The 3145th chapter annihilation, the galaxy shakes (2)

The race was annihilated, and the prosperous leaves fell.

Wang Xian hovered above the dragonborn race, watching the destruction of a primary race in the universe.

When the crescent moon was in the sky, it showed this lonely scene.

Wang Xian monitors everything about the Dragonborn race, and monitors everyone.

The number of Universe Venerables spying around has reached more than a dozen, and he just glanced at it lightly for a warning and ignored it.

“Dragon Palace, most of the strongest of the Dragonborn race have all been wiped out, and the rest of the ordinary disciples flee to death.”

Half an hour later, Prime Minister Tortoise flew over and reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Well, very good, let’s go, let’s receive the treasure of the dragonborn race.”

Wang Xian nodded.

He was very satisfied with this battle.

With half a million members of the Dragon Palace, there were almost no casualties in this battle.

This is very rare in race wars.

As soon as he moved, he immediately flew towards Longshan, the dragonborn race.

At the side position, the sky array carried the bodies of three cosmic venerables, and began to investigate the location of their cosmic kingdom.

After annihilating the Dragonborn race, it’s time to count the spoils.

As a race that has stood for billions of years, they have huge resources.


According to the memory in his mind, Wang Xian flew towards a mountain.

When he just fell below, a violent and coercive voice came.

Venerable Tortoise-winged Beast, without a head.

This venerable battle pet was sold by Wang Xian and the others, and was auctioned by the Dragonborn race.

Now this war pet is placed at the foot of the mountain.

Wang Xian didn’t understand why he didn’t get him to take action during the battle just now, but he knew that it was definitely not easy to make a place where a noble-level battle pet could guard.

According to the memory in my mind, this is the treasure house of the Dragonborn race.

How many treasures will a race have for billions of years?

It is simply unimaginable!

“Hope to bring some surprises.”

Wang Xian murmured, and the power of the dragon radiated from his body, and went directly to suppress the Venerable Battle Pet.


Feeling the familiar Longwei Wang Xian, the battle pet lay directly on the ground, afraid to have any resistance.

“Dragon King, I have found the place where the dragonborn race patriarch and their kingdom of God are. I used to take their kingdom of the universe.”

At this time, the voice of the sky array came from above.


Wang Xian nodded with a smile, and went straight into the treasure house.

“It’s worthy of being the treasure house of the Dragonborn race. Just entering it, there are so many treasures.”

Just stepping into the treasure house, Wang Xian’s shocked voice soon came.

Just when Wang Xian and Dragon Palace began to harvest the spoils, the Milky Way at this moment was completely boiling.

“The dragonborn race was completely annihilated, and all the venerables of the dragonborn race were killed!”

“The Dragon Palace destroys the Dragonborn race.”

The news that the Dragon Palace had destroyed the Dragonborn race was spread.

Even if everyone had a hunch that the Dragonborn would be annihilated, the news spread so quickly that it still shocked countless people.

Especially the ordinary people of the Nine Sword Race and the Dragonborn Race.

They stared at the news one by one.

The Dragon Palace did not attack other planets in the dragonborn race domain, nor did it attack ordinary people.

They are now watching their race and backing being wiped out, one by one is full of panic and at a loss.

I thought that a month ago they still taunted the Dragon Palace, just a month, they have been destroyed.

Although the Nine Sword Race has not been annihilated, it has also been scared away and disappeared on the side of the Milky Way.

Only their ordinary people are left.

One extinction and one escape.

This is the power of the Dragon Palace today.

However, when the news that the Dragon Palace had more than 20 cosmic venerables spread out, it caused a huge sensation.

More than twenty Universe Venerables?

What is this concept?

Even the Mist Race with the strongest strength in the Milky Way, there are only nine Universe Venerables on the bright side.

The Dragon Palace has more than twenty people.

This made some of the weaker universe junior races in the Milky Way have to look at the strength of the Dragon Palace.

They had to think about how to please the Dragon Palace so as not to be targeted by the Dragon Palace and destroy them.


“Huh, fortunately, Dragon Palace’s preferred target is not our Nine Swords race, otherwise it will be our Nine Swords that is destroyed now.”

At this moment, in a void, countless people of the Nine Swords race were riding on various powerful battleships, islands, and artifacts. They saw the information on the brain, and their faces showed rejoicing.

There are still some gaps between their Nine Sword Race and the Dragonborn Race.

If the Dragon Palace attacked them first, all of them would have to die.

“Is this group of people from over the galaxy?”

Located on the right side of the group of Nine Sword Race, two figures quickly flew towards this side.

They swept their eyes, and one of them shone with lustre.

“I checked, it should be the Nine Sword Race, and now a war has broken out on the galaxy side, and a powerful force called Dragon Palace has risen strongly, and annihilated a primary race in the universe.”

An old man next to him said lightly.

“Dragon Palace? Did you say that Loushan and the others’ fall was related to that Dragon Palace? On the Milky Way, everyone knows the strength of our sect, and they dare not move Loushan and them.”

“What’s more, with the strength of several primary races in the universe over the Milky Way, the only things that can leave Loushan behind are the Mist and Skeleton Races.”

The middle-aged guessed.

“No matter which power or strong one is, as long as you find it, they will definitely destroy the nine clans.”

The old man shouted in a low voice with a grave face.

They looked ahead and accelerated their flight speed.


“This…this is?”

Wang Xian did not know about the outside world. At this moment, Wang Xian was located in the treasure house of the Dragonborn race, looking at the scene ahead with a shocked face.

In the front position, a huge Yalong was densely entangled by a one-meter thick chain.

The entire Yalong is tens of thousands of meters in size.

“Boom boom boom!”

A faint heartbeat sounded, and there was a trace of life in the entire Yalong.

Under Wang Xian’s induction, this sub-dragon has a not weak bloodline of the dragon, and it is also a powerful dragon species placed in the dragon palace.

However, his extremely weak body makes his momentum very weak.

Below his huge body, there is a pond, the size of the pond is ten meters, there are about thousands of liters of dragon blood in it.

There was a huge wound on the body of Yalong above the pool.

“This Yalong was suppressed here by the Dragonborn race? It has been sucked by the Dragonborn race for dragon blood?”

There was a shock in Wang Xian’s heart.

He could see that the strength of this Yalong was not simple, and he could also see that the powerful chain blocked the Yalong for a long, long time.

It may even be hundreds of millions of years or more.

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