Chapter 3165 Destroy

“The Nine Sword Race is completely wiped out.”

“The patriarch of the Nine Swords has fallen. Nine Swords no longer has a cosmic master, and there are now only 7,000 or 8,000 of the more than 30,000 elite powerhouses.”

“Venerable Willow God actually restrained the two third-tier powerhouses of Venerable Universe, this…”

All the people around watching the battle looked at the scene ahead with shock.

The death of the Nine Sword Patriarch can already announce the demise of the Nine Sword Race.

And the power of Venerable Liu Shen was beyond everyone’s expectations.

They all looked at them with shocked faces.


After Wang Xian killed a Universe Venerable, his speed still reached its limit. He stared at the existence of the second-order Universe Venerable of a bloody race.


The next moment, Wang Xian’s figure appeared in front of him, and the terrifying dragon claws grabbed him.


Seeing this scene of the existence of the second-order Venerable Universe of the bloody race, his face changed wildly, he did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly hid away.

“Did you hide?”

An icy voice came from behind, and the formations bombarded him one by one.


“Patriarch help!”

The second-order strong man of the bloody race Universe Venerable’s pupils shrank slightly, and he hurriedly asked for help from the patriarch.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, soon his voice stopped abruptly, and a series of terrifying formations fell.


On the side, Ao Xie and the three Cosmos Venerable Tier 2’s men frantically besieged the last Universe Venerable Tier 2, which is the Golden Skull Patriarch.

“Venerable Willow, if you dare to participate in the war between us, we will definitely destroy you in the future.”

The patriarch of the Golden Skull saw four devouring dragons approaching him and roared with horror.

The rapid changes in the situation gave him a bad feeling.

“Go away, Venerable Willow God, you get away from me.”

The bloody clan leader also changed wildly. The Venerable Clan members were now beheaded one by one, and the Venerable Willow God that suddenly appeared in front of him, the terrifying branches made him unable to break free.

Even if he wanted support, he couldn’t do it.

This made him exude a strong blood, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Venerable Willow.

But Venerable Liu Shen was not moved at all.

Since she chose to shoot, she knew the consequences of her own shooting.

The best way is to leave them all here and destroy them all.



The dragon skeleton on the side saw the golden skeleton patriarch encountered a crisis, and roared violently.

On his body, the keel bones have changed, and the keel bones have been transferred, making his entire body into an extremely sharp weapon.

His body tumbled, and the wicker twigs were torn apart.


Venerable Liu Shen saw this scene, his face changed slightly.

With a wave of her arm, willow leaves bombarded him directly.

However, the willow leaves fell on the keel and did not cause much damage to it.


“Dominate the dragon body of our Shenlong, I will destroy you!”

Lei Ming lifted the dragon’s head, his eyes were also full of violent sorrow.

He rushed over and headed directly towards the dragon skeleton attack.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho, I want to devour your blood.”

Dragon Skull watched Thunder Dragon attacking him, and roared coldly.

But in his pupils, there was a trace of solemnity.

After fighting for ten days, they also had some understanding of the strength of both sides.

The strength of this Thunder Dragon is stronger than himself.

The opponent has now added a Venerable Willow God, and they are no longer the opponents of Dragon Palace.

“Roar, golden bone!”

He roared and called out the chief of the golden skeleton.

“Retreat, all members of the Skeleton Clan, all retreat!”

The golden skull patriarch heard the dragon skull’s voice, full of unwilling roar.

“I want to retreat, isn’t it a bit late?”

Wang Xiansen’s voice came, and his figure moved, and he instantly came to the front of the golden skull patriarch, and the dragon’s tail swept directly towards him.

“No, patriarch, we are surrounded by formations, we cannot escape directly, we need the patriarch to break the formations.”

“Lord Dragon Skull, break the formation.”

Around, a strong man named Universe Venerable Tier 1 heard the command of the patriarch and wanted to escape back to his own God’s country in an instant.

But they were horrified to find that the formation engulfed them.

With their strength, they can’t break the formation at all.

In addition, around them, three or four Universe Venerables in the Dragon Palace besieged them, which made their faces full of fear and despair.

Without the protection of the patriarch and Lord Dragon Skull, they are not the opponents of the Dragon Palace powerhouse at all.

“Oops, the skeletons and the bloody race are going to retire!”

“It’s all because of that damn Venerable Willow God, if she didn’t make a sudden move, Dragon Palace would not have the upper hand.”

“Venerable Willow God, you are an enemy of our ancient painting sect.”

The two cosmic masters of the ancient painting sect shouted with extremely embarrassed faces.


When Venerable Liu Shen heard what they said, he snorted and ignored them.

“Go, let’s go too!”

Zuo Hufa of the ancient painting sect said with a gloomy face.

“Go? Attacking our Dragon Palace, is it so easy to escape?”

The figure of the sky array unknowingly appeared behind them, staring at them coldly.

“Haha, your Dragon Palace still wants to keep us here?”

The two men stared at the sky array gloomily.

“Yes, just keep you here.”

The sky formation said coldly, and the surrounding formations rose up, directly covering them.



At this time, a screaming sound came, and the two of them changed their faces slightly and looked aside.

Two Cosmos Venerables were beheaded by the Dragon Palace powerhouse.

Their expressions condensed slightly.


There was a loud noise, and the Golden Skull Patriarch, under the siege of the five of Wang Xian and Ao Xie, had no power to fight back.

A series of terrifying attacks landed on his body, causing rapid cracks in his body.

His pupils were full of horror.

“Lord Dragon Skull, save me!”

The Golden Skull Patriarch asked for help in a desperate way.

“Today, all of your tribes must die!”

Wang Xian said coldly.

“Jie Jie Jie, kill, I will kill, not one left!”

The two Baqi Demon Sha, like black ghosts, drilled into the body of a famous Universe Venerable.

Ao Yao wandered in the light and darkness, carrying out terrifying hunts again and again.

Without the interference of the two Cosmos Venerables, Tier 3 powerhouses, they quickly harvested the Cosmos Venerables of the Skeleton Clan and the Bloody Race.


Upon sensing this scene, the bloody race trembled a little.

If they were defeated, they were completely defeated.

Next, you can escape as much as you can.

When he moved, he had no desire to fight, and he wanted to flee towards the rear.

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