Chapter 3159 Dragon Skeleton Blood Dragon vs Thunder Dragon 2


The roaring voice sounded, similar to Long Yin, but with a trace of sorrow.

The dragon scales in the hands of the bloody chieftain flew out, covering his body.

And his body slowly condensed into the appearance of a dragon.

Under the cover of the dragon scales, it shone with a jewel-like luster.

He stared at the thunder, his eyes were full of violent bloodthirsty and murderous intent, as well as the rich and hot color.

“Boom boom boom!”

He carried the power not weaker than the third-order of Venerable Universe, and went directly towards the thunderous attack.

“I want to use the body of our Shenlong to increase our strength and want to destroy the real dragon, delusional!”

With a roar of thunder, facing the dragon skeleton and the blood dragon, his face was full of majesty.

Thunders came one after another, attacking them.


The dragon skeleton shook the huge dragon’s tail and swept directly toward the thunder.

The terrifying keel instantly collapsed Thunder.

“Exterminate this Thunder Dragon.”

Dragon Skull swept his gaze towards the patriarch of Xuefang, and roared loudly.

“Okay! Kill!”

The blood-red eyes of the patriarch of Xuehu released light.

His claws covered with dragon scales directly grabbed at Thunder.

“Thunder is exorcising evil!”

Thunder did not show weakness, and also waved the dragon claw to meet the dragon claw of the bloody chief.

He is a real dragon, and the dragon skeleton and blood dragon only rely on the body of the dragon to possess such strength.

Facing two people of the same level, he was not afraid.


The thunder dragon claws collided with the blood dragon claws, and the blood on the blood dragon claws quickly melted.


At this time, another huge dragon claw attacked at the side of the thunder.

Thundering eyes condensed, the Thunder Dragon’s tail swept away directly and violently.


The sound of the impact came, and the thunderous body retreated, facing the blood dragon and the dragon skeleton, it was difficult for him to gain the upper hand.

“Kill the rest as soon as possible to support Thunder.”

Wang Xian glanced over the battle, his face was full of coldness.

He didn’t expect that the three clans actually had the third-order combat effectiveness of two Universe Venerables.

Although it was promoted in a special way, the dragon skeletons and dragon scales were all treasures of the pure and powerful dragon.

A real universe treasure.

This kind of treasure is stronger than the acquired spirit treasure.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

When the venerable Dragon Palace heard Wang Xian’s words, their bodies surged with violent power.

Now the seven Cosmos Venerables of the three races are Tier 2 and two of them have been killed. The Blood Guard patriarch relied on dragon scales to upgrade to Tier 3 Cosmos Venerables to fight against thunder. There are only four of them.

With the strength of the Dragon Palace, they can completely destroy them as soon as possible.

“Hahaha, today your Dragon Palace will be destroyed, and the sword will come out!”

The patriarch of the Nine Sword Race saw that the Skeleton Clan and the Bloody Race had burst out with such terrifying strength, and his expression was extremely excited.

He roared wildly and waved his arm.

A terrifying sword spirit flew out of a divine sword.

The shape of the sword spirit is somewhat similar to that of the Shenlong, but it is completely different.

It is solidified from the imaginary, and its body exudes a powerful evil spirit.

Wang Xian and the others could vaguely sense the breath of dragon blood from this sword spirit.

“The bloody patriarch, get rid of the thunder dragon first, behead the rest of the dragon palace, and finally clean up the thunder dragon.”

The patriarch of the golden skull swept across the power of the Dragon Palace and roared loudly.


The bloody patriarch responded immediately.

He also sensed that the Thunder Dragon in front of him was very powerful, and his combat experience was also very rich.

It is difficult to beheaded in a short time.

But now you can make the Dragon Skull entangle it, and kill the rest of the dragon palace by yourself.

“Your opponent is me, don’t want to run away!”

The thunderous gaze swept away, and the thunder and violent on his body directly established a terrifying area, covering the bloody patriarch and dragon skeletons, making it impossible to hunt down the dragon palace members.


Wang Xian saw the thunder to contain the dragon skeleton and the blood dragon with all his strength, he roared sharply, his speed was at its extreme, and his eyes were fixed on the golden skeleton patriarch in front of him.

The Great Mill of the Five Elements revolved, and also moved toward the suppression of the Golden Skull Patriarch.

The terrifying speed and power made the face of the Golden Skull Patriarch change wildly.

“Resist, defend!”

The patriarch of the golden skeleton roared loudly.

As long as the Dragon Skull or the patriarch of the bloody war broke out of the thunder dragon, the victory belonged to them.

The pure blood of the dragon belongs to them.

“Formation, get up!”

At this time, a voice came from the mouth of the sky, and the raindrops that were already falling suddenly became more urgent.

In the raindrops, there seems to be a strong interference force.


The ten thousand dragon witches also roared.

The more rapid the rain covered the entire battlefield, covering the Skull Island in front.


“Dragon Palace has a lot of powerful formation mages. They knew that the skeleton race would invade in advance, so they set up a formation, but this formation seems to be a trapped formation. It is really confident to prevent the opponent from escaping.”

Venerable Red Mist sensed the water droplets around the place where he was watching the battle, and said in his mouth.

The area covered by this drop of water is terrifying, and they are all covered here.

Within the scope of this drop of water, even he could not directly escape back to his own universe.

Only the strongman of the third rank of Youyu Zhou can break through the defense of raindrops.

“All the disciples of Dragon Palace, kill me!”

The formation was opened without the slightest obstruction. The skeletons of Skull Island, the disciples of the Nine Swords race, and the powerhouses of the bloody race, the three major races still attacked frantically, and Prime Minister Turtle issued an order.

The hole cards of the Skeleton Clan and the Nine Sword Race have been blocked by Dragon Palace.

Then, it’s time for Dragon Palace to explode his hole cards.

Prime Minister Turtle’s command is a signal.

Located in the Dragon Palace, ten figures instantly flew towards the battlefield at a terrifying speed.

At this time, in the battlefield ahead, the Dragon Palace Dragon Dragon and Mad Dragon Dragon Seed are at the forefront.

Millions of devouring dragons are located on the left and right sides.

Starwood dragon species, styracosaurus, venom horned dragon species and other dragon species follow closely behind.

The auxiliary sounds of the dolphin clan flooded the battlefield.

The terrifying battle broke out completely.

Even in the Dragon Palace, hundreds of members have fallen in a short period of time.

But compared to the loss of Dragon Palace, the death of the three clans is even more terrifying.

The number of skeletons destroyed by the skeleton family reached more than two billion.

Tens of thousands of powerful men in the Nine Sword Race and the Bloody Race were also killed.

It’s not easy to say who wins and who loses.

But when the Ten Dragon Palace flew out, it was accompanied by waves of terrifying energy.

“Dragon Arrow, destruction!”

“Furious Dragon Leaf, kill!”

“Dragon Sword, come back!”

“Yulong regretfully!”

“Venom, corrode!”


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