The 3115th chapter of the universe


On the Milky Way, seeing the chains all over the sky, the face of Venerable Dragon Face showed a look of horror.

“Tian Lei Realm, close!”

There was an angry face in his eyes and a wave of his arm.

The lightning surrounding this world flew directly towards his hand.

A thunder disc appeared in his hands.

The realm of thunder, the acquired spirit treasure.

Originally, he used this Heavenly Thunder Realm to create a space, and wanted to seal Wang Xian here.

Now, he wants to remove it quickly instead.

“The realm of heavenly thunder, bombing!”

Seeing the dense and numerous chains blocking him, with a wave of the world of thunder in his palm, countless waves of thunder bombarded towards the chains.

“The Holy Light shines!”

In the side position, the wings of the battle angel stirred, and the power of light was attached to the chain of the dragon’s eyes.

The Dragon Eye locks the Eight Desolations, which contains the power of light.

Now the light covers, blessing a strong defense on the chain.

Countless thunder fell on it, offset by the power of light.

The chain still moved towards the surrounding covering.

“Damn it!”

The wings behind the Venerable Dragon Face flashed with thunder. At this time, he did not pay attention to the thunder keel anymore, and flew towards the rear in an instant.

“I said, you can’t escape. Since you are here, stay here!”

Wang Xian roared coldly, using his speed to the limit, and instantly came to the position in front of Venerable Dragon Face.

Eight Yao Dragon Scales!

His whole body was bursting with colorful light, and the dragon claws waved, rushing directly towards the dragon face venerable.

It’s all about fighting for strength and defense.

With Wang Xian’s strength, power defense does not have the advantage, his advantage is speed, and he is the battle angel behind him.

So he didn’t ask to hurt the opponent, as long as the dragon eye chain encloses it in a space, then his death period is next.

“Get out of here!”

Venerable Dragon Face showed blood red eyes, raised the thunder hammer in his hand and smashed it towards Wang Xian.


The Wangxian dragon’s claws were shining with light, and it was directly bombarded with the thunder hammer.

A horrible energy formed around them, and the two of Wang Xian and Dragon Face Venerable flew backwards.

“very good!”

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian smiled in his eyes.


In the surrounding locations, countless chains completely sealed the Venerable Dragon Face.

Wang Xian’s wings stirred, and the surrounding space began to collapse, and he instantly entered the area covered by chains.


As soon as I entered it, I saw the battle angel completely entangled the Dragon Face Venerable.

Wang Xian looked at him, his face was joyful, showing a mocking expression: “Venerable Dragon Face, are you here waiting to kill me? Why are you running away now?”

Venerable Dragon Face resisted the attack of the battle angel, and his breath stopped when he heard his words.


Wang Xian did not give him any chance to breathe, and moved directly towards the attack.

“His speed is too weird, he must find a way to escape, otherwise he will be seriously injured!”

Venerable Dragon Face saw Wang Xian appearing behind him momentarily, his pupils shrank slightly.

He is very clear in the current form, if he continues to fight, he will definitely be hit hard.

“The realm of heavenly thunder, protect your body!”

Venerable Dragon Face roared, and the disc-like realm of heavenly thunder fell on top of his head.

A thunder garment was draped on his body, making him resist Wang Xian’s attack, and he couldn’t help but vomit blood.

“Law and law, Thunder Cloud!”

He roared wildly, and a thundercloud slowly gathered above him.

The thundercloud covers an area of ​​thousands of kilometers and contains mighty power.

A series of thunderbolts fell from the thunderclouds, constantly attacking Wang Xian and the battle angels.

Leiyun possesses the ability to lock, continuously attacking abnormal horrors.

The law of the law!

A terrorist attack that can be comprehended at the level of the Universe Venerable.

The laws and phases are almost like recreating the world.

Different from the illusion of the laws and supernatural powers, the things condensed by the laws and laws are real objects.

Only by destroying the Dhamma, it will not continue to attack.

“Want to keep me here, you are really wishful thinking, this time our dragonborn race can’t kill you, but next time, you will still die!”

Venerable Dragon Face stood under the thundercloud, roaring with savage expression on his face.

The sub-dragon bones behind him burst out with terrifying thunder lights, and they attacked towards the battle angel of Wang Xian.



At this moment, a dragon chant suddenly came from the side, and there was a miserable cry.


Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and looked to the side. When he saw the Five Elements Great Mill above the thunder keel and the five dragons entwined it and absorbed the dragon blood in it, a smile appeared on his face.

The Five Elements Great Mo originally possessed the first-order strength to suppress Venerable Universe, and it contained his five real dragon clones.

After all, the Thunder keel is Yalong.

There is oppressive power on the bloodline.

Now within a short period of time, the Thunder Dragon Bone has been completely suppressed.

“How is this possible, what treasure is this?”

An unbelievable voice came from the front of Venerable Dragon Face, his eyes widened and he was full of amazement.

Even if the ordinary Houtian Lingbao possessed spirituality, he had seen this kind of battle, and such a terrifying combat power broke out for the first time.

Moreover, it was too terrifying to suppress the Thunder keel that was similar to him in a short period of time.


“Five elements, kill!”

Wang Xian laughed and waved his arm, and the Five Elements Damo flew over here.


It exudes the power of the horrible five elements, and directly bombards the thundercloud above.

At the moment when the Five Elements Damo flew towards the thundercloud, Wang Xian and the battle angel also moved, locking onto the dragon face.

“Oh no!”

A trace of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of Venerable Dragon Face, and his heart beat violently.

If he had the confidence to escape just now, but now coupled with the terrifying treasure, he felt a strong threat.

This threat may make him fall.

“Desperately, escape!”

He did not hesitate at all, the Hou Tian Lingbao Tianlei Realm directly slammed towards Wang Xian and the others.

The realm of sky thunder bursting with the power of terror formed a big net.

“Can you escape?”

Wang Xian’s eyes condensed, and the chains around him shrank quickly. He grasped the two chains below with both hands, and injected energy into it, manipulating the dragon eyes to attack.

At the same time, he moved his mind, ordering the battle angel to fight alone against the realm of sky thunder that flew over.


The Dragon Face Venerable raised the thunder hammer in his hand and blasted it heavily towards the chain, his eyes full of blood.


The chains quickly collapsed, but quickly condensed. The Dragon Face Venerable held the thunder hammer in both hands and injected all the power of thunder.


However, at this time, the thundercloud in the sky slowly collapsed under the agitation of the Five Elements Great Mill.

He raised his head and his face turned pale!

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