Chapter 3118 Suppression Of The Venerable Turtle Blazing Winged Beast

“Dragon King, what’s the matter!”

Tianzhen flew to Wang Xian’s side and asked with a smile.

“This time I went out to harvest a lot of treasures and obtained a very powerful acquired spirit treasure. This time, let’s see if we can suppress the cosmic venerable turtle blazing beast. In addition, we will conquer some of the gods’ peaks. Desolate beast, sell it, and prepare for the next thing.”

Wang Xian said to him with a smile on his face.

“Huh? Did Dragon Palace gain a lot this time?”

Tianzhen’s face was happy.

“It’s so big that if all the treasures can be exchanged for resources, it can increase the Dragon Palace by ten or twenty Universe Venerables.”

Wang Xian nodded.

The sky array was taken aback for a moment, with a hot expression in his eyes.

“Let’s go, I will try the ability of that acquired spirit treasure.”

As Wang Xian said, his body moved and flew towards the center of the volcanic domain.

Tianzhen immediately followed the position behind.

Last time, the Dragon Palace dispatched all the peak forces to hunt down the blazing tortoise beasts of the sage-level cosmos in the volcanic domain.

But in the end he escaped easily.

This time, if it can be locked, then it won’t even want to run away.

The two came to the center of the volcanic domain, Wang Xian waved his arm, and the crescent moon hovered in the sky.

Tianzhen looked over curiously.


Wang Xian injected a ray of light into the light of the crescent moon, and a faint light radiated towards the surroundings, disappearing.

He looked at the crescent moon in the sky and waited quietly.

Soon, in front of him, picture after picture appeared, the picture shows everything within a radius of 50 or 60 billion kilometers.

“This… a powerful Lingbao, can clearly see all the surrounding places, and can clearly convey all kinds of things.”

Tian Zhen saw a scene in the picture, with a look of surprise on his face.

The investigative compass he made before could only detect black spots and red spots, without the slightest picture.

Now this is not only the picture, but also the power of the wild beast in the picture.

It’s incredible.

Wang Xian did not speak, and glanced around, and found no trace of the Venerable Tortoisewing Beast.

“Go, we flew forward.”

The area of ​​the volcano was very large, and he was not in a hurry without finding a trace of the Venerable Tortoisewing Beast.

Moreover, it is very possible that the Tortoisewing Beast hides so deeply that it cannot be detected by the crescent moon in the sky. This is also possible.

Wang Xian flew forward, and came to the place where the crescent moon was in the sky, where he had just explored the limit, and once again caused the crescent moon to lift off.

The bright energy dissipated towards the surroundings, and Wang Xian quietly watched the scene appear little by little.

“Dragon King, is this?”

Soon, a picture emerged in front of them. The picture was located under a volcano, and a vague outline appeared in the line of sight.

The outline is very vague, but a form can still be seen vaguely.

“It’s that flaming tortoise beast, it’s really hidden, it’s almost integrated with the volcano.”

Wang Xian’s eyes lit up with a hot expression in his eyes.

He stared at the picture: “Hide your figure, go, let’s get closer!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Tianma nodded and immediately followed behind.

Soon, they came to the position in front of the volcano, Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the sky array on the side.

Tianma nodded, and immediately began to arrange the formation.

After determining the location of the Tortoisewing Beast, it was much easier to act.

If the sky formation were to completely arrange the formation, it might be possible to suppress it without Wang Xian’s action.

The strength of the celestial formation is very terrifying in the first rank of Venerable Universe.


Wang Xian waved his arm, causing the five elements to fly to the opposite position invisibly.

Immediately afterwards, he also summoned the battle angel out to be foolproof.

When the crescent moon was locked in the sky under the volcano, Wang Xian waited quietly.

“Dragon King, the formation has been set up, and the surrounding area can be blocked instantly after activation, and there are two trapped formations.”

A few minutes later, Tianzhen said with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian nodded, his body moved, and he flew directly towards the volcano ahead.

The next moment, he appeared directly at the entrance of the volcano, waved the Five Elements Great Mill in his hand, and squeezed directly below.


The terrifying Five Elements Great Mo directly suppressed the position below, and Wang Xian reached out the dragon’s claws and grabbed it also toward the bottom.


In the lower position, it was asleep, the tortoise-winged beast that recovered its injury sensed the power that suddenly spread from the sky, and immediately regained consciousness.

Its head protruded from the magma, revealing an extremely angry look.

When it saw Wang Xian, its eyes were full of jealousy.


It roared wildly, without being in love, and went straight into the magma, trying to escape.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the whole ground trembled, and a huge gray city wall stood up directly from the surroundings, forming an indestructible defense.

Afterwards, a series of water ropes entangled towards the Turtle Blazing Beast like a giant python.

Accompanied by it, there was a dense cluster of thunder condensed together.

The Three Dao Venerable-level formations were activated instantly.


Seeing the terrifying attack suddenly appearing around him, Turtle Winged Beast showed a look of horror and raised its hair and let out a roar.


At this time, at the upper air position, a Frost Divine Sword was mounted on the Five Elements and bombarded towards the Turtle Blazing Beast.

All kinds of sudden attacks made Turtle Blazing Wings no time to evade.

The Frost Excalibur fell on it, weakening the flames on it a lot.

“Five Elements Dragon Claw!”

Wang Xian’s dragon claws became larger, with tens of thousands of meters of dragon claws, grabbing directly towards its body.

“Boom boom boom!”

A series of terrifying pillars of fire around him violently violently attacked Wang Xian’s dragon claws.

“Swish swish!”

But the water rope condensed by the formation and the thunder condensed together spread to it.

“Oh oh oh!”

It screamed and rolled in pain.


Wang Xian’s dragon claws trembled slightly, the surrounding fire pillars were all suppressed, and the huge dragon claws grabbed his body.



The dragon claws fell on it, causing the Turtle Blazing Beast to make a panic cry.

“Surrender, or die!”

The dragon claws of Wang Xian suppressed it, and the five elements were greatly worn, and the annihilating power of the five elements was suspended on its body.

The threat of death enveloped it.


Turtle-winged beast’s body was trembling a little, and it gave a low growl, and a message of surrender came.

“very good!”

Looking at the suppressed Tortoisewing Beast, his eyes showed excitement.

If this Tortoise Blazing Beast was sold, it would be another terrifying resource!

This time it made a lot of money.

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