Chapter 3068 The Formation Of The Five Elements Great Mill

“This…this Dragon Palace is so beautiful, there are various buildings, and it is completely isolated from the heat outside.”

“It’s so comfortable. It feels so comfortable inside. These dragon statues are so realistic.”

Inside the Dragon Palace, all the members of the fairy dragon clan entered inside, with joy on their faces.

“There is a teleportation formation here, which can be teleported to the main dragon palace, and the dragon palace over there is one level higher than here.”

Wang Xian introduced to the fairy dragon family with a smile on his face.

“Thank you Dragon King, we…we just need to live here.”

Xian Lingyuan and their eyes glittered, and they looked around carefully.

“It’s okay, go to the main dragon palace and have a look, if you want to survive here, it doesn’t matter, the main dragon palace will take you over and take a look.”

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head, leading them into the teleportation formation.

“Wow, is this the main dragon palace? What a rich aura!”

A group of fairy dragons came to the main dragon palace, and there was another cheering, and Yingying Yanyan’s mood was also pleasant.

“Swish swish!”

At this time, one figure quickly flew towards this side.

Prime Minister Tortoise, Tianzhen, Ao Qitian, Ao Qi, Ao Xia, Ao Nu, etc…

They felt the breath of the Dragon King and Sun Lingxiu and the Dragon Empress, and immediately flew over.

“Meet the Dragon King and welcome the return of the Dragon Queen!”

The leaders of the Dragon Palace immediately said respectfully.


A group of girls also flew over, their faces full of surprises.

They hugged up one by one.

Sun Lingxiu saw them with a smile on her face and greeted them happily.

“Prime Minister Turtle, this is the fairy dragon clan, and will also be a member of our Dragon Palace in the future, take them around!”

Wang Xian looked at it with a smile, and said to Prime Minister Turtle on the side.

“It’s the Dragon King.”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

“Prime Minister Kame is responsible for all affairs of the Dragon Palace. When I was away, some matters were discussed and decided by Prime Minister Kame and other officials of the Dragon Palace.”

Wang Xian also gave a good introduction to Xian Lingyuan and the others.

Afterwards, Prime Minister Kame took them around in the Dragon Palace.

Soon, members of the fairy dragon clan cheered everywhere.

Dragon Cave, Dragon Field, Dragon King Palace, Hualong Pond, Dinghai God Needle…

Each building filled their faces with shock.

In particular, they found that any member of the Dragon Palace had a dragon bloodline that was much higher than that of them.

They even saw nine Fengshen dragons roaming in the Dragon Palace.

Based on their understanding of the Shenlong clan, this is a true pure-blooded Shenlong.

When Prime Minister Turtle introduced each and every powerful dragon species to them, they were even more shocked.

Especially knowing that the Dragon Palace has only been established for more than 20 years, they have the current strength, which makes them feel shocked and lucky.

The girls were recounting the past, and Wang Xian did not bother.

He came to the Dragon King Palace, and the five elements circled in front of him.

An expression of excitement and excitement appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

The Great Grinding of the Five Elements is the first artifact he created, and it is also the most convenient weapon that has been used until now.

Since he incorporated his clone into the Five Elements Great Mo, the attack of the Five Elements Great Mo has been much stronger and easier.

However, for a long time, the Five Elements Great Mo lacked the earth god dragon.

Without the Earth Dragon, the Five Elements cannot operate completely, and the attack power of the Great Mould of the Five Elements is much weaker.

Now that the earth attribute dragon returns, the Five Elements Great Mill is finally complete.

In today’s Five Elements Great Mill, his five clones, the earth-attribute Shenlong now possesses the realm of the seventh-order god emperor.

The rest of the clones only possessed the fifth rank of the god emperor.

When there was no earth god dragon, the comprehensive attack power of the Five Elements Great Mo was around the eighth rank of the god emperor.

Can’t keep up with Wang Xian’s strength at all.

This is mainly because the clone is integrated with the Great Mo of the Five Elements. To improve, the Great Mo of the Five Elements needs to absorb the artifacts and energy of the five attributes.

Now, with the addition of the earth god dragon, the attack power of the Five Elements Great Mo was forcibly raised to the peak of the god emperor.

After all, relying solely on the earth god dragon can burst out the fighting power of the god emperor peak.

This is just one of them. The fusion of the Earth God-Dragon clone completely shaped the five elements.

In the future, even if they do not use resources, they will practice alone, and the speed will increase several times.

If the other four dragons can also reach the seventh rank of the god emperor, then the Five Elements Great Mill can individually or even kill the existence of the second rank of the Universe Venerable.

After all, the five types of dragons are fused together.

When Wang Xian had five attributes, he was able to fight beyond the fifth rank.

“To promote the other four dragons to the seventh-order realm of the god emperor, a large number of artifacts need to be swallowed, and it may take some time!”

Wang Xian murmured.

But now the Great Mill of the Five Elements, with the addition of the Earth God Dragon, is already very scary.

With his current strength, coupled with the Five Elements Great Mill, he alone can compete with four or five ordinary God Emperor peak powerhouses.

The two god emperor peak powerhouses are in front of him, and he can destroy them in a few seconds.

“The Five Elements Great Mould is completely formed, and he can make the light and dark dragon clone into the yin and yang dragon disk.”

Wang Xian thought for a while, but gave up the idea.

The number of artifacts of the Five Elements is relatively large, and the number of artifacts of light and darkness is too small. Once these two clones are integrated into the artifacts as spirits, it will be even more difficult to improve.

“Next, destroy the iceberg first, then the dragonborn race, the nine sword race, and the skeleton race!”

Killing intent flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

Whether it was for Lingxiu or the fairy dragon family, or for the Yalong of the Shenlong bloodline, he would destroy it.

Annihilate the three primary races in the universe, announce the rise of the Dragon Palace, and completely establish a foothold in the universe.

But wanting to kill them is not so simple.

For the next two days, Wang Xian was not in a hurry.

Long farewell to the newlyweds!

After being separated from Sun Lingxiu for so long, it is natural to accompany her well.

This company is two days and two nights.

The fairy dragon clan has been strolling around the Dragon Palace for the past two days, all faces filled with excitement.

“Xian Lingyuan, whether you will live here or on the other side of the Milky Way in the future, whatever you choose, I want to ask you about one thing.”

Two days later, Wang Xian called the Fairy Dragon clan Fairy Lingyuan and the others.

The fairy dragon family has three powerhouses at the peak of the god emperor, and the strength of Xian Lingyuan is not among them.

The peak of the three gods is the three old women of the fairy dragon.

“Long King, you say, we must know everything is endless.”

Xian Lingyuan and the others immediately said respectfully.

“Are there any desolate beasts at the level of Venerable Youyu Zhou in the volcanic domain? Do you know the nests of desolate beasts on the peak of the god emperor there?”

Wang Xian asked.

If Xian Lingyuan and the others know very well about the volcanic domain, if there is no desolate beast at the level of Youyu Zhou, they can completely sweep the volcanic domain.

“Report to the Dragon King that there is a cosmic venerable desolate beast in the volcanic area. In addition, we know of a race nest with several god emperor peak desolate beasts.”

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