitations.

Who would have thought that there should be such a terrifying powerhouse in the Dragon Palace.

“I will put you in a space first.”

Flying out of the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, Wang Xian looked at the female snake on the side and said.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The female snake nodded timidly.

Wang Xian waved his arm and looked at Liu Shen on the side: “Go straight back to the Dragon Palace.”


Liu Shen nodded, and his figure slowly became illusory.

Wang Xian also moved back to the Dragon Palace in an instant.

“Hahaha, the dragon king has finally merged, Dragon Palace Dragon King, I want you to die!”

At the moment when Wang Xian and the others disappeared, they were located in the Tianhai Dragon Palace, and suddenly there was a violent roar.

A terrifying coercion came from inside.

“what happened?”

In Tianhai Dragon Palace, all the monster beasts heard this voice, and they sensed the terrifying coercion contained in Tianhai Dragon Palace, with a look of horror on their faces.

Even if it was the Palace Master Bird Eagle, his pupils shrank slightly, and there was horror in his eyes.

Just got rid of the attack of the terrifying powerhouse in the Dragon Palace, what happened?

How could they be so unlucky?

“All the disciples of the Demon God Palace, go out immediately!”

Palace Master Bird Eagle had a bad feeling in his heart, roared sharply, and immediately flew towards the exit.

The big demon and disciples of the other demon gods’ palaces also showed panic and flew outside.

However, when they came to the front of the dragon gate, they suddenly discovered a terrifying energy that completely sealed off the entire dragon gate.

“Damn it, the Dragon King actually left, I’m going to kill them.”

“Since you have entered the dragon king’s dragon palace, don’t go out and submit to the dragon king!”

At this time, another violent voice resounded throughout the Tianhai Dragon Palace, which made all the monsters in the Tianhai Dragon Palace horrified.

This made the bodies of all the monsters in Tianhai Dragon Palace tremble, and their expressions were extremely embarrassing.

Tianhai Dragon Palace, Tianhai Dragon King is not dead!


“Prime Minister Turtle, what happened!”

Wang Xian didn’t know the sudden change in Tianhai Dragon Palace.

At this moment, he had returned to the Dragon Palace, came to the Dragon King Palace, and spread the voice to the Prime Minister tortoise.

“Dragon King.”

When Prime Minister Turtle heard Wang Xian’s voice transmission, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately rushed towards the Dragon King Palace.

“what happened?”

Wang Xian scanned the surroundings and frowned slightly when he saw the situation outside the Dragon Palace, with a cold expression in his eyes.

“Dragon King, after you and Liu Shen left, yesterday, fifty venerables and four to five hundred disciples of the ancient painting sect, plus one hundred venerables of the Tianlong clan and two to three million disciples came to attack us.”

“We went out to fight, but the opponent’s strength exceeded our expectations. A Cosmos Venerable’s second-order fighting power devouring dragon fell, and more than two thousand dragons were killed. In desperation, we could only retreat to the dragon palace.”

Prime Minister Kame immediately reported.

“Ancient painting sect, Tianlong clan?”

Wang Xian shone with a cold murderous aura: “How many Cosmos Venerables do they have Tier 3 combat effectiveness?”

“Dragon King, they have seven Cosmos Venerable Tier 3 powerhouses, but although there are only seven, they possess powerful acquired spirit treasures.”

“The two powerful ancient paintings of the ancient painting sect, the golden dragon ball of the Tianlong clan, have caused the Tianzhen Thunder and them to suffer a great loss!”

“Now that Dragon King, you and Liu Shen are back, we can fight back.”

Prime Minister Kame immediately reported, his eyes full of murderousness.

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