Chapter 3186 Dragon Tomb

“There are a lot of sacred grass here, it seems that there can be a lot of gains.”

“The best thing is to be able to obtain the Sea Dragon Palace and destroy the Sea Dragon King that day.”

In the Tianhai Dragon Palace Medicine Garden, Wang Xian went through the power of one by one to collect the sacred trees and fruits in the pharmacy.

When he got to the back, he even found the fourth-order Dracaena of Venerable Universe, which made him excited.


At this time, a familiar breath was attracted, and Wang Xian looked around, and found the figure of God Liu in a medicine garden in front of him.

As soon as he moved, he flew over.

“Dragon King!”

Liu Shen also sensed Wang Xian’s breath and immediately greeted him: “Dragon King, what happened to Sea Dragon Palace this day?”

After she was separated from Wang Xian directly, she was transferred to a medicine garden.

That medicine garden possesses the power of terrifying blockade, and with her strength, it can’t break the defense of that power of law.

When she exhausted all the methods, Tianhai Dragon Palace trembled, and the power of the law weakened her before she came out.

In the middle of the journey, she also harvested a lot of sacred grass and fruit.

“The Heavenly Sea Dragon King did not fall. All this was his plan. The Heavenly Dragon King became his chess piece. They wanted to plunder my blood, but stealing chickens won’t kill me.”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“Huh? Sea Dragon King didn’t fall that day? No wonder this dragon palace works so well.”

There was a gleam in Liu Shen’s eyes.

“Now that the Sea Dragon King is hit hard that day, the control of this dragon palace is greatly reduced, and the attack and defense here have been weakened to the limit. It is estimated that the Dragon Gate can easily enter it.”

“Let’s go deeper and see if we can find the Sea Dragon King that day and destroy them.”

Wang Xian said in his mouth, looking deeper.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Liu Shen nodded, and the two flew straight ahead.

God Liu now possesses the strength to kill the fourth-order Venerable Universe, and the defense of the Sea Dragon Palace is of little use today.

The two quickly shuttled in the medicine garden, collected the spirit grass, and leaned deeper.

And when Wang Xian and the others entered deeper, tens of millions of monsters poured into the Sky Sea Dragon Palace.

One by one, they frantically searched for opportunities in Tianhailong Palace.

After entering, the group of people located in the medicine garden found that the power of the law had been weakened, and immediately entered inside.

The entire Dragon Palace completely lost prevention and control.

At this time, the Heavenly Sea Dragon King, who was located in the Dragon King Palace, could no longer take care of the things in the Dragon Palace. He wanted to fully integrate this body.

“Huh? Is the Dragon King Palace ahead?”

After more than an hour, Wang Xian and the others passed through the huge medicine garden, staring at the building in front of them, and raised their brows slightly.

The huge Dinghai Shen Needle is located in the front center, and a huge staircase extends into it.

The sculptures of two dragons are located on the left and right sides.

However, the building in front was shrouded in vast energy.

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes and stared at Liu Shen, and walked forward.


When the two came to the front building, a burst of energy prevented them from moving forward.

Wang Xian looked at Liu Shen.


With a wave of Liu Shen’s arm, he turned into a willow tree, directly bombarding the front defense.


The powerful force fell on it, causing the defense in front to tremble violently.

“Huh? Someone is attacking the Dragon King Palace outside.”

The Heavenly Sea Dragon King, who was lying in the Dragon King Palace, felt the trembling of the Dragon King Palace, and his face changed slightly.

His pupils stared out coldly.

When I saw Wang Xian and Liu Shen outside, my face was extremely embarrassed.

“This damn guy, I’m going to cramp you one day.”

He roared in a low voice, his eyes full of killing intent.


He looked at his face changed, and with a wave of his arm, a burst of energy enveloped the entire Dragon King Palace.


From the outside position, Liu Shen sensed the defense of the Dragon King Palace, his eyes shone, and he continued to attack.

However, when her attack fell on the front, the Dragon King Palace in front of her instantly disappeared.

“Huh? This is?”

Liu Shen was taken aback for a moment, with a look of error on his face.

“Relocated, this is the Dragon Palace of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King. Even if his control over the Dragon Palace is greatly reduced now, some manipulations can still be done.”

Wang Xian looked at the open space in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and continued: “It seems that the situation of the Sea Dragon King at this time is not optimistic.”

The disappearance of the entire huge Dragon King Palace made the front become a ruin.

The buildings that appeared behind the ruins gave Wang Xian a look of surprise.

Behind the Dragon King Palace are huge tombstones.

Each tombstone has a size of 10,000 meters, with a name engraved on it.

“Is this? The cemetery of Tianhai Dragon Palace? The fallen men and relatives of Tianhai Dragon King?”

When Wang Xian moved his body, he immediately flew forward.

Tianhai Dragon Palace is different from Dragon Palace. Behind the Dragon Palace is Hualong Pond, while Tianhai Dragon Palace is the cemetery here.

Obviously, the existence of Hualongchi was not available to the Shenlong clan before.

This is the Shenlong system, which is built with the abilities of the Zerg.

This is also one of the reasons why the Dragon Palace is against the sky.

When he came to the cemetery one by one, his eyes shone with luster, and he looked at the bottom of the tombstone.

Below, he saw the corpses of dragons.

The flesh and blood on the corpse had completely disappeared, leaving only the keel bones.

Dragon bones are also a huge resource for Dragon Palace.

Not to mention the Shenlong clan, the corpse of any powerful creature is a huge treasure.

“If the Heavenly Sea Dragon King does not want to plunder my blood, do not want to kill me, and encounter the bones of the Shenlong clan, I will never move.”

“But now, there is no need at all.”

Wang Xian murmured, his eyes flashed with cold expression.

Logically speaking, these are his predecessors, and he should respect the dead members of the Shenlong clan.

However, Heaven Sea Dragon King wanted to kill him, so he didn’t have to worry about anything.

He will take away all the treasures that can be taken away in Tianhai Dragon Palace.

“Shen Liu, get out all the keel bones in this dragon tomb.”

Wang Xian spoke, her eyes gleaming.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

God Liu nodded, and one by one wicker was digging into the soil, digging out the keels one by one.

Wang Xian also moved, and huge keels were unearthed one by one.

Not all the dragon bones in the dragon tomb are purebred dragon bones.

He found that there were still many dragon bones of the sub-dragons, but he could feel that the strength of each dragon bone was definitely not lower than that of the Universe Venerable.

Moreover, the level of these dragon bones is not lower than the fifth rank of the universe veteran.

Wang Xian looked at these keels with a hot expression in his eyes.

The last time he was promoted was to absorb a powerful dragon bone, this time with so many dragon bones and the divine grass he harvested, his strength could be improved 100%.

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