Chapter 3161 Ten Days War

“Swish swish!”

In the sky above, the golden skull patriarch, the patriarch of the Nine Swords race, and the bloody racial powerhouse flew towards the rear with extremely embarrassed faces.

They came to the rear of Dragon Skull and the Patriarch of Xuefang, staring at the crowds of Wang Xian with cold eyes.

“Isn’t it going to destroy our Dragon Palace? Why are you escaping now?”

Wang Xian’s figure moved, and there were wind dragons around him. A famous Universe Venerable Dragon Palace flew behind him, staring at the powerful men of the three races with a cold face, full of mockery.

“Dragon Palace, you will be destroyed this time. Do you think you can withstand our attack?”

The patriarch of the Golden Skull roared with a ferocious face.

“Even if the price is high, they must be destroyed in the Dragon Palace.”

The bloody race turned into a blood dragon, sweeping across the surroundings with a cold face, sweeping all the members of the Dragon Palace violently, and falling on Thunder.

“Dragon blood, dragon bone, I want all the lives of your dragon palace.”

The dragon skeleton swayed his huge body and roared.

“Only you!”

Thunder is also full of murderous expression, and the thunder makes a loud noise on his body.

“Just rely on us!”


The bloody patriarch roared wildly, and went directly toward the thunderous attack.

Dragon Skull did not hesitate either.

The Golden Skull Patriarch, the three Universe Venerables and the 14 Universe Venerables, attacked from the left and right positions.


Wang Xian looked at it, and his face showed a sorrowful look.

“Swish swish!”

At this time, at the lower position, five members of the first-tier Dragon Palace Universe Venerable flew over, a total of 35 Universe Venerables.

Headed by thunder, they headed directly toward the three major races to greet them.

“Tianzhen, let’s contain one!”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly. He and the Heavenly Formation, plus the Five Elements Great Mill, were enough to contain the bloody patriarch, and the remaining Dragon Palace members were still much stronger than the three races.


The sky formation nodded, waved his arm, and the formations quickly gathered in front of him.


Wang Xian roared wildly, and his entire body changed dramatically in an instant.

This is the first time he has shown his dragon body in front of many forces.


A dragon chant came from his mouth, Wang Xian’s body turned into about 20,000 meters, and the dragon scales on his body shone with diamond-like luster, all kinds of luster flowed, sacred and majestic.

Behind him, there was a slightly weird wing, but one side of the wing was blue, and the other side seemed to lack something.



Wang Xian roared wildly, and the Five Elements Great Mill suspended in the air, directly attacking the patriarch of the bloody war.

“Huh? What kind of dragon is this?”

At the opposite position, the bloody clan chief and the others saw the dragon king’s body shape change, and they were slightly taken aback, their eyes shone with lustre.

“Kill, kill, this Dragon Palace has at least ten purebred dragons, kill them!”

Dragon Skull’s eyes swept away, and the ghost fire in his eyes became more excited.


The collision between the two sides began.

A loud bang rang above the Milky Way, and the venerables around watching the battle looked at them with horror.

“This…it’s crazy. The Venerables of the Nine Sword Race, Skeleton Race, and Bloody Race are completely disregarding the casualties of their disciples. They must destroy the Dragon Palace!”

“What kind of dragon is the Dragon King? His coercion is so strong, is it a mutant dragon?”

“Desperate, the three major races are absolutely desperate, do they completely ignore the disciples below?”

The Venerables who were watching the battle looked around, his pupils shrank slightly.

The battle in the sky has completely heated up.

In the lower position, even if the Dragon Palace has five venerables joining the upper battlefield, the lower part is still completely dominated by the Dragon Palace.

Even Dragon Palace possesses a crushing combat power.

The five cosmic lords quickly attacked the legions of the three races, plus the millions of members of the Dragon Palace, and the millions of devouring dragons, it was a complete one-sided battle.

“Retreat and retreat!”

“Retreat to Skull Island for a defensive battle!”

The strong men of the Skeleton Clan, the Bloody Race, and the Nine Sword Race shouted orders.

Now with their power, they are not the opponents of Dragon Palace at all.

If it weren’t for the Lord Shang’s not giving the order, otherwise, they would have escaped long ago.

This is not a level of battle at all.

“Kill, don’t keep one!”

The members of the Dragon Palace roared violently.

One by one, the mad dragons were transformed into violent warriors, slaughtering the enemy madly.

The life-threatening arrows of the Arrow Dragon, with every attack, can kill a large number of skeletons.

The five Dragon Palace Venerables are the Royal Dragon, the Crazy Dragon, the Thorny Dragon, the Venom Horny Dragon, and the Dragon Guard.

They are good at close combat, and their swordsman daggers shimmer and slaughter insanely.

A large number of corpses fell in front of the Dragon Palace, slowly being absorbed by the Dragon Palace.

At this time, in the Hualong Pond of the Dragon Palace, on the nine dragon pillars, dragon blood was flowing continuously.

Ten minutes later, the three major races lost half of their strength and retreated to Skull Island.

On Skull Island, the Skull Clan set up an incomparable defense, barely resisting the attack of the five cosmic masters in the Dragon Palace.

But even so, it just slowed down the speed of being hunted by Dragon Palace.

This time, change to Dragon Palace attack.

Three major race defenses.

In the upper air position, the three major races relied on having the third-order combat power of two Universe Venerables, and fought together with the Dragon Palace.

The battle of fifty or sixty cosmic masters made it much more difficult for Dragon Palace to kill them.

However, what shocked the patriarch of the bloody race was that the power that the Dragon Palace Dragon King and Dragon Palace Array Mage broke out was able to contain him.

This shocked his heart.

“Kill, I want to see how long they can resist.”

The bloody race patriarch roared grimly.

As time passed day by day, the roar of terror continued.

On the third day, Skull Island was breached by Dragon Palace, and five Dragon Palace veterans rushed into it and hunted wildly.

“Patriarch, save us, save us!”

“No, no, I don’t want to die!”

Three consecutive days of fighting completely collapsed the Skeleton Race, the Bloody Race, and the Nine Sword Race.

After three days of fighting, they were slaughtered little by little, and they weren’t Dragon Palace’s opponents at all.

Facing the disciple’s cry for help, the Cosmos Venerables of the three major races in the sky did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Even the patriarch of the Nine Swords race had red eyes. Now, as long as the Dragon Palace can be destroyed and the blood of the purebred dragons can be obtained, they can be greatly improved.

Compared to promotion, they have given up other things.

And they also knew that they couldn’t retreat at this time, and only by destroying the Dragon Palace could they make up for all the losses.

At this moment, the matter of the three major races besieging the Dragon Palace is completely boiling in the Milky Way.

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