Chapter 309 Empty Glove White Wolf (Second!)

“It’s the master!”

Guan Shuqing nodded, and then hurriedly walked over: “Thank you, brothers and sisters for the present.”

“Hehe, no need, no, we will be a family in the future, please tell me if there is any brother who can help!”

Several elders who were about ninety years old said with a smile.

Although he was old, it was because of the strong innate, and his body was tough.

“Junior sister, this is a broken flame bead. I regret that I can’t find a complete one. I have used it for more than ten years, but now I can’t use it anymore. Give it to the junior sister!”

“Junior sister, this is the most advanced level three elixir I currently refine, haha, it has great benefits for girls’ skin!”

“I don’t know what weapon Junior Sister uses, this jade dagger will be given to Junior Sister!”

Several old men took out gifts and handed them to Guan Shuqing’s hands.

“Thank you, thank you brothers!” Guan Shuqing quickly thanked.

“Hehe, don’t use it, I heard that the junior sister has reached the level of martial artist nine in just over a month of training. I am really ashamed of waiting, and I may be able to reach the point of father in the future!”

The five Emperor Sui’s sons were polite, and obviously they also knew that this little junior sister in front of them was surprised.

“Thank you for the present, I like it very much!”

Guan Shuqing held it in love, and the gifts given by several people were indeed extremely precious and lovely.

Wang Xian looked at him and smiled. This Sui family was also generous, and the gifts they gave were all valuable.

“It seems that the old man hasn’t rushed you over for nearly ten years, and the fifth-generation children of the Sui family are almost 19 or 20 years old. Let me see the strength of these little guys!”

Sui Huang faintly scanned the Sui family disciples at the end, and said slowly.

“It’s Grandpa, the fifth-generation kid of the Sui family, show your abilities for the ancestors to see.”

The current patriarch of the Sui family stood up and said to the fifth-generation disciples of the Sui family.

A group of young people from the Sui family stepped forward immediately, with hundreds of them.

“Carry the tripod!”

Clan Chief Sui immediately shouted.

One by one, the young people nodded and went to the front of the big tripod in the center.


A young man yelled, grabbed it directly towards a big cauldron, used the power of his whole body, and raised it with a flushed face.

“Drink, drink, drink!”

The young people around were grabbing at the tripods one by one.

Wang Xian found that the weight of each cauldron was not the same. Lifting some cauldrons could see the strength of a young man.

“Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, Level 9.”

Wang Xian looked at it curiously. Except for a young man who raised the ninth-level cauldron, all the others were below this level.

“A twenty-five and six-year-old young man lifting a ninth-level cauldron is very powerful, but for the strength of the saint-level, it is still a bit bad.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

At this time, Sui Huang, who was sitting on the main seat, looked a little ugly.

Seeing that Sui Huang’s face was unhappy, the surrounding Sui family members felt a little panic.

“The most outstanding of this generation is Sui Ao. A lot of resources have been put on him. Now his strength has reached a half-step innate realm. It is a pity that Sui Ao is looking for death…”

All the people in the Sui family whispered when seeing the ancestor’s expression unhappy.

“Stay in such a good environment, enjoying such good resources, at this level, it is really not picking up!”

The indifferent voice of the Sui Emperor directly commented that Sui’s family did not answer, which could be regarded as serious.

“Grandpa, it’s me who is not good, and I’m all to blame!”

The current patriarch of the Sui family knelt down immediately and pleaded with the Emperor Sui, his face was full of cold sweat.

“Father calm down, father calm down!”

A group of elders quickly stood up and said.

“It’s because you are living more and more comfortably, and you have lost your previous struggles. The most outstanding disciple dared to entangle a group of people in the middle of the night to be arrogant and domineering.”

Old Sui said lightly: “Who gave them the arrogant qualifications?”

The hearts of the Sui family trembled, and the current Sui family dissatisfied the ancestor.

The ancestor was angry, then their entire Sui family would tremble.

Everyone in the entire square dared not breathe loudly, lest the ancestors get angry.

“The imposing manner of Emperor Sui, ha ha.”

Wang Xian took a sip of tea and smiled faintly. He looked at the hundreds of people standing tremblingly in the center, his eyes moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Old Sui, your Sui family is really inferior to one generation. The last time I saw the newly promoted Flame Palace pilgrimage, they also had two very young disciples who were on the list of Tianjiao and Young Masters. It seems that your Sui family doesn’t have one!”

Wang Xian said in a slightly mocking tone, which sounded in this quiet Sui’s square.

Everyone can hear clearly.

Everyone around was taken aback, looking at Wang Xian with amazement, their expressions suddenly became embarrassed.

In the presence of their ancestors, a young man directly said that the descendants of their Sui family were too rubbish, which was simply naked ridicule and contempt.

Especially on this occasion, it’s a slap in the face!

When Sui Huang heard Wang Xian’s words, his face instantly became embarrassed. He also knew that the descendants of the Sui family were a bit bad now, but when outsiders said it directly, his face was not good.

“This young man, please pay attention when speaking, our saints can be despised by anyone!”

“Compare us with a fire palace that has been destroyed, boy, you are too much, apologize immediately!”

The two third-generation elders of the Sui family looked at Wang Xian in a deep voice, and said with a gloomy face.

Speaking this sentence in the face of everyone in the Sui family, even if he was able to achieve the position of the auxiliary seat, the Sui family was still full of anger.

“Haha, the mentality is not good, I say that to you, you should feel ashamed, not angry, it may be the halo of the saint race that made you lose yourself!”

Wang Xian sat on it, if the seniors taught them.

Seeing Wang Xian’s posture, all the Sui family’s faces became embarrassed, and the Sui emperor next to him was also calm.

“What qualifications do you have to say about us, what strength do you have!”

A young man from the Sui family stood up and said angrily.

“Yes, what qualifications do you have?”

Another young man stood up next to him, questioning Wang Xian with an embarrassed expression.

If it weren’t for Wang Xian to get close to their ancestors, perhaps the inborn masters of the Sui family would kill him at this time.

“Four people, a little bit less, come here, it’s not that I despise you, the four generations and five generations of the Sui family have come out, let me see what qualifications you have!”

The corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly cocked, and Erlang’s legs were tilted while drinking tea, and said to all of them mockingly, with an air of rubbish for everyone present.

The arrogant words and arrogant expression immediately made the faces of all the surrounding Sui family gloomy and almost dripping blood.

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