3057: Words Crush Variety-Chapter 2

The Icemen Legion, one of the three secret legions of the Iceberg Race.

It is also the only legion hidden in the frozen continent.

In the iceberg race, ordinary people live on the frozen continent, and the surrounding icebergs are where the strong iceberg race lives.

As the secret army of the Iceberg race, they hide in a small town on the frozen continent.

There are hundreds of thousands of residents in the small town, and they live here like ordinary people.

Everyone hides their strength in a very special way.

“According to the information received, today there are only two powerhouses of the 9th rank of God Emperor in the town, and all the others have left for the core of the iceberg race.”

“Located in that room, there is a teleportation array. Once there is a problem here, the strong of the iceberg race can teleport over in an instant.”

The ice-bound continent has no day or night, but the iceberg race operates with a meteorite, causing the day and night to alternate.

When night comes, the night in the town is not so lively, most people are in their rooms.

Wang Xian leaned on a wall, looked at the surrounding buildings, and muttered.

“A ninth-tier god emperor is located in the room next to the teleportation formation and wants to kill him instantly.”

Long Eye scanned, his figure slowly sank into the ice wall.

Wang Xian now possesses eight attributes, and he is able to shuttle objects with eight attributes, the ice wall, of course, there is no occlusion for him.

The process went smoothly.

As the hidden legion of the Iceberg race, they did not involve some other protections with powerful formations here.

Because once it is set, it will surely make people discover the difference here, and thus doubt it.

As a secret army, it is to keep everyone ignorant.

Even Wang Xian learned from the son of an elder of the Iceberg race.

Such a core figure can know this place. It is conceivable that the entire Iceberg race knows the hiding places of the Ice Corps, and there may not be more than a few hundred.

“Do it!”

When Wang Xian passed through the ice wall, he sensed that a figure inside was only about five kilometers away from him.

At this distance, Wang Xian used his speed to the limit.


When he just rushed past, the old man who was sitting in the room frowned.

On the futon he sat down, there was a radiance.


Wang Xian saw that the Pu united into an ice layer below him instantly protected the old man, his face changed slightly.

“Break the world!”

“Longmu locks the eight wastes!”

“Five Elements Dragon Claw!”

Looking at the old man protected by the ice, he had a bad feeling, gritted his teeth, and yelled softly.

In an instant, Wang Xian released all his supernatural powers.


The broken boundary fell on the ice, and cracks appeared on it.

The chains of the Long Eyesuo Bahuang slammed heavily on it, and the cracks grew bigger and bigger.

Wang Xian’s dragon claws caught on it, and the dragon scales were broken a lot in an instant, but at this time, he could only let go.

Once this person cannot be killed, everything will be in vain.

A large amount of blood overflowed from the dragon’s claws and barely entered it.

He gritted his teeth, all his power attacked towards the old man inside.

“Who are you?”

Only then did the old man react, looking at the dragon’s claws close at hand, and shouted sharply.

Layers of frost froze towards Wang Xian’s dragon claws.


Wang Xian felt the huge pain from the dragon’s claws, and gritted his teeth and grabbed the old man in the ice.


With a nearly desperate blow, the dragon claw fell on the old man’s head, quickly extinguishing his vitality.

“Cough cough cough cough.”

The distance was too close, even with the defense of sitting down on the futon, he still couldn’t escape, and his vitality disappeared.

“Huh, I almost planted it here. This futon is at least the defensive treasure of the god emperor’s pinnacle. Just passive protection, it almost made me lose my hand.”

Wang Xian looked at the futon below, her eyes gleaming.

The old man didn’t even react, but the futon he was sitting on defended automatically.

If the old man reacts and actively controls the futon, then he will definitely not be able to kill the old man.

“Just kill one, then it’s easy.”

He hesitated for a moment, and did not take the futon away, fearing that some organs would be touched.

As soon as he moved, Wang Xian flew towards the next target.

The next target is located on the other side of the town, dressed as an old man.

Maybe they didn’t expect that someone would learn about their situation and attacked. This time Wang Xian’s assassination went smoothly.

Under his extreme speed, coupled with the power of concealment of light and darkness, he can easily kill the strong at the same level.

“Next, don’t worry too much!”

Two ninth-ranked Bingshan race powerhouses were killed, and there will be no threat to him from now on.

He shuttled through the town like a ghost.

Quietly in the night, the life of a strong man in the ice regiment was quickly harvested.

In the end, nearly 5,000, all of whom were strong in the Ice Warrior Legion above the fourth rank of the God Emperor, were all killed.

“The next one is the Frozen Legion.”

Wang Xian murmured, teleported directly, and disappeared into this small town.

With his current understanding of the iceberg race, he teleported directly to a very secret place.

“The Frozen Legion is located on that iceberg. There are hundreds of thousands of members of the Frozen Legion, and there are more than 10,000 at the Divine Emperor level.”

“The entire iceberg has strong defenses, but I have figured out how to get in these days.”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he immediately flew towards the Frozen Legion.

“No, something went wrong with the Icemen Legion!”

When Wang Xian flew in the direction of the Frozen Legion, he was located on the largest iceberg next to the Frozen Continent.

An old man looked at the magic cards in front of him and began to crack, his face changed wildly, and he stood up and shouted loudly.

He immediately passed this news to the patriarch and the rest of the clan powerhouses.

The Icemen Legion, but one of their secret iceberg race legions, the entire legion is not large, but all of them are elites.

It is one of the trump cards of their iceberg race to deter other races.

Now their magic cards are all broken, which means that they have been killed.

“Swish swish!”

Soon, terrifying figures flew out of this iceberg and flew towards the frozen continent.


At this time, Wang Xian, who had already entered the location of the Frozen Legion, did not sneak attack this time, but attacked in all directions.

A terrifying force of annihilation swept away in an instant.

At night, many strong men of the Frozen Legion were resting or practicing, their energy swept away, and they died quickly.


“No, someone attacked!”

The face of the strong on the iceberg where the Frozen Legion was located changed wildly, and shouted sharply.


Wang Xian shouted angrily, the entire iceberg began to collapse, and only those who were able to survive under his attack were the powerhouses above the eighth rank of the god emperor.


After everything was done, his figure disappeared instantly and returned directly to the Dragon Palace.

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