Chapter 3050 Immortal Palace Battle Pet

“Huh, finally it’s all tamed!”

In a place on the surface of the Milky Way, Wang Xian stood on the Five Elements Mill, watching the last barren beast being tamed, with a smile on his face.

I looked at the time, and the set date came soon.

“Xinlu, how about the battle pet?”

Wang Xian smiled and asked Mi Xinlu, who was playing with Cosmic Brain.

“Brother Wang, it has been done. As long as we determine the location, we should be able to sell them all soon.”

Mi Xinlu looked over and said with a smile.

“Okay, let’s go over.”

Wang Xian nodded and waved his arm. Two ships of the Iceberg race appeared on the sea. He waved his arms and forcibly transformed the two ships into one, and changed the appearance of the ships.

Although some weapons on the ship were destroyed, he did not care.

Two ships of more than 1,000 meters in size were transformed by him to become more than 10,000 meters in size.

With a wave of his arm, he wrote the four characters “Xiangong Zhanping” on the side of the ship.

The reason why the name Dragon Palace Battle Pet was not used was mainly due to the current situation of Yalong in the universe.


Putting the five elements big mill under the ship, the whole ship is moving forward at a terrifying speed.

“Xinlu, wait for you to change a little bit.”

Wang Xian looked at Mi Xinlu and reminded her.

“Okay, Brother Wang, what do you think of this?”

As soon as his figure moved, antlers appeared on the top of his head, and his face changed. He was dressed in white with the words “Xiangong” written on it.


Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

In the future, he may sell a lot of pets, so he must create a sense of mystery. This is also to prevent some forces from plotting badly.

In case there are too many battle pets sold in the future, and some primary races in the universe pay attention to it, then it will be troublesome.

He must prepare in advance.

The ship moved fast, and there was no special situation along the way.

Ten hours later, they came to the sea of ​​the Milky Way in front of Wangyin Continent.

Wangyin Continent is the largest continent beside the Milky Way.

The entire continent is comparable to thousands of ordinary stars.

On the surface of the Milky Way in front of Wangyin Continent, at least hundreds of thousands of various ships docked.

Some ships contain a palpitating breath.

Wang Xian parked the ship on the sea ahead and looked at Mi Xin Lu.

“I’ll notify those customers.”

Mi Xinlu took out the Universe Brain, and immediately sent messages one by one.

“Brother Wang, we just need to wait here.”

She said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, and looked at the front position with Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon Eyes.

Mi Xinlu came to the front deck and stood quietly.

“Swish swish!”

Soon, in Wang Xian’s sight, one figure flew over here.

Standing on the deck, Mi Xinlu saw someone flying over, and the heads looked extraordinary, with happy expressions in their eyes.

“This is Miss Wang who is the favorite of the fairy palace!”

One by one, the figures flew over and looked at the ship Mi Xinlu was on. They were slightly surprised and asked.

“Yes, you guys, wait five minutes for the rest of you to arrive.”

Mi Xinlu looked at the time and said lightly.

“Miss Wang, do you really have a battle pet of the eighth rank of the god emperor here?”

An old man on the left couldn’t help but asked.

The old man was dressed in black clothes, his face was a little hazy, making it hard to see clearly, he was leaning on a black cane in his hand, and asked in a hoarse voice.

“This should be a powerhouse of the Mist Race. Since we have announced it on the Cosmic Brain, we are naturally not teasing you, and we will not ask for trouble. Wait for five minutes, and you will naturally see your pets.”

Mi Xinlu replied lightly.

She possesses the strength of the fifth-order god emperor, and has experienced chasing and killing, and she has no fear in the face of the powers of the primary races in the universe.

What’s more, she believes in Wang Xian.

“Oh? Are many people here?”

“Miss Wang, we have booked your more than 10,000 red-winged fish battle pets.”

Soon, some figures flew over here.

There are humans, monsters, and some unique races in the universe.

He said that the red-winged fish’s pet was a short old man who was only one meter tall.

The old man is very small, but he holds a sledgehammer of at least two meters.

Seeing the old man’s arrival, many people were obviously with a trace of fear.

“There are two powerhouses from the primary races of the universe. The way this fairy palace sells battle pets is really strange. They even post on the forum. If I hadn’t seen those pictures and videos, I would not believe it was true.”

“Indeed, the eighth-tier battle pet of the god emperor, this level of battle pet, there are not too many primary races in the universe.”

“The six-handed race has several powerful beast tamers, but their tamed pets are rarely sold.”

“I booked a battle pet of God Emperor Tier 6, and the price is very affordable. Haha, this time I have good luck.”

More and more people arrived, and they were slightly surprised when they saw two powerful junior races in the universe also come here.

For this transaction, they also relaxed a little.

After all, it was the first time they encountered such a precious battle pet sold in such a casual way.

“Well, if it doesn’t come, we treat it as a waiver of the right to buy, and everyone comes with me.”

Five minutes later, Mi Xinlu said to the customers, leading them to the back.

In the rear position, the ship has been specially modified, and at this time there are pets lying on it.

All the battle pet of the god emperor level.

Among them, three of the eighth-tier battle pets of the god emperor, Wang Xian ordered them to shrink and stay there, very honest.

“Everyone, welcome to the battle pet of the fairy palace. According to the reservation on the universe brain, you can take the battle pet directly away as long as you pay for the god stone.”

“If you need help to take it away after taming, you need to pay for some god stones. After all, the price of our battle pet is lower than the market price.”

At this time, Wang Xian walked out of the ship, and his image changed a little at this moment.

A pair of dragon horns on the head, and dragon scales on the palms.

Even the face is covered with scales.

A powerful coercion concealed in the body to cause it.

But everyone can feel the power contained in his body.

Wang Xian’s image is mainly for deterrence.

Prevent some unruly people.

Moreover, Wang Xian set the price of the battle pet much lower than the market price this time.

Mainly to reduce the time to help customers tame their pets.

There are many animal trainers in the center of the universe, especially some powerful races, who will train some powerful animal trainers.

Wang Xian mainly wanted them to find these animal trainers to help them tame them.

This can save him a lot of time.


Everyone looked at the Wang Xian who suddenly appeared, and their hearts were slightly stunned.

When I saw a crowd of pets, there was a glowing expression in his eyes.

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