Chapter 3113-Venerable Destroyer Universe


The dragon claws waved, and Wang Xian’s dragon claws fell on the body of the dragon face in an instant.

At such a terrifying speed, he did not react at all.


The powerful force instantly tore off the entire arm of Venerable Dragon Face.

“you wanna die!”

A sharp pain came, and the face of the Dragon Face Venerable changed wildly, and a mighty force of thunder surged out of his body.

At the same time, behind him, there also appeared a wing, a wing covered with thunder.

With a movement of his body, he instantly retreated to the back.

“With this strength, you still want to kill me?”

Wang Xian did not continue chasing. He grabbed an arm with his dragon claws and stared at the dragon face venerable behind him, his eyes full of mockery.

“Hey, this…this… Junior Brother Wang Xian wounded a venerable in an instant!”

“Junior Brother Wang Xian is definitely not a strong person at the peak of the god emperor, he is also a venerable one, so is he!”

Brother Kong, senior gentleman, saw this scene, their eyes widened, and their faces roared in horror.


“Big Brother Wang Xian is also Venerable Universe?”

“It’s really possible, it’s really possible. You have to know that Big Brother Wang Xian can suppress the God Emperor Peak Battle Angel in the Crescent Moon Secret Realm.”

A group of disciples in the Taoist Temple of Liushen heard the exclamation of the gentleman brothers, their eyes widened and roared.

Seeing Wang Xian holding the arm of Venerable Dragon Face in his hands, he was shocked and excited.

They did not expect that Wang Xian was already a Venerable.

In their hearts, Cosmos Venerables are all beings above all, and they have been so close to a Venerable during this period of time, so they are talking and laughing like this.

“How is this possible, he is not…”

Brother Lu and the others saw this scene, their faces changed wildly.

That king immortal wounded Venerable Dragon Face in an instant, this…

“You turned out to be the Venerable Universe. It really didn’t happen to me. It really didn’t happen to our Dragonborn race!”

Venerable Dragon Face’s face at the moment was also extremely embarrassing.

Their dragonborn race did not expect that the other party had reached such a point.

Looking at his grabbed arm, his shoulder moved, covered with thunder, and a new arm immediately grew out.

“Then have you thought that you will die here today.”

A look of disdain appeared on Wang Xian’s face.


The next moment, his figure disappeared instantly, and he appeared directly in front of Venerable Dragon Face, and the huge dragon claws grabbed him again.

“Fast speed!”

Venerable Dragon Face saw this terrifying speed, his pupils shrank slightly.


The wings behind him burst out with a terrifying thunder light, making him avoid Wang Xian’s attack in an instant.


Feeling his speed, Wang Xian raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the position of the wings behind him.

Above, he sensed the breath of six thunder feathers, which made him squint slightly.

“Do you think your speed is very fast? The speed of the deity is also not weak.”

Venerable Dragon Face, who was in the downwind as soon as he met his face, showed an angry face, shouted sternly, and with a wave of his arm, a thunderous beast bone appeared in his hand.

At the same time, behind him, a desolate beast skull covered with thunder appeared above the head of Venerable Dragon Face.

The desolate beast’s skull is like alive, with thunder flashing and a trace of dragon power.

“This is? Yalong skull!”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the skull with a trace of dragon power.

“Five Elements Dragon Claw!”

With a wave of his dragon’s claw, the dragon’s claw covering a radius of several million kilometers was directly grabbed at him.

“Hmph, even if you are Venerable, today my Dragon Face Venerable will destroy you!”

Venerable Dragon Face showed a sharp expression in his eyes, and the thunder beast bones in his hand pointed directly towards the five elements dragon claws.

Thunder condensed into the appearance of a terrifying wild beast, biting towards the dragon claws.

“Boom boom boom!”

The terrifying collision sounded, the entire space vibrated, and a lot of cracks appeared.


“No, we are too close, we will be affected!”

From the lower position, the gentleman brother and the others saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly shouted loudly.

The entire space is covered by Thunder, and this space is not very large.

The aftermath of the battle of Venerable Universe, they have no place to hide.


Wang Xian also sensed the situation of the group of gentlemen and senior brothers below. With a wave of his arm, dragon scales with eight rays of light flew towards the position below.

Dragon scales protect the entire ship.

“It seems that you have stepped into the realm of the Universe in a day or two. This time, in order to prevent accidents, the patriarch asked me to bring something. I thought it was not necessary at all, but now it seems that you are out of luck. NS.”

“Hahaha, my Dragon Face Venerable hasn’t killed the Universe Venerable yet, today you are the first!”

Venerable Dragon Face watched his attack and the dragon claws collapse, his eyes condensed, and his face was cold and roared.

With a wave of his arm, he seemed to cut through the void, and directly tore out a thunder-covered creature.

A creature with only bones, no flesh and blood, covered by thunder.

The whole body of the creature is blood-red, and contains the dragon’s prestige.

“Thunder Dragon Bone, kill him!”

Venerable Dragon Face roared with a hideous face.


The thunder keel flew out, and a pair of thunderous pupils stared at Wang Xian, making a roar of bone collision.

It opened its mouth, and thunder walked towards Wang Xian covering it.

“Thunder keel?”

Wang Xian stared at the thunder keel possessing the mighty power of the Universe Venerable.

This thunder keel was obviously made of Yalong’s keel, and the dragon bone also contained a lot of Yalong’s blood.

The destructive power is far superior to that of ordinary cosmic sages!

“It seems that your so-called dragonborn race draws sub-dragon blood and sub-dragon bones to improve themselves and build war products!”

Killing intent surged in Wang Xian’s heart and roared in a low voice.

Many members of the fairy dragon clan were hunted and killed by the dragon descendants.

The blood on the thunder keel belonged to the fairy dragon clan.

He said in his mouth, as he moved his body, he immediately avoided the attack range of the thunder keel.

“No, the Dragon Face Venerable actually summoned a thundering dragon bone comparable to the Universe Venerable!”

“Junior Brother Wang Xian is in danger. Venerable Dragon Face is the strong man in our galaxy who has been famous for thousands of years. It is said that he has reached the pinnacle of Venerable Universe and now has a Thunder Dragon bone of Venerable Universe level. , Junior Brother Wang Xian may not be an opponent.”

The gentleman brothers who were in the lower position saw the thunder keel appear, and their expressions changed drastically.

“Then…what should I do…what should I do?”

Some female disciples said in a panic.

However, the battle at the level of the Cosmos Venerable is not something they can intervene at all.

They can only watch anxiously from below.

“Well, even if the King Immortal is the Venerable Universe, he should have just broken through. At the beginning, Venerable Dragon Face was only injured by carelessness.”

“Now Venerable Dragon Face also brings a Venerable Thunder Dragon Bone. That King Immortal is done, he will definitely die!”

Brother Lu and the others saw this scene, clenching their fists and roaring in excitement.

Must die, then Wang Xian must die!

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