Chapter 3151 Our Nine Swords Are Back

“Purebred dragon? Really? There are purebred dragons in this universe.”

The Milky Way Black Territory is one of the most famous fierce places in the Milky Way.

The sea here is extremely dark, and it is almost dark inside.

Only the powerhouse of the god emperor level can move here.

The depths of the bottom of the Milky Way are black silt.

At this time, in the center of the black area, the jet-black water of the Milky Way was tinged with a hint of red.

A bloody gas condensed here.

A drop of blood-red blood can also be seen around.

A skeleton with no flesh and blood, only bones, is suspended in the center.

The skeleton exudes a golden light, and it looks incredible.

Located in front of the skeleton, is a wriggling mass of blood.

The blood condensed into a human form, but it looked a little scary.

“Our venerable skeleton clan saw it with his own eyes, and would lie to you. We saw one with our own eyes. It is said that there is more than one pure-blood dragon in the Dragon Palace.”

“Once we can destroy the Dragon Palace, the strength of our two races will be greatly improved, and you should not have a big problem if you want revenge in the future.”

There was a metallic sound from the golden skull’s mouth.

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is not weak. Once we reveal it, the Dragon Clan may be chased and killed that day.”

There was a sharp voice from the figure of blood condensing.

“Our Skeleton clan united with you, and it is considered to have offended the Tianlong clan. We are not afraid, what is your fear?”

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is strong, but over the years, your bloody race has recovered a lot, not to mention, I will call the Nine Sword Race. Although the Nine Sword Race has only one Venerable, it is also a Venerable. Second-order.”

“Their clan also has powerful town clan objects, plus our two major races, it is enough, the dragon palace does not have the third-order existence of Youyu Zhou.”

The golden skeleton continued.

“Well, our bloody race has ten Universe Venerables of the first rank and four Universe Venerables of the second rank. This is almost all our strength.”

“Distribute the spoils according to strength.”

A voice came from the figure of blood condensing.

“Well, it’s a bloody race, there is still such a powerful force now, you are here to wait for our news.”

As the golden skeleton said, his figure slowly disappeared.

“Purebred dragons? If there are purebred dragons and swallow their dragon blood, we will be able to make breakthroughs. At that time, it will be the death of the Tianlong clan.”

The blood condensed figure roared sternly, with a look of hatred in his eyes.

In the boundless starry sky, huge planets, battleships, and islands are flying.

Located in the most central position, the patriarch of the Nine Sword Race closed his eyes as a cultivator.

This time the Great Escape of the Nine Swords race, they have not yet figured out where to stay.

Wandering in the boundless universe, everyone’s eyes are full of confusion.

The universe is vast, but now there is no place for them.

Everything is because of the Dragon King.


At this time, the patriarch of Jiujian who was sitting and practicing opened his eyes, and the cold sword light flashed past his eyes.

He took out the Universe Brain, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the information on it.

He stood up suddenly and sent messages one by one.

“Hahaha, hahaha!”

Soon, a wild smile appeared on his face, and his face slowly became savage.

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect it, Dragon Palace, Dragon Palace, hahaha!”

He couldn’t help laughing wildly.

“All Nine Swords Divine Emperor rank 5 and above powerhouses, come here.”

A roar spread to the ears of all the powerful Nine Sword races traveling in the universe.

They froze for a moment, and immediately flew over.


Soon, more than 30,000 powerful men gathered in the main hall of the central planet and worshipped the Nine Sword Patriarch.

“Everyone immediately follow me back to the galaxy!”

Patriarch Jiujian commanded with joy on his face.

“What? Back to the galaxy immediately?”

All the disciples were slightly taken aback when they heard his words, and their faces were full of surprise.

“Exterminate Dragon Palace!”

Patriarch Jiujian uttered three words.

“Exterminating Dragon Palace?”

The disciples of the Nine Swords race were slightly surprised again.

“Go, come with me, the Skeleton Clan will move to the Dragon Palace, and they have found a powerful race, this time the three clans join forces, and the Dragon Palace will be destroyed.”

The Nine Sword Patriarch said sternly.

“What? The Skeletons are going to do something to the Dragon Palace?”

“The Skeleton Clan hunts Yalong even more crazily than our Nine Swords. I just saw on Zhi Brain. Some people say that Dragon Palace has purebred dragons and pictures.”

“The Skeleton Clan wants to destroy the Dragon Palace, then they are obviously fully prepared. Great. The Dragon Palace killed our Lord and forced us to leave the galaxy. This time they will have to pay the price of blood.”

“Kill, destroy the Dragon Palace!”

When the disciples of the Nine Swords race got the news, their faces were extremely excited.


Patriarch Jiujian was in a good mood, and with a wave of his arm, he led everyone to fly towards the Milky Way.

Three hours later, a message about the Nine Swords race spread out in the galaxy.

The message is only a few words: our nine swords are back!

When everyone saw this message, their faces were filled with a look of astonishment.

“Under what circumstances, what does the Nine Sword Race mean by making this statement? Their Nine Swords are back?”

“Nine swords race back? Back to our galaxy? They dare to come back?”

“What happened? The Nine Sword Race is going to return to the galaxy?”

On the Milky Way, some people saw this information and talked a lot.

The Dragon Palace has destroyed the Dragonborn race, and the Nine Swords race will surely be annihilated next.

Why did the escaped Nine Sword Race come back?

Have they negotiated with Dragon Palace?


What’s the situation?

Everyone is full of curiosity.

Even the elementary races in the universe were slightly surprised and a little confused.

“Dragon King, there is a message about the Nine Sword Race on Zhi Nao, and the Nine Sword Race announced that they are back.”

In the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, Prime Minister Turtle reported a message to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows: “It’s a bit strange.”

“It’s a little strange.”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

In order to prevent the Dragon Palace from attacking them, the Nine Sword Race fled directly, and now they come back with such a high profile.

“Ignore them first, and order Ao Yao and the others to go to the Skeleton Clan. After investigating some conditions, we will destroy the Skeleton Clan first.”

Wang Xian didn’t care too much about the Nine Sword Race.

The Nine Swords race now has only one patriarch with the second-order combat effectiveness of Venerable Universe, which is not enough.

“It’s the Dragon King.”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

Wang Xian tapped the dragon chair lightly, and looked at Venerable Crescent Moon’s introduction to the skeleton family.

Skeletons do not belong to the human race. They are also a huge race in the universe.

Like the name, they are a skeleton.

Skeleton family, mainly refining the body in close combat, is very strong.

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