Chapter 3076 The iceberg is gone, still dare to be rampant? 1

“The iceberg race will be annihilated!”

“Wait, die!”

The iceberg collapsed, and the Three Guardians of the Great Sword was beheaded by Wang Xian. At this point, all except the peak powerhouse of the god emperor of the iceberg race who disappeared, all the other god emperors had been killed.

Eight Qi Demon Sha, their eyes swept around, looking at the rest of the strong disciples of the Iceberg race, their eyes showed a sorrowful color.

They moved and attacked at a terrifying speed.

The Eight Qi Demon Demon at the peak of the God Emperor is already invincible in the Iceberg Race.

In addition, they now have a lot of information about the Iceberg race, and even where the kingdom of God of some disciples is located.

They quickly swept across the iceberg race.

“Escape and escape, the other party is a strong man at the peak of the god emperor!”

“Quickly escape back to your own God’s country!”

“Ah! Don’t kill me!”

Soon, the entire iceberg race became chaotic, especially the dozens of disciples and clansmen on the surrounding icebergs. They looked at the sky above with horror and fled frantically.

The Baqi Mosha locked on a powerful man of the god emperor level and quickly hunted them down.

He fled back to his own God’s country in an instant, while those who reacted slowly were directly beheaded.

As for the people of the Iceberg race below the god emperor, they did not attack.

Dragon Palace is not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, as long as it eliminates all potential threats, it is enough.

The rest have no threat.

Soon, the entire iceberg race shook, and countless people watched this scene in panic, watching this suddenly changing sky.

Watching a famous emperor of their race was hunted down.

Even, in a secret place of the Iceberg race, there are hidden kingdoms of several legions of the Iceberg race.

When those people fled into God’s country, they were greeted by Yaqi’s attack.

Eight Qi locked the kingdom of the strong one by one, and the evil spirits raged across the entire iceberg race.

All the treasures and all the resources will be taken away.

All the people of the entire Iceberg race shivered and dared not breathe under the threat of terror.

At this time, they still don’t know which force annihilated their iceberg race.

Still don’t know why the other party destroyed them.

Wang Xian hovered above an iceberg, staring coldly at the world.

The iceberg is gone!

The resources obtained from the iceberg, coupled with a tortoise blazing beast pet at the peak of the god emperor, should be able to make another breakthrough in his strength.

Wang Xian thought in his heart, and when he moved his figure, he landed on the iceberg beside him, and when his palm moved, a frost god sword of the acquired spirit treasure level appeared in his hand.


The divine sword was constantly struggling in his hand, the water energy on Wang Xian’s arm was running, and a water attribute divine dragon hovered on the frost divine sword.


With a move of his palm, the Great Grind of the Five Elements appeared beside the Divine Sword, and the energy of the Five Elements wrapped it up and wanted to melt it.


The Frost Excalibur resisted fiercely, and the phantoms of the dragons entered the Frost Excalibur.

Wang Xian sensed quietly, and a smile appeared on his face after ten minutes.

“Successful, but it will take a while for the Great Mould of the Five Elements to absorb an acquired spirit treasure.”

Muttering in his mouth, his eyes sparkled.

After absorption, the Five Elements Great Grinding can get a lot of improvement.


The universe’s brain trembled, and Wang Xian opened it and looked at it. It was a message from Mi Xinlu.

These days, the two have kept in touch.

Mi Xinlu reported the situation on the twin god emperor’s side every day.

Two days ago, more than 6,000 disciples from the Liushen Taoist Temple reached the isolated island on the sea, and the surrounding wild beasts were all cleaned up by the Liushen Taoist disciples.

And prepare to enter the kingdom of the twin god emperor.

Now there is news from Mi Xinlu that the disciples of the Liushen Taoist Temple are ready to enter the kingdom of God.

When Wang Xian saw the news, he hesitated for a moment, gave the Eight Qi Demon Sha a notice, and immediately flew towards the isolated island on the sea.

There is suspected Houtian Lingbao in the Gemini God Emperor God Kingdom, this level of treasure greatly improves the Five Elements Great Mo.

With the Frost Excalibur and another acquired spirit treasure, the Great Mill of the Five Elements should be able to undergo a huge transformation.

At that time, it will be enough to have the destructive power of the universe sage.

The unstarted holy wings unfolded, and Wang Xian galloped away quickly.

The isolated island on the sea was far away, and he teleported continuously halfway, and it took a day to arrive.

Since Mixinlu entered God’s country, he has not sent any messages anymore, and communication should have been blocked.

In one day, Wang Xian came to the front of the isolated island on the sea.

Although it took two days to hurry, many disciples in the Liushen Taoist Temple have been in for two days, but Wang Xian was not worried.

If the cemetery of the god kingdom at the peak of a god emperor was so easy to crack, it would be too weak.

When he came to the isolated island on the sea, around the entrance to the kingdom of God, nearly a thousand disciples from the Taoist Temple of Willow gathered.

Wang Xian glanced over and raised his brow slightly.

These more than one thousand people, all of whom were below the fourth rank of the god emperor, were obviously afraid that their strength would be too weak and they would fall inside, so they stayed outside.


Wang Xian landed directly in front of the kingdom of God, and a disciple from the Taoist Temple of Liushen saw him and immediately warned.

“It’s the new disciple of our Liushen Taoist Temple, it’s that Wang Xian.”

Someone recognized Wang Xian and immediately whispered to the disciple.

“Wang Xian!”

Hearing this name, the disciple’s heart was slightly shocked.

Among the disciples today, this name can be said to be like Lei Guaner.

In a short period of time, he killed five disciples of the Liushen Dojo, very unscrupulous.

Seeing real people now, they still feel a little jealous and fearful in their hearts.

After all, the opponent’s strength is very strong, but it doesn’t matter if you are a disciple of Liushen Daochang or not.

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over them, straight to the entrance.

“Wang Xian, some of our brothers in the Liushen Taoist field eliminated the desolate beasts outside and spent a lot of money to enter the kingdom of God. Several senior brothers have already ordered that latecomers are forbidden to enter.”

When Wang Xian walked towards the entrance, a young man looked at him by the entrance and said lightly.

“Oh? Who ordered it?”

Wang Xian raised his brows, looked at him, and asked faintly.

“It was our Senior Brother Long Youfeng and our Young Master Long Zaitian.”

The young disciple said blankly.


Wang Xian responded indifferently, ignored him, and walked straight into it.

The young man’s face changed slightly when he saw that Wang Xian was not indifferent to him.

“Wang Xian, don’t you put our Senior Brother Long Youfeng Long Zaitian in their eyes?” He stared at Wang Xian with a gloomy expression.

“Just say one more thing, I let you die here.”

Wang Xian paused and glanced at him faintly.

When the young disciple heard his words, his face became stiff, and his pupils flashed with fear, his face was very embarrassed.

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