Chapter 3107 Suppression and Lingbao

“Boom boom boom!”

In the space on the fourth floor of the Crescent Moon Secret Realm, a mighty momentum rushed towards the surroundings.

The mighty power did not affect the surrounding books, nor did it affect the crescent moon in the center, when it was time to illuminate Lingbao.

The strength of the Venerable Battle Angel is not weak, and it takes a lot of time for the Five Elements Damo to suppress it.

“What is the situation on the fourth floor now?”

Looking at the power contained in the fourth floor, in front of the entrance, the gentleman brothers and the others looked at them with amazement, not daring to step into it.

“I don’t know how Brother Wang Xian is doing now.”

“Big Brother Wang Xian is very strong, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

Some disciples of Liushen Taoist Temple whispered.

They dare not step into it, they can only wait here.

As time passed, Senior Brother Lu and the others were slightly anxious.

The strong men of their clan have been inside for an hour, and they haven’t come out yet. Coupled with the mighty power inside, I am afraid that it is already too bad.

If something goes wrong, their loss will be great.

“Flame Knife!”

“Ice Sword!”

In the space on the fourth floor, Wang Xian’s cold voice sounded.

A blazing flame long knife and an extremely cold Frost Excalibur hovered on the left and right, blasting towards the battle angel together.

After an hour of fighting, the light on the battle angel became much weaker.

A wing has also been broken, located under his legs, entangled with thorns.


Seeing the flame knife and the water-cooled sword, the battle angel greeted them tirelessly and painfully.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled lightly, instigated by Wu Shi Sheng Wing, and immediately grabbed it toward the crescent moon in the center.

“No one can touch without the master’s order!”

The battle angel saw Wang Xian heading towards the crescent moon and grabbed Lingbao from the day after the day. The attack was stagnant, and he roared coldly.

He quickly shifted the target and slashed towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian hid directly to the side, while the Flame Knife and the Ice Sword were locked on the battle angel and landed on his back.

“Boom boom boom!”

The battle angel’s wings trembled, and the bright wings slashed towards the flame knife and the ice sword.


However, the powerful impact still made it fall forward heavily.

“Okay, we can’t attack anymore, we must find a way to restrain it!”

Wang Xian’s eyes lit up, her eyes gleaming with luster.

This hour of fighting made him discover a weakness of the battle angel.

As long as he goes to take the crescent moon as an aerial photo, the battle angel will be distracted to deal with him.

This shortened the time to deal with battle angels a lot.

Now that it has been hit hard again, the subsequent suppression will be even simpler.

The metallic cage trapped it, the wood-based thorns entangled it, the water-based water stream bound it, and the earth-based soil suppressed it.

A wave of repressive power continued to cover the battle angel.

The battle angels, whose combat effectiveness has fallen sharply, fought hard to break through the shackles and entanglements.

But under Wang Xian’s interference, under the continuous attack of the Five Elements Great Moment, half an hour later, the battle angel was completely restrained.

The power of the five attributes covered it, and a smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face. He flew over and took the heart core from the battle angel’s head.

The heart core of the Universe Venerable Battle Angel is located in the head. Compared with ordinary battle angels, don’t even want to take it down unless you suppress it completely.

“A battle angel at the rank of Venerable Universe, tsk tsk, if this is sold, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire galaxy!”

With a look of excitement flashing in Wang Xian’s eyes, he took off his heart, modified some instructions, and then injected a burst of energy into his body.

The battle angel is made of a special biological material, and he has the ability to automatically recover.

The recovery depends on the injury suffered.

With a wave of his arm, he put it into the space ring.

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the center of the fourth floor, where the shining crescent moon was in the sky.

“Huh? The terrifying power in the fourth floor has disappeared?”

At this moment, a crowd of gentlemen and seniors who had been waiting for news in front of the fourth floor entrance saw that the terrifying power suddenly disappeared on the fourth floor, their expressions changed, and their eyes shone with luster.

“The power is gone, shall we go over and take a look?”

Senior Sister Lingxin hesitated and said.

“The power disappears, the danger inside may be eliminated by Big Brother Wang Xian!”

A disciple of the Liushen Dojo guessed.

“Go, let’s go!”

Senior Brother Lu frowned and immediately flew towards the fourth floor.

A crowd of people beside him immediately followed behind.

Brother Gentleman and the others did not hesitate anymore, and flew towards the inside with the disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple.

“That is?”

As soon as I entered it, I saw the central position, Wang Xian standing in front of Lingbao in the sky after the crescent moon.

They paused slightly, and there was a glowing look in their eyes.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian wants to get the acquired spirit treasure, this is a very powerful auxiliary spirit treasure!”

Senior Sister Lingxin exclaimed.

“Junior Brother Wang Xian eliminated the fourth level of danger.”

Senior gentleman nodded in response.

“Elder Yue!”

At this moment, the middle-aged man who followed Senior Brother Lu and the others, his face changed greatly when he saw a corpse not far away, and shouted in surprise.

“Lao Yue!”

Senior Brother Lu’s expression changed, and he immediately flew towards the corpse.

The old man next to him also changed a lot and followed behind.

Feeling the dead body without the slightest vitality, their expressions were very embarrassing.

“Elder Yue has fallen, damn it!”

The old man beside Senior Brother Lu clenched his fists and roared in a low voice in anger.


At this time, the entire fourth floor trembled slightly, and they felt a little, and looked towards the center.

Seeing Wang Xian holding the crescent moon and taking photos of the Lingbao in the sky, their eyes were full of envy and enthusiasm.

This is the most powerful weapon of Venerable Crescent Moon, I heard that it possesses incredible abilities.

“That Wangxian’s harvest is too great!”

Senior Brother Lu breathed slightly and quickly.

An acquired spirit treasure, more than 1,000 powerful artifacts, more than 10,000 powerful battle angels.

This treasure is almost comparable to the treasures of seven or eight top domain-level races.

“This time, if we don’t get some precious treasures, we will lose a lot!”

The old man beside him sighed and murmured unwillingly.

“Get it!”

In the center of the fourth floor, looking at the photo of the acquired Lingbao crescent moon in the sky, an expression of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Holding it in his hand, the crescent moon glows in the sky with a faint light, and a puff of special energy floods into his mind.

Without conducting research immediately, he glanced at the surrounding books, and when he moved his body, he immediately went to investigate.

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