Chapter 312: Xunhai Yasha Part One (Fifth!)

“Zongmen ruins, Lingdao?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, with a trace of eagerness on his face.

After seeing the various spirit grass treasures of the Sui family yesterday, Wang Xian realized that he was really poor.

At present, the resources in his hand are two billion dollars, but he has given all these two billion to Lan Qingyue to let the Lan family help buy gold and silver.

Forty percent of the construction of the Dragon Palace has been collected. According to his inference, the Dragon Palace can be established within two months.

Apart from these two billion, he has no treasure.

Even in terms of power, it is far behind the Sui family. At present, the Sui family has more than 20 innate powerhouses. Among the dragon people in Longmen, the innate powerhouses are only Moyuan and Mowudao.

With the cultivation speed of the rest of the dragon people, it would take another month to step into the innate realm.

At that time, he has fifty innate strong men, this strength is not bad.

“The Dragon Palace needs to be upgraded after the completion of the construction. At that time, the Dragon Palace upgrade will consume even more terrifying resources. You must prepare in advance. It is best to have a long-term way to earn spirit stones.”

Wang Xian thought in his heart, he must contend for this sect relic, and now he has too few resources in his hands.

Even a first-degree power is richer than him.

“Where is Lingdao? We will go over today!”

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian asked towards the Demon Azure Dragon.

“On the high seas, about 500 kilometers away from Jiangcheng!”

Mo Qinglong continued to ask: “Master, shall we summon the dragon people of the Dragon Gate?”

“Dragon? No need!”

Wang Xian shook his head, fighting in the ocean, without the need for dragon people to take action, but the men of the Dragon Palace are always listening.

Moreover, the power of the Dragon Palace is much stronger than that of the Dragon Gate.

“Call the Demon Abyss, the three of us rushed over from Jiangcheng.”

Wang Xian said towards the Demon Azure Dragon.

“Yes, master!”

Mo Qinglong nodded.

Wang Xian came to a courtyard, found Guan Shuqing, Lan Qingyue, Xiaoyu Fan and the four of them, and said to them.

“Are you going back so soon? I’m still going to play for two days!”

Xiaoyu said reluctantly.

“Okay, don’t we have the winter vacation soon? When the winter vacation is over, I will take you out to have fun!”

Wang Xian said with a smile, buying the ticket and hurried towards Jiangcheng in the morning.

At noon, Wang Xian and the others came to the villa, and under the dissatisfied eyes of Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue, Wang Xian embarrassedly boarded the yacht.

“Master, we have to rush over as soon as possible. The Demon Fifteen reported that there are already three powerful forces gathered around Lingdao.”

Mo Yuan reminded Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, standing on the deck, moving in his heart.


Around this sea area, a series of terrifying existence opened their eyes and quickly came to a huge tortoise.

“Follow the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle shakes the mud on his body, opens his eyes slightly, and yells softly at the surrounding Dragon Palace members.

“It’s Prime Minister Kame!”

Ao Qitian, Ao Nu, Ao Xia, and Jiu Tiao Yao nodded their heads, and Ao Qitian was in charge of the Demon War Department Magic Monkey following behind.

A group of creatures that existed like monsters on the bottom of the sea followed a yacht.

After a period of practice, the members of the entire Dragon Palace have undergone tremendous changes.

Ao Nu’s appearance is closer to that of humans, and even a model of nose and eyes has appeared, surrounded by glittering water drops.

And Ao Xia, at this time, has reached about three meters in size, and her whole body is exuding golden light.

The two huge pliers became more and more powerful.

As the first to follow Wang Xian, Ao Nu Ao Xia’s strength has reached the tenth level.

Except for them, the biggest change is the group of magic monkeys.

At this time, nearly eight hundred magic monkeys grew faint scales, and their claws and teeth became sharper.

The flames of a magic dragon radiated from his body. Eight hundred magic monkeys, except for the 11th-level Ao Qitian, three of them reached the tenth level, and most of them were already at the eighth and ninth level.

Believe that it won’t take long for the 800th level magic monkey to conquer the ocean!

The yacht swiftly headed towards the high seas.

After driving for nearly seven hours, Wang Xian and the others approached the area where the Demon Fifteen was located.


Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and swept forward.

At this time, the sun has fallen into the sea, and the last red sunset shines on the sea.

But Wang Xian was surprised to find that the area in front was full of mist.

The mist was rising ahead.

The ocean is a magical place, magical creatures, and magical seas.

Wang Xian thought of the introduction to the ocean in a book, and the mystery of the ocean far exceeded human thinking.

The most famous magnetic field in the Bermuda Triangle, the special magnetic field can cause plane crashes, sinking ships, and continents that have disappeared in history.

The mystery of the forests has not yet been lifted.

“It’s the front, the Magic Fifteen is on a yacht over there!”

Mo Qinglong pointed to the left position and said.

Wang Xian saw that in front of him, more than twenty yachts were parked in the sea, including two huge fishing boats.

On the deck of the ship stood warriors, staring at the direction of the mist.

Vaguely, there is an island in the mist.

But no ships around dared to rush over, as if they were afraid of something.

The yacht approached, and their arrival immediately attracted the attention of everyone around.


Some people on the ship looked over here, frowning slightly.

“It’s my elder!”

On a yacht with more than a dozen people, Mo XV said to them.

“This is the person you called? We have said that we have to work hard if we want to enter, otherwise, we are not qualified to enter the spirit island!”

A young man looked at Mo Fifteen and said directly.

“Naturally, it all depends on strength!”

The corner of Mo Fifteen’s mouth was slightly raised, and he moved directly towards Wang Xian and their yacht.

“Hmph, just those few people, I’ll be afraid that I will be buried in the sea!”

A cold color flashed in the young man’s eyes when he looked at the back of Mo XV.

“Yu’s strength is very strong, his elders should be innately strong, can not be underestimated, but for Lingdao, our Lei family, it is bound to win!”

A young man glanced at the yacht that had just arrived, and looked at the ship with a thunder on the sail.

“Hehe, it is not certain who can enter in the end!”

Several young people nearby sneered unwillingly.

“Dragon King!”

Mo 15 jumped onto the yacht and immediately knelt down and shouted at Wang Xian.

“Well, what’s the situation now?”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the misty place ahead.

At this moment, a strange creature faintly appeared.

With a long fish tail, his face looks a bit hideous. One claw is very long, like a two-toothed fork, about three meters in size.

Horrible and strange sea creatures?

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