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“lead the way!”

Wang Xian stared at the entrance, his eyes sparkling.

The two fairy dragons immediately led the way respectfully and entered inside.

“Zizi, Xiaoai, when did you two girls run out? Huh? Someone, who are you!”

“Who are you?”

The two fairy dragons had just entered inside. They were holding folding fans and wearing long swords in front of them. The two women who were wearing long swords were taken aback when they saw them.

“No, Zizi and Xiaoai are not right!”

At this time, a woman sensed the faces of the two fairy dragons, her pupils shrank, her eyes showed a look of horror, and she shouted loudly.


A hurried sound came from her body and spread throughout the area.

Wang Xian stood there without any action, his eyes scanned the surroundings.

In front is a huge space, surrounded by magma, and there are some buildings inside.

The whole environment has nothing but flames, which is not good for survival.

The space is not large, with a radius of about 100 kilometers.

When the woman gave a hurried signal, it was in the building in front, and the figures quickly rushed out of it.

There were extremely solemn expressions on their faces.


In the center of the front, a dragon roar sounded, and a 10,000-meter-long earth god dragon flew out of a building. On the earth god dragon, two figures stood.

A familiar figure in a white skirt, a woman with a dragon-tailed human body.

They stared at the front with great dignity.

However, when the woman in the white skirt looked at the figure standing in front of the entrance, her body trembled.

“Swish swish!”

“Who are you?”

“Who is here!”

Thousands of women from the Fairy Dragon clan flew over here quickly, and they stared at Wang Xian in an encircled manner, their faces full of vigilance and killing intent.

In the galaxy, humans are their enemies!

Wang Xian ignored them, staring at that shadow intently, feeling the familiar breath.

“Speak, who are you? How are you doing Xiao Aizizi?”

At the central location, an old woman questioned Wang Xian with an embarrassed expression.

Killing intent flashed in his eyes.


At this time, the flying earth dragon suddenly trembled feeling the breath of Wang Xian, and the disconnected connection seemed to be reconnected.

Wang Xian looked at the earth god dragon and the beautiful shadow, with a smile on his face.

With a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Great Mill appeared in his hand, floating towards the sky.


A sound of dragon chants came from the Five Elements Great Mo, and the figures of the four dragons of gold, wood, water, fire and fire appeared on the Five Elements Great Mo.


Hearing the roar of the dragon on the Five Elements Great Mo, the earth dragon in front raised her head and flew directly towards the Great Mo on the Five Elements.

On the body of the Earth Shenlong, a woman like Sun Lingxula with a shocked face flew up.


At this time, Wang Xian raised his hair and let out a dragon chant, which was directly transformed into the body of a dragon.

The body of the dragon of more than 20,000 meters exudes colorful light, the mighty dragon, and the sacred body.

“This…this is?”

In the front position, all members of the fairy dragon clan watched this scene with shocked faces.

Looking at the dragon full of sacred power.

Wang Xian swayed his body and flew towards the shadow above.

“Little Fairy!”

The white shadow, with a trace of tears in her eyes, couldn’t help crying in a low voice.

Wang Xian’s body was swaying, the dragon’s body hovered in the center, and the dragon’s eyes stared at her.

“Lingxiu, more than ten years, ten years, finally found you.”

Bacai’s figure slowly became illusory, Wang Xian turned into a human form and stood beside Sun Lingxiu, with an expression of excitement on his face.

“Little Fairy!”

Sun Lingxiu rushed over, her face full of joy.

Wang Xian hugged her with excitement.

After more than ten years, I finally met.

“This…what’s the situation?”

In the lower position, Wang Xian withdrew to rule, and the recovered Xiaoai and Zizi blankly raised their heads and looked upward, their faces full of shock.

“Is that Miss Sun’s man?”

The people of the fairy dragon clan were also shocked to see this scene.

They were shocked by the dragon with eight colors of light just now, and shocked by the great mill suspended in the sky.

At the Great Mo, the Earth Dragon, who had been helping them, was entrenched with several other Dragons, the power of the five elements was thoroughly blended, and a powerful breath came from above.

“Zizi, Xiaoai, what is going on?”

The fairy dragon clan saw the two embracing together, looked at the dumbfounded Zizi Xiao’ai, and walked over and asked.

“Elder, I…I went out to play with Zizi, but I was attracted by a little fish with the blood of Shenlong, and then he…he caught it, and then we felt that we were controlled by him, so we took He is here.”

Xiao Ai lowered her head and said weakly.

Although they knew they had done something wrong, they did not dare to lie in this situation.

Moreover, depending on the current situation, it may not be a bad thing.


Several women glared at the two girls, their eyes flickering at the sky above.

“Miss Sun said that she came from a Shenlong force, and her husband is the leader of this force. Is that him? What a pure Shenlong bloodline.”

The people of the fairy dragon clan looked at them and were shocked.

“Okay don’t cry!”

The two hugged for five minutes, and Wang Xian patted Sun Lingxiu on the shoulder and said softly.

“Well, I’m just too excited, I knew that one day, Xiaoxian, you will come to me.”

Sun Lingxiu nodded, and said with red eyes.

“Of course.”

Wang Xian smiled.

Sun Lingxiu wiped her tears and looked at the woman aside, with a smile on her face: “Xiao Xian, let me introduce you. This is the patriarch of the fairy dragon family, Xian Lingyuan.”

“Sister Lingyuan, this is Xiaoxian, my husband.”

“Hello, my name is Wang Xian.” Wang Xian looked at the patriarch of the fairy dragon clan and stretched out his hand: “Thank you for taking care of Lingxiu during this time.”

“Hello, it is Lingxiu who takes care of us. Without her, our fairy dragon clan has been destroyed!”

Xian Lingyuan shook her head and stretched out her hand to look at Wang Xian with blinking eyes: “Lingxiu, let’s go inside and talk about it!”


Sun Lingxiu nodded with joy and looked at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian smiled and waved his arm, and the Five Elements Damo flew towards him.

“Lingxiu, this earth god dragon…”

The fairy dragon patriarch Xian Lingyuan looked at the five-element mill in amazement, and at the figure of the earth god dragon above, she opened her mouth.

“This Earth Dragon is a special clone of me.”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Special clone?”

Xian Lingyuan’s heart was shaken.

She knew that the earth god dragon was the real god dragon.

Unexpectedly, it was just a clone of him.

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