3149 Born-18 Mar 1974

The black robe covered the entire body, and the face looked past, except for a blood-red or green pupil, no face could be seen.

“It’s a member of the Skeleton Clan.”

The people around looked at them and whispered.

Wang Xian looked at the three figures shrouded in black robes, his eyes gleaming.

The three races that the Dragon Palace is going to destroy, the Dragonborn race has been annihilated, and the Nine Swords race has fled.

There is only this family of skeletons.

The Skeleton Clan was also the first elementary race in the universe that Wang Xian learned about.

The Mohan room race was annihilated by the Skeleton race.

Their strength is second only to or even not weaker than the Mist Race.

When Wang Xian looked towards them, the three people of the Skeleton clan also looked towards them.

The light in the pupils in the black robe was beating, and the slightest expression could not be sensed.

Wang Xian and the Skulls clan looked at them, but the other party did not speak, nor did he speak.

A group of people came to a position and sat down.

“Dragon King, I can smell the blood of Yalong from the three black-robed skeletons.”

At this time, the thunder on the side spread the voice towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded insignificantly.

Skeleton clan used to capture and hunt Yalong wildly.

The surrounding universe venerables sensed the subtle atmosphere between the strong skeleton clan and Wang Xian, with a trace of contemplation on their faces.

“We still won’t go there. It seems that the Skeleton Clan and Dragon Palace are a bit at a loss.”

At the location next to him, the two old men looked at each other and said Chuanyin Road.

“In our galaxy, the Nine Swords, Dragonborn and Skeleton tribes have publicly captured and hunted Yalong, and the Dragon King of Dragon Palace said when he killed the dragonborn race, those who wantonly hunted Yalong are the enemies of Dragon Palace. Obviously they have a conflict of interest.”

The two spoke slowly.

They are all elementary races in the galactic universe, and they know a little bit about some things.

Several races hunted Yalong, and Yalong is naturally beneficial to them.

Now that Dragon Palace declares this way, conflicts will surely arise.

Even if the conflict is not face-to-face, there shouldn’t be much communication between the two parties.

Not only them, but many forces are clearly aware of this.

However, the Skeleton Clan is relatively small in number, and many races have not negotiated with them, and some cosmic lords did not care.

Continue to talk with Wang Xian, trying to leave a good impression.

Wang Xian was perfunctory with several Cosmos Venerables.

Before long, a dozen figures flew over here.

A crowd looked at it at once.

Two elders wearing costumes from ancient painting sects and a dozen people from the misty race flew over.

The old man Wang Xian, headed by the mist race, has seen him, Venerable Red Mist.

“Thank you all the racial powers for giving us the face of the ancient painting sect, gathered here.”

The two old men of the ancient painting sect arched their hands and said lightly.

“Be polite.”

“Invited by the venerable of the ancient painting sect, we will come naturally.”

Several venerables immediately responded politely.

The strength of the ancient painting sect is very strong, far surpassing all the forces of the Milky Way.

This is generally accepted.

Facing the two venerables of the ancient painting sect, they are naturally polite.

Wang Xian sat there and watched faintly, without speaking.

He has always been upset about the ancient painting sect.

They were invited to a banquet, but the host did not come out until the end, which was obviously not paying attention to them.

“I invite you to come today, and there is nothing else to do, just to ask you if you have seen the deputy master of our ancient painting sect, Venerable Loushan or the others.”

The two venerables of the ancient painting sect swept their eyes across the surrounding people and directly spoke.

Judging from their appearance, they didn’t mean to hold a banquet.

“Huh? Venerable Loushan?”

When the crowd heard what they said, their faces showed a look of error.

“What happened to Venerable Loushan?”

A Universe Venerable of the Sanchi Race asked suspiciously.

The Venerable Red Mist on the side also looked at it in surprise.

Is this why the ancient painting sect invited all forces to hold this banquet?

“Our ancient painting sect, the deputy master of Loushan, they disappeared on the side of the Milky Way. There is no news so far, so we came to look for it.”

The two shook their heads: “The life card is shattered, I don’t know if it really happened.”

“What? Broken life card?”

“Venerable Loushan’s life card is shattered? Or is it on the side of the Milky Way?”


Even Venerable Hongwu showed a surprised look on their faces, and they looked at the two Venerables of the Ancient Painting Sect.

The broken life card represents the fall.

Even if it is the Universe Venerable, once the life card is broken, it also means that the body is dead.

Venerable Loushan, the deputy master of the ancient painting sect, the existence of the second-order Venerable Universe, unexpectedly fell.

And it still fell on the side of the Milky Way.

No wonder the ancient painting sect invited all their ethnic forces over.

“Calling you all over is also our ancient painting sect’s last resort. Please also cooperate with us. After the incident, our ancient painting sect will definitely come to apologize.”

An old man in the ancient painting sect arched his hands.

“I am the only one of our Shuishan race, it is impossible and dare not to do such a thing.”

The patriarch of the mountain shook his head.

“Venerable Loushan fell to our ancient painting sect to find information, it is also appropriate, our mist race will cooperate with you.”

Venerable Red Mist hesitated and said.

“Thank you!”

An old man from the ancient painting sect felt it, and with a wave of his arm, a drop of blood was suspended in the center of a white plate.

“This is a trace of Venerable Loushan’s blood, put it in the spirit treasure, if you encounter a murderer who killed Venerable Loushan, or if you have a similar breath, you can find it out.”

The old man said, the blood was floating above the white plate, without the slightest movement.

“Huh? Do they suspect that the forces on our side of the galaxy did it?”

“Venerable Loushan is a second-order existence of Venerable Universe. It can destroy him without making him escape. Only three or four forces in our galaxy have this strength.”

A group of elders of the primary races of the universe whispered.

“Hehe, what kind of banquet did we think it was. It turns out that the ancient painting sect used us as murderers to investigate.”

Wang Xian looked at the blood on the white disk and said with a hint of sarcasm.

“Dragon King, right? We have to do it. We must find the person who killed our Venerable Loushan. Please forgive me.”

A veteran of the ancient painting sect looked over and said with blinking eyes. .

Wang Xian smiled faintly, without speaking.

The disc rose and flew around.

The crowd looked around, but did not speak.

The strength of the ancient painting sect is very strong. Although they are a little dissatisfied with this move in their hearts, they will not refuse it.

The Mist Race and Skeleton Race didn’t move either, watching them quietly.

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