The 3180th chapter plunders the bloodline (1)

“What a pure blood, what a strong dragon blood, is this a mutant dragon?”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect that I waited for billions of years, billions of years, and finally waited for this day, finally!”

In the Dragon King Hall of Tianhai Dragon Palace, an illusory shadow is located in front of the dragon chair. He looked at the picture in front of him with an expression of excitement in his eyes.

His majestic face seemed to prove terrifying at the moment.

“Good job, good job, originally I was planning to board your body, I didn’t expect you to give me such a big surprise, hahaha!”

He looked at a figure in the picture ahead, making his illusory figure a little excited and trembling.

“It must be successful, and it must be successful. As long as you can succeed, you will have a powerful bloodline of the dragon, no longer the bloodline of the ordinary dragon species.”

“As long as you succeed in stealing the heavens and changing your veins, you will be able to inherit the Tianhai Dragon Palace and lead the Tianlong clan to the top.”

At the same time, at the location of the Tianhai Dragon Palace Medicine Garden, he came to a medicine garden through powerful rules.

In this medicine garden, there are many sacred grasses growing.

Around every sacred grass, the ghost of the dragon flickered from time to time, and it looked strangely mysterious.

This is Dracaena, which is very precious to Yalong.

The fact that their Tianlong clan can ascend so quickly has a great relationship with these dracaenas.

The medicine garden in Tianhai Dragon Palace is not accessible to everyone.

That powerful prohibition, so far only he has entered here.

The Heavenly Dragon King stared fiercely at the black simple box in his hand, and he slowly opened it.


A horrible energy came from inside.

Inside was a black liquid, which was squirming and exuding a strong blood.

This is like the blood of a creature.

The Heavenly Dragon King slowly walked to the center and buried this black liquid in the soil according to certain rules.

Carefully dealt with it, he walked to the place where the liquid was buried, and lay down in the mud likewise.

With a slight movement of his palm, his own blood flowed out of his wrist, completely blending with the black liquid.

The vitality of the Heavenly Dragon King slowly disappeared, until all his breath of life disappeared.

However, his eyes have been staring at the entrance of this medicine garden.

He waited quietly, waiting for his own powerful opportunity.

Waiting for this transformation.

“Dragon King, this Dragon Palace is a bit strange.”

At this moment, Wang Xian and Liu Shen in Tianhai Dragon Palace were looking at everything around them.

Liu Shen frowned slightly and couldn’t help speaking.

“Yes, it’s strange, it’s full of vitality, it’s not like the dragon palace of a fallen dragon king.”

Wang Xian nodded, his face also full of doubts.

Longchang and Longxue all seem to be functioning normally.

It’s not like the dragon palace of a fallen dragon king.

“It’s weird.”

Wang Xian didn’t speak directly this time, but transmitted his voice: “Be careful, go, go ahead and have a look.”

As he said, he continued to fly forward.

After flying for a few minutes, in the front position, they saw a powerful force of law.

Through the power of these laws, one can vaguely see the medicine gardens ahead.

In the front position, many monsters were searching carefully, wanting to enter inside.

Wang Xian glanced over, there were more than a dozen Great Demon-level people in this group.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dragon’s eyes scanned the front.

“If it were the Dragon Palace, after my fall, it will be difficult for the entire Dragon Palace to continue to operate, let alone these rules.”

Wang Xian murmured, speaking towards Liu Shen.

He has obtained the complete inheritance of the Shenlong clan, and he is very clear about the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace is equivalent to the kingdom of the Shenlong. Once the Shenlong falls, the Dragon Palace will gradually decline.

And this Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace still has rules and the power of laws.

There is only one possibility, that is, the Heavenly Sea Dragon King has not fallen.

“There are two possibilities. He fell asleep after being hit hard, and the second is being trapped somewhere.”

Liu Shen groaned.

“No, if you are asleep or trapped, the Dragon Palace shouldn’t be opened by yourself. The Heavenly Sea Dragon King is here.”

Wang Xian shook his head, his eyes full of vigilance.

A dragon king who has not fallen yet opens his dragon palace once every 10,000 years. What is he plotting?

What is the reason?

He was meditating in his heart, and he was also full of vigilance for this sky.

Although they belong to the same family of Shenlong, there are disputes between Shenlong.

Just like human beings, there is no 100% harmonious race.

In the universe, there is competition everywhere.

“Go, I feel that these laws ahead will not have much effect on dragons with higher bloodline purity.”

Wang Xian glanced at the power of the law in front of the medicine garden and said.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Liu Shen nodded, his eyes also showed a hint of vigilance.

But since they are here, it is impossible to go back directly.

Wang Xian flew to the front position, his arm poking into the front rule.


Sure enough, he did not receive much resistance and was able to enter directly.

He glanced at Liu Shen, and the two of them walked directly inside.

“Huh? They actually entered the medicine garden!”

“What? They found a way to enter the medicine garden!”

“Hey, they seem to be the second to enter the medicine garden besides the Heavenly Dragon King.”

At this time, all the surrounding big monsters saw Wang Xian and the others easily enter it, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They hurriedly flew over here, their faces full of envy.

Wang Xian ignored them and walked straight ahead.

When they entered the pharmacy, they immediately sensed a wave of majestic aura.

However, there is no magic herb in this medicine garden, it should have been taken away.

“What a strong Shenlong bloodline, hahaha, it seems that I need to be guided, just relying on that guy, the probability of success is too low.”

“And that woman’s blood is not low, I feel her strength is very strong, it seems that I want to lead it to the side, and I can’t let him break the ritual.”

When Wang Xian and the others entered the medicine garden, they were located in the Dragon King Hall of Tianhai Dragon Palace, and the illusory figure mumbled, full of excitement and excitement.


At the same time, Wang Xian and the others entered the medicine garden, and immediately found that there was a lot of sacred grass in another medicine garden in front of them.

They were taken aback for a moment and rushed over immediately.

It is also necessary to pass through a law of energy again, and they enter the medicine garden with a glowing color in their eyes.

All of them are sacred grasses at the level of the sages of the universe, and there are more than a hundred plants.

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