Chapter 3184 Two Great Forces Arrived


Tianhai is located at the east gate of Tianhai Dragon Palace.

When countless monsters were vying to jump over the dragon gate, and when they rushed forward in front of the dragon gate, suddenly, a roar came from the Tianhai Dragon Palace.

All the monster beasts felt the sudden tremor and roar, and their faces showed surprise.

“what’s the situation?”

A group of monster beasts quickly stopped their bodies, staring closely at the Tianhai Dragon Palace in front of them.

“What happened? How could such a powerful vibration be heard in Tianhailong Palace? Did someone touch something?”

A group of monsters murmured.

“Look, the dragon gate of the Tianhai Dragon Palace is illusory, what’s the matter? What happened inside?”

“The Dragon Gate is illusory, isn’t it? Can everyone enter?”

At this moment, a cry of exclamation came, and all the monsters looked at it together, their eyes shone with luster.

Longmen began to be illusory, could all monsters be able to enter it?

“All the disciples of the Demon God Palace prepare.”

The four palace masters of the Demon God Palace looked at them, narrowed their eyes slightly, and said coldly.


At this time, the trembling of the Tianhai Dragon Palace was getting bigger and stronger, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

All the monsters stared at him.

It was located in the land of the Milky Way when the plans of the Heavenly Sea Dragon King and the Heavenly Dragon King failed.

The Teleportation Array of Qingzhou Commercial Bank stands on the Wangyin Continent of the Mist Race.

As the largest continent in the galaxy and the center of trade, the flow of people is very large.

The number of people on the entire continent has reached hundreds of billions.

The strength of Qingzhou Commercial Bank is not very strong, there are only about ten Universe Venerables.

In terms of true combat effectiveness, it may not be as good as the fog race.

The main reason why they were able to put the teleportation array here was that they paid a lot of sacred stones to the mist race.

Adding such a powerful teleportation array to the Wangyin Continent will also greatly benefit the prosperity of the Wangyin Continent.

The entire teleportation array does not occupy a large area, with a radius of about 100 kilometers.


However, at this moment, the entire teleportation formation burst out with a ray of light, followed by figures appearing in front of the teleportation formation.

When they appeared, they immediately flew toward the side position, their bodies exuding a strong murderous intent and fighting spirit, neatly arranged in the side position.

Before the teleportation formation, the person in charge of the Qingzhou Commercial Bank’s teleportation formation did not have too many surprises for this scene, they waited quietly.


The light of the teleportation array was constantly lit, and more and more people came out of it.

They wore the costumes of the ancient painting sect, slowly, the number of them reached more than five million.

More than five million people are suspended in the sky above the teleportation array, among them there are fifty Universe Venerables.

That terrifying breath rushed towards the surroundings.

Many strong people immediately noticed the situation here, their pupils shrank slightly, and their faces showed shocked expressions.

“What’s the situation? That’s the people from the ancient painting sect? What are they doing here in our galaxy with so many people?”

Some people looked over, their faces changed slightly, and they asked in surprise.

“Swish swish!”

At this moment, the two cosmic veterans of the mist race sensed the situation here, and flew over with solemn faces.

“The ancient painting sect is so enthusiastic to come, what is the so-called?”

A veteran of the mist race looked at the venerables of the ancient painting sect, arched his hands with fear and vigilance, and asked.

“Don’t worry about the Mist Race, we are only here to destroy the Dragon Palace this time, and we don’t intend to offend you.”

The master of the ancient painting sect glanced over them, and said lightly.


The two veterans of the mist race were slightly startled when they heard the words of the master of the ancient painting sect, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Come to Kill Dragon Palace?

Around, some powerful people also heard the words of the master of the ancient painting sect, and their faces were shocked.

“The ancient painting sect actually came to destroy the Dragon Palace. With the strength of the Dragon Palace, they should not be able to destroy the Dragon Palace, right?”

A strong god emperor said, full of doubts.


At this moment, in the teleportation array, the light of teleportation bloomed, and a violent roar came from inside.

The roar was full of unscrupulous and violent.

“This is?”

Upon hearing these two roars, the two cosmic masters of the misty race changed their expressions and stared at the teleportation array.

They were also surprised when they heard the words of the ancient painting sect.

With the strength of the mist race, it is not enough to destroy the Dragon Palace.

It now appears that there are other strengths.


When the roar sounded, the next moment, they saw huge figures flying out of it.

They have huge wings, horns on their heads, and powerful pressure on their bodies.

“This is Tianlong!”

When they saw this creature, they were slightly surprised.

Tianlong, the dragon of the Tianlong clan!


Continuous roars continued to sound, spreading over a radius of more than one billion kilometers.

What happened here attracted most of the people on Wangyin Continent, and they all looked over here curiously.

More and more powerhouses of the Tianlong clan flew out of the teleportation array.

When the last hundred or so huge heavenly dragons of the cosmic venerable level came out, their breath raged.

Everyone in Wangyin Continent felt a strong pressure.

A coercion from Longwei.

At this time, even the two Universe Venerables of the Mist Race were breathing slightly.

This… is this the powerhouse of the entire Tianlong clan coming?


In the surrounding location, tens of billions of people have gathered here at this moment, they are suspended in the air, looking at this side with shocked faces.

When they saw the last appearance of the more than a hundred Cosmos Venerables of the Tianlong clan, their faces were awed and shocked.

“Did they come to destroy the Dragon Palace with the Tianlong clan and the ancient painting sect?”

“Has the entire Celestial Dragon clan all dispatched? They are all powerful Yalong, and there are hundreds of cosmic sages, which are hundreds of them!”

“It’s crazy, this should be the revenge of the ancient painting sect. To avenge the strong man who killed them by the Dragon Palace three years ago. They even invited the Tianlong clan, and this is the end of the Dragon Palace!”

“The Dragon King is over. The entire Tianlong clan is here. The strength of the Tianlong clan is very terrifying. The strength of the ancient painting sect alone is about the same as that of the Dragon Palace. Now the Tianlong clan is added!”

Everyone looked at the huge 7-8 million legion, felt the breath of suffocation, and roared with shocked faces.

“Go, destroy the Dragon Palace!”

Duke Tianlong glanced around and roared coldly.

“The disciples of the ancient painting sect, prepare to avenge the deputy suzerain!”

The master of the ancient painting sect roared with sorrow.

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