Chapter 3141 Nine Swords Come To Support

The sky is overwhelming, and shady is coming.

Thousands of miles of mountains have turned into huge mountain beasts.

When the Dragon Palace attacked, the Dragonborn race broke out the strongest defense in an instant.

As a race for billions of years, they guard the treasures of the clan extremely powerful.

Whether it is the sky-reaching formation, or the terrifying mountain beast, they all have the strength to counter the existence of the second-order cosmos venerable.

Moreover, in this sky-reaching formation, the powerhouses of their dragonborn race can explode with even stronger power.

“Broken the formation!”

At the top position, when Prime Minister Turtle saw the terrifying formation instantly rise, he immediately shouted.


“Broken the formation!”

Ao Qitian, Aoqi and a group of dozens of Cosmos Venerables, directly attacked towards the shady array.

They waved the artifact in their hands and blasted them forward.


The entire shady array was torn apart.

But in the rest of the place, the shady formation still rises up.

“Kill, kill, kill everyone in the Dragon Palace, kill these guys who dare to invade us.”

From below, there were countless angry roars from the Dragonborn race.

Their eyes were full of violent murderousness.

Although the Dragonborn race has a secret legion destroyed by the Dragon Palace, the power of the secret legion occupies at most 30 to 40% of the entire race.

There are still many, many strong ones.

Especially here in their base camp Longfeng.

The moment the Dragonborn race was attacked, all the core disciples rushed back immediately after receiving the news.

Tens of millions of elites attacked the 500,000 Dragon Palace members.

“Arrow Dragon Dragon Seed, let these guys see how good we are!”

Prime Minister Turtle saw the dense and numerous Dragonborn race powerhouse below, and his eyes revealed a cold expression.

He waved his arm.

“Swish swish swish!”

In an instant, the dense and numerous arrows moved towards the lower cover. The terrifying arrows, carrying the power of wind and thunder, condensed into a huge and incomparable dragon, and blasted downwards.

“Boom boom boom!”

There was a terrifying crackling sound.

“Defense, defend now!”

In the lower position, a strong man of the Dragonborn race roared loudly.


In the sky above, an extremely powerful Dark Portal appeared, and the arrow fell on it, causing the Dark Portal to quickly collapse.

“Brothers, punch me!”

A cosmic venerable dragon species roared wildly, and rushed down first.



Starwood dragon species, heavenly thunder ground fire dragon phoenix species, and imperial dragon dragon species were among the dragon species, rushing forward.

The 500,000 Dragon Palace members are no less powerful than Tier 4 of Venerable Universe.

Among them, there are more than fifty strong people at the peak of the Dragon Palace God Emperor.

“War Equipment, Dragon Cannon!”

Below, a loud roar came.


Immediately afterwards, on the peaks below, huge black cannons appeared one after another.

The head of the cannon is like the head of a dragon, and a terrifying energy is brewing on it.

The strength of a race is not only the strength of its disciples, but also the powerful weapons of the town and clan warfare.

Long Pao is specially prepared for war.

One shot down, a planet can be directly annihilated.

There are thousands of dragon cannons, aimed at all members of the Dragon Palace.

“Boom boom boom!”

A terrifying bombardment sounded.

“Yonglong Dragon Seed, defense!”

Seeing the terrifying attack by the Dragon Cannon, Prime Minister Turtle frowned slightly and ordered immediately.

“Yulong Tianxia!”

“Yulong Tianxia!”

All the dragon species roared, and the khaki dragon gates rose one by one, resisting the position in front.

“Boom boom boom!”

The roar sounded, and the whole world changed color.


“Fight against the enemy!”

A Venerable Dragon Dragon Seed that the defense they released was quickly defeated, his eyes condensed.

An earth-yellow dragon drew a trace, leaving a solid defense.

But even so, his defense slowly cracked and collapsed.

Thousands of dragon cannons are enough to kill the first-order existence of Venerable Universe.

This is the foundation of the Dragonborn race.

“It’s worthy of being a force that has stood for billions of years. It really is no small thing.”

Wang Xian looked at it, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

After beheading the six Cosmos Venerables of the Dragonborn Race and the Nine Sword Race, their fighting power at the level of the Dragon Palace Venerable has reached 33.

Even if he, Prime Minister Turtle and Xiaolan Xiaozhai didn’t make a move, that would be more than twenty Universe Venerables.

More than 20 cosmic lords failed to defeat the dragonborn race in an instant, one can imagine how deep their background is.

“The base camp of every race is very strong.”

Prime Minister Turtle echoed and swept around: “However, it’s only a matter of time before they perish.”

Wang Xian nodded lightly.

“What! The dragonborn race actually sent a support message, and the Dragon Palace invaded their dragonborn race.”

At this moment, it was located in the remote land of the Nine Sword Race.

The head of the Nine Swords race looked at the message sent by the head of the dragon race with a shocked face.

The Dragon Palace actually went to attack the Dragonborn race.


“The Nine Sword Race Sword Corps is ready to follow the patriarch to support the Dragonborn race.”

A figure quickly spread throughout the Nine Swords race.

Hearing this voice, everyone’s complexion changed drastically in the land of the Nine Sword Race.

The only remaining existence of the Universe Venerable flew into the hall, his face filled with solemn expression.

“Patriarch, where the Dragonborn race…”

As he said in his mouth, the patriarch of the Nine Sword Race nodded his head and his expression was unusually embarrassed.

“Sousou Whoosh!”

At this time, in front of the main hall, a strong man of the Nine Swords race flew over.

After the Nine Sword Race and the Dragonborn Race were united, they established a legion, ready to deal with all preparations at any time.

The sword regiment is a powerful army formed by the Nine Swords in advance. After the two secret legions are destroyed, the sword regiment is the strongest combat army of the nine swords race.

“Go, go to the Dragonborn race immediately.”

Patriarch Jiujian glanced across all the disciples and shouted in a deep voice.

Now, the dragonborn race has encountered an attack, once the dragonborn is destroyed, then it will be their turn to nine swords.

At this time, he had to go to support.

When a crowd of people moved, they immediately flew towards the teleportation formation.

Now, the teleportation formations of the two races have been opened up and can be directly teleported to the dragonborn race.

“The Dragonborn race was invaded by the Dragon Palace, this…this…”

In the land of the Nine Swords race, everyone watched with shocked faces as their patriarch led a group of strong men to support the Dragonborn, and their hearts were shaken.

The Dragon Palace invaded the Dragonborn.

“Nine swords come to support!”

At the same time, within the Dragonborn race, the patriarch of the Nine Sword race led millions of disciples to rush out.

They swept across the battlefield and shouted in a deep voice.

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